Lesson 10. Saying “Let’s” in casual language

Saying “Let’s” and suggesting doing something together in 반말 is fairly simple. You can just add -자 at the end of the verb stem. 먹다 (to eat) → 먹자. (Let’s eat.) 가다 (to go) → 가자. (Let’s go.) 만나다 (to meet) → 만나자. (Let’s meet.) Or if the sentence ends with -(으)실까요? in 존댓말, you

Lesson 9. Compound sentence endings

The simplest sentence form will be one single verb conjugated into one type of ending. But in some cases, Korean sentences will end in “compound” forms, when connectors like -고(and), -ㄴ/는데(and/but), or -아/어/여서(so/because) are added at the very end. Here are some examples. 오늘은 바빴어요. 어제는 안 바빴고요. (and) 어제는 안 왔어요. 어제 바빠서요. (so/because)

Lesson 8. Expressing future tense in casual language

In this lesson, we are looking at how to turn future tense sentences into 반말, and the rules are quite simple. -(으)ㄹ 거예요 sentences will turn into -(으)ㄹ 거야. (By changing -예요 to -야) -(으)ㄹ게요 sentences will turn into -(으)ㄹ게. (By just dropping -요) Sample dialogues A: 내년에 뭐 할 거야? (What will you do

Lesson 7. Changing -이에요 to -이야

The most basic method of changing a 존댓말 sentence into 반말 is dropping -요 at the end, but if the sentence is an “Noun + to be + Noun” type of sentence, you need a slightly different approach. With other sentences 좋아요. (It’s good.) → 좋아. 이상해요. (It’s strange.) → 이상해. 공부해요. (I study.) →

Lesson 6. Casual-only expressions

Like you’ve learned in the previous lessons, there are ways you can change the ending of a sentence to turn it into 반말. But there are also words and expressions that change completely between 존댓말 and 반말 forms. 존댓말 → 반말 네. → 응. / 어. (Yes.) 안녕하세요? → 안녕? (Hello.) 죄송합니다. → 미안해. /

Lesson 4. Calling your friend’s name

When you want to start a conversation with a friend or get someone’s attention in 반말, you might want to call out their name first. In order to do that, you need to first be already on 반말-speaking terms with that person, and then say their name and add -아 or -야 after that. Name

Lesson 3. Dropping -니다 at the end

When you conjugate a Korean verb, the -ㅂ니다 ending is one of the most formal forms that you can use. If you want to turn that into a 반말 sentence, you need to first conjugate it to the less formal -요 form, and then drop -요 like you did in the previous lesson. Examples 네,

Lesson 2. Dropping -요 at the end

The first and the easiest way to change a formal sentence into a casual one is dropping the -요 at the end. It doesn’t work with every sentence ending with -요, but you will learn the other cases in the later lessons. Dialogue in 존댓말 A: 오늘 바빠요? (Are you busy today?) B: 오늘 안

Lesson 1. What is 반말? When can you use it?

반말 is the name for casual speech in Korean. The first and the most important rule in using 반말 is that you need mutual agreement. If you suddenly start speaking casually without the other person’s agreement, you can sound very rude and get into some serious trouble. Mutual agreement is key to using casual speech

Writing (Lessons 21-30)

[Sentences] She says she doesn’t like it. Do not do it. = Come on, Jooyeon says she is busy now. = You see? He says it is true! = You do not even have to look at it. = No matter whether you do it or not, the result is the same. = No need

Speaking (Lessons 21-30)

Listen to the English sentence and speak the corresponding Korean sentence. Scroll down to see the answers written in text. She says she doesn’t like it. Do not do it. = 싫다잖아요. 하지 마세요. Come on, Jooyeon says she is busy now. = 주연 씨 지금 바쁘다잖아요. Don’t you hear him saying it is not

Review & Quiz

Review 보다 나를 웃겨 봐. = Try making me laugh. *웃기다 = to make someone laugh 이 게임 안 해 봤어요. = I’ve never played this game. 주다 쓰레기 좀 버려 줄래요? = Could you please take out the trash for me? 친구가 사진을 찍어 줬어요. = My friend took a photo of me for

Lesson 9. 대다

Situation 책상을 두드려요. = I knock on the desk. 책상을 두드려 대요. = ________________________. *두드리다 = to knock (at/on), to tap (on) 쿠키를 먹어요. = I eat cookies. 쿠키를 먹어 대요. = ________________________. Meaning 대다 (original meaning) = to put something on something, to touch something to something 대다 (as a helping verb) : the

Lesson 8. 내다

Situation 골키퍼가 공을 막았어요. = The goalkeeper blocked the ball. 골키퍼가 공을 막아 냈어요. = ________________________. *막다 = to block, to stop 그 사람에게 사과를 받을 거예요. = I’m going to receive an apology from him/her. 그 사람에게 사과를 받아 낼 거예요. = ________________________. *받다 = to receive, to get Meaning 내다 (original meaning) =

Lesson 7. 버리다

Situation 승완: 여기 있던 쿠키 다 어디 갔어요? Seung-wan: Where are all the cookies that were here? 예지: 제가 다 먹었어요. Yeji: I ate them all. 승완: 여기 있던 쿠키 다 어디 갔어요? Seung-wan: Where are all the cookies that were here? 예지: 제가 다 먹어 버렸어요. Yeji: ________________________. Meaning 버리다 (original meaning) = to

Lesson 6. 두다

Situation 예지: 콘서트 곧 시작해. 샌드위치 먹을래? Yeji: The concert begins soon. Do you want to have a sandwich? 승완: 아니야. 나 괜찮아. 배 안 고파. Seung-wan: No. I’m good. I’m not hungry. 예지: 콘서트 엄청 길어. 배고파질 거야. 먹어 둬! Yeji: The concert is very long. You’re going to get hungry. _____________________! 승완: 음…