Target level
TTMIK Level 1
What can you achieve through this course?
- Learn the 30 essential Korean adjectives and how to change their forms to use in sentences
- Improve your pronunciation by listening and repeating after the native speaker
Sample lesson

Course language
Korean, English
What can you find inside the course?
- 30 lessons
- Lesson notes for each lesson that include extra example sentences
Table of contents
- 큰 big
- 작은 small
- 먼 far
- 가까운 close
- 쉬운 easy
- 어려운 difficult
- 추운 cold
- 더운 hot
- 귀여운 cute
- 좁은 narrow
- 넓은 spacious, broad
- 늦은 late
- 싼 cheap
- 비싼 expensive
- 아픈 sick
- 느린 slow
- 빠른 fast, quick
- 같은 same
- 예쁜 pretty
- 좋은 good
- 많은 much, many
- 적은 few, little
- 얇은 thin
- 두꺼운 thick
- 깨끗한 clean
- 더러운 dirty
- 밝은 bright
- 어두운 dark
- 긴 long
- 짧은 short

This course is exclusively available to subscribers.
What is the meaning of 게 in the sentence “키가 작은 게 콤플렉스예요”?
게 is a contraction of 것이 which turns the adjective 작은 into a noun phrase. Meaning “the thing about being short” or “the fact that I am short”
Can you please explain the difference between the 2 sentences?
아프지 말아요.
아프지 마세요.
아프지 말아요 is a more casual expression used among close acquaintances, while 아프지 마세요 is a more polite form. Therefore, it is better to say 아프지 마세요 to elders.
I have a question. The adjective 좁은 is 줍다 in it’s infinitive form. Why is it conjugated to 좁아요 when the verb stem ends with ㅂ and is followed by a conjugation that starts with a vowel. I thought this would be an irregular form and has to be 주워요. Thank you for your help 🙂
I think 좁다 is a regular verb (unlike the other verbs in -ㅂ다) so it is conjugated to 좁아요. It is the same for 잡다 (to catch) which is conjugated to 잡아요 and not to 자워요.
Sry it’s 좁다 in the infinitive form and I thought it has to be 조워요
Hi there. I am a premium member, but it still says the bottom section of the course is blocked to me because I am not a member. Can you please help me? Thanks!
Did you click add to my learning center?
This issue has been fixed right away.
For your reference, you had full access to the materials even though the message said the section is not available for you.
Thank you for your patience!
I have the exact same problem with the dialogue between native speakers even though I’m a premium member.
It’s the same for me, the “dialogue between native speakers” is blocked for me and I’m a premium member.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Could you send us an email?
—>[email protected]
너무 좋아요. 정말 좋아해요. 감사합니다!
감사해요! 한국어 공부 즐겁게 해요. 🙂
Hi there,
As a beginner- I have just been listening to the single word then a simple sentence or example given to learn the word in context as well as well as taking notes- this course is so good for simple vocab and easy to hear and learn from. The course being short also makes it less over whelming and gain a real sense of achievement! Thank you TIMIK 🙂
We appreciate your valued feedback. We hope you keep practicing and improving your Korean. 💗