About this course
‘The Wind and the Sun’, ‘The Goose that laid Golden Eggs’, and ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’. Are you familiar with these stories by any chance? Why don’t you try reading some of the stories from Aesop's Fables in Korean? You can enhance your reading skills by reading these 15 fables. You will also get used to guessing the meaning of words you don’t know from the context, which is an essential skill in language learning.
Target level
TTMIK Levels 7-8
What can you achieve through this course?
- Improve your listening skills as well as speaking skills by listening and repeating after Kyeong-eun
- Advance your reading comprehension
- Pick up various words and expressions from the fables and make your Korean more expressive
- Practice writing and translation using the PDF file accompanying the course
Sample lesson

Course language
What can you find inside the course?
- 15 Aesop's Fables recorded at two different speeds: normal and slow
- Full Korean transcript and English translation
- A PDF file of translation practices, grammar points, conjugation exercises, vocabulary quizzes in addition to the stories
Customer reviews
"If you want to start reading Korean, but you're still afraid to jump into news, magazines and everything, this book might be for you! (: I've noticed that some vocabulary and grammar just stick into my head without effort, because I'm reading a story that I already know. The audio is really good, and the audio in normal speed is really funny (:"
"I brought this thinking it would help my reading comprehension and I would learn a few words as well. That was true indeed, but I learnt from it a lot more! At the end of each story there is a grammar block, and grammar exercises, which were really useful, and reading along while listening to the audio files helped my pronounciation a lot."
"I'm using these stories as a means to help me to get better at reading, listening, speaking and understanding Korean. These stories are quite interesting and fun and even though they might be childrens stories, there is still something for everyone to learn in their hidden meanings. A most wonderful purchase indeed!!"
Table of contents
- Three Little Pigs (아기 돼지 삼 형제)
- [slow] Three Little Pigs (아기 돼지 삼 형제)
- The Rabbit And The Turtle (토끼와 거북이)
- [slow] The Rabbit And The Turtle (토끼와 거북이)
- The Ants And Grasshoppers (개미와 베짱이)
- [slow] The Ants And Grasshoppers (개미와 베짱이)
- The Sun And The Wind (해와 바람)
- [slow] The Sun And The Wind (해와 바람)
- The Shepherd Boy (양치기 소년)
- [slow] The Shepherd Boy (양치기 소년)
- The Greedy Dog (욕심 많은 개)
- [slow] The Greedy Dog (욕심 많은 개)
- The Fox And The Crane (여우와 학)
- [slow] The Fox And The Crane (여우와 학)
- Two Travelers And A Bear (두 나그네와 곰)
- [slow] Two Travelers And A Bear (두 나그네와 곰)
- The Lion And The Mouse Who Repaid Kindness (사자와 은혜 갚은 쥐)
- [slow] The Lion And The Mouse Who Repaid Kindness (사자와 은혜 갚은 쥐)
- The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs (황금알을 낳는 거위)
- [slow] The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs (황금알을 낳는 거위)
- Belling The Cat (고양이 목에 방울 달기)
- [slow] Belling The Cat (고양이 목에 방울 달기)
- The Donkey And The Salt (당나귀와 소금)
- [slow] The Donkey And The Salt (당나귀와 소금)
- The Fox And The Sour Grapes (여우와 신 포도)
- [slow] The Fox And The Sour Grapes (여우와 신 포도)
- The Town Mouse And The Country Mouse (도시 쥐와 시골 쥐)
- [slow] The Town Mouse And The Country Mouse (도시 쥐와 시골 쥐)
- The Farmer And The Three Sons (농부와 세 아들)
- [slow] The Farmer And The Three Sons (농부와 세 아들)

I wish there was a side-by-side english translation in the PDF so we can check our comprehension in real time 🙁
Or possibly put it at the bottom after the english narrative. Hope you can consider that! 🙂
Thank you for your feedback! We value your opinion, and we will consider adding them in the future.
Please continue to enjoy studying Korean with us 🙂
I really enjoyed the stories in Korean. The course is really interesting and helps in learning. Slow translations really helpful in vocabulary building and fast translations are good for listening practices. 배우는 것은 정말 재미있다. 선생님 감사합니다.
화이팅! 감사합니다 🙂
Very cool E-book! But I wonder if I could find all the audio also on your new app, or somewhere else. Because, it’s not so easy for me to use the website everyday. Thank you so much!
Thank you! The lesson audios are not provided, but please continue to enjoy studying Korean with us! 🙂
Great content choice because most of us are familiar with these stories so it’s easier to try and understand the story without looking at the text first, then do the next round with assistance from the text. I’m just entering the “intermediate” phase of my learning, so I actually find it easier to listen to the slower lessons first, followed by the ones at normal speed once I comprehend the content. It makes me feel less discouraged that my listening comprehension is poor, too! ^^
Thank you for your feedback! 😍
I mean this is incredible. TTMIK team knows exactly what a new Korean learner wants. Slow and fast versions, translations with little grammar points, vocab… etc This is brilliant.. Thank you TTMIK team for your hard work. 정만 감사합니다 😀
Thank you for learning Korean with our materials! 감사합니다! 🙂
Hey, I was hoping to find some way of downloading the audio files so I can listen to them on my phone. Is this possible?
We do not provide our courses in downloadable forms.
The reason is that once you download one, you will be able to get access to it permanently without having subscription.
Thank you for your understanding. 🙂
How about offering the ability to purchase audio files? This was possible before TTMIK switched to subscription service in 2020. 😡
Do you want to check out the list of our podcasts? —> https://talktomeinkorean.com/podcasts/
Fantastic! The audio is good and the PDF-document is very helpful. The only thing is that there isn’t a complete vocabulary list with all the words. That shall be very helpful for beginners (like me!). The stories are funny and the excercises reinforce what you’ve learned. 감사합니다 TTMIK!
Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you so much for your review and feedback! We are very glad that you actually find this course helpful. 한국어 공부 파이팅!
I liked the fact that each story has two audio files. One audio file is at a normal speed with different voices and sound effects, which makes you feel like you are in a storytelling workshop. The other audio file is a narration by Teacher Kyeong Eun at a slower speed, which is great for shadowing. The PDF ebook also has accompanying activities with suggested answers provided. I really enjoyed the translation practices as they encouraged me to scrutinise the grammar points and vocabulary words. I also appreciated the fact that the vocabulary words were applicable to everyday life, such as adjectives describing personalities in Three Little Pigs. Overall, I loved this audio course, because it taught me Korean while using the familiar and fun context of Aesop’s Fables. I look forward to using the Korean Folk Tales audio course I bought, which I believe has a similar format. Thank you TTMIK for producing such high-quality products!
Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you so much for your detailed review. We are very happy that you find this course useful in many aspects. I am sure many of our users would find your review very helpful. 감사합니다. ^^!