About this course
“Bibimchat: One-stop Korean Listening Source” is a video course where you can listen to native speakers conversing in natural Korean.
Why is it called ‘Bibimchat’?
It is a new word we made for this course! Bibimchat is the combination of “Bibim”, which is from “Bibimbap(a Korean dish full of various fresh vegetables)”, and “chat”. As you can try many different vegetables with that one dish - Bibimbap, the teachers talk about various topics in this course. From Korean culture to food, beauty, education, dating, and even to money, you can learn about many different aspects of Korea in this one course while improving your listening skills!
Target level
TTMIK Levels 8-10
What can you achieve through this course?
- Advance your Korean listening skills through natural conversations between native speakers
- Learn a wide array of vocabulary words used in various fields
- Get familiar with Korean culture as the teachers talk about many different aspects of Korea
- Acquire more knowledge about Korean society
Course Introduction





Course language
What can you find inside the course?
- A conversation in video format with Korean subtitles
- A full transcript
- A list of keywords and useful expressions with English translations and explanations
A new lesson, published every Monday, includes:
Table of contents
Lesson 2. 한국에서 결혼은 꼭 해야 하는 건가요? (Do Koreans think marriage is a must?)
Lesson 3. 한국의 90년대생 (Millennials in Korea)
Lesson 4. 한국인들은 사투리에 대해 어떻게 생각할까요? (What do Koreans think about regional dialects?)
Lesson 5. 다양한 직업에 대한 편견들 (Prejudice towards various jobs)
Lesson 6. 과거에는 어떻게 날씨를 예측했을까요? (How was weather predicted in the past?)
Lesson 7. 한국 사람들이 생각하는 “성공한 삶”이란? (What is “success” in Korea?)
Lesson 8. 한국에서 인기 있는 부업 (Popular side jobs in Korea)
Lesson 9. 한국 사람들이 생각하는 외국인들의 한국에 대한 인식 (Korean people’s view of what foreigners think of Korea)
Lesson 10. 점점 사라져 가는 한국의 사회적 관습 (Disappearing traditions in Korea)
Lesson 11. 한국의 연애 문화 (Dating culture in Korea)
Lesson 12. 한국의 민간 요법 (Korean Home Remedies)
Lesson 13. 한국인들이 좋아하는 해외 여행지 (Overseas travel destinations Koreans love)
Lesson 14. 한국의 선거 (Elections in Korea)
Lesson 15. 티티믹 선생님들, 밸런스 게임에 도전! (TTMIK teachers playing Balance Game!)
Lesson 16. 텔레비전 많이 보세요? (Do you watch a lot of TV?)
Lesson 17. 연예인을 꿈꾼 적이 있나요? (Have you ever wanted to be a celebrity?)
Lesson 18. 재테크 하세요? (How do you manage your money?)
Lesson 19. 티티믹 선생님들의 학교 생활 이야기 (Our School Day Stories)
Lesson 20. 먹지 않는 음식이 있나요? (Are there any foods you don’t eat?)
Lesson 21. 어떤 운동 좋아하세요? (What sports do you like to play?)
Lesson 22. 한국어 선생님들은 한국어를 어떻게 생각할까요? (What do Korean teachers think of the Korean language?)
Lesson 23. 부모님과 같이 살기 vs. 자취하기 (Living with parents vs. alone)
Lesson 24. 한국의 이직 문화 (How often do people change jobs in Korea?)
Lesson 25. 해 보고 싶은 헤어스타일 있나요? (What hairstyles do you want to try?)
Lesson 26. 서울 집값 왜 이렇게 비싸죠? (Why are houses so expensive in Seoul?)
Lesson 27. 외계 생명체가 존재할까요? (Do aliens exist?)
Lesson 28. 살아 보고 싶은 도시가 있나요? (What city do you want to live in?)
Lesson 29. 생활을 편리하게 해 주는 변화들 (Changes that make your life easier)
Lesson 30. 앞으로 기대되는 미래 기술은? (What future technologies do you want?)
Lesson 31. 귀신이 있다고 믿으세요? (Do you believe in ghosts?)
Lesson 32. 연예인에 대한 한국 사람들의 인식 (How are celebrities perceived in Korea?)
Lesson 33. 일회용품 많이 쓰세요? (Do you use a lot of disposable products?)
Lesson 34. 티티믹 선생님들이 제일 좋아하는 한국 음식은? (Our favorite Korean dishes?)
Lesson 35. 티티믹 선생님들이 대학생이었을 때 (When we were college students)
Lesson 36. 한국의 영어 교육 (English education in Korea)
Lesson 37. 룸메이트와 살아 본 적이 있나요? (Have you ever lived with a roommate?)
Lesson 38. 건강 보조 식품 드시나요? (Do you take dietary supplements?)
Lesson 39. 좋아하는 숫자 있나요? (What is your favorite number?)
Lesson 40. 혼자 사는 것의 장단점은? (Pros and cons of living alone)
Lesson 41. 새로 생긴 직업들 (New types of jobs)
Lesson 42. 한국에서 병원 가기 (Hospitals in Korea)
Lesson 43. 우리 삶을 변화시키는 환경 오염 (Environmental pollution)
Lesson 44. 한국인들이 생각하는 K팝 (How K-Pop is viewed in Korea)
Lesson 45. 반려동물 이야기 (Companion animals)
Lesson 46. 팬데믹 때문에 달라진 일상 (How the pandemic changed our daily lives)
Lesson 47. 한국인들이 경험하는 시댁/처가와의 관계 (Getting along with your in-laws in Korea)
Lesson 48. 한국에서 운동 경기 보기 (Watching sports games in Korea)
Lesson 49. 한국의 미신 (Superstitions in Korea)
Lesson 50. 한국의 교육 환경 (Education in Korea)
Lesson 51. 안 좋은 습관이 있나요? (Do we have bad habits?)
Lesson 52. 부모님과 친한가요? (Are you close with your parents?)
Lesson 53. 언어를 배우면서 하는 실수들 (Language learning mistakes)
Lesson 54. 어떤 문화생활을 즐기시나요? (What kind of cultural activities do you enjoy?)
Lesson 55. 내가 직업을 고르는 방법은? (How do you choose a job?)
Lesson 56. 한국의 결혼식은 어떤가요? (What is a wedding like in Korea?)
Lesson 57. ‘정’이라는 게 한국에만 있을까요? (Is 정(Jeong) really a Korean thing?)
Lesson 58. 갑자기 100억이 생긴다면? (What would you do if you had 10 billion won?)
Lesson 59. 한국의 전통 디저트 함께 먹기 (Eating Traditional Korean Desserts Together)
Lesson 60. 집에 대해 중요하게 생각하는 부분은? (How do you choose where to live?)
Lesson 61. 한국의 사계절 (Four seasons in Korea)
Lesson 62. 한국어로 할 수 있는 놀이 (Fun word games using Korean)
Lesson 63. 극한 환경에서 살아남기 (Surviving in an extreme environment)
Lesson 64. 음악 듣는 거 좋아하시나요? (Do you like to listen to music?)
Lesson 65. 어떤 여행을 좋아하세요? (What is your style of traveling?)
Lesson 66. 나를 짜증 나게 하는 것 (What are your pet peeves?)
Lesson 67. 본인의 이름을 좋아하시나요? (Do you like your name?)
Lesson 68. 서로에 대한 첫인상이 어땠나요? (What was your first impression of each other?)
Lesson 69. TTMIK 선생님들의 소신 발언 (TTMIK teachers’ unpopular opinions)
Lesson 70. 다시 태어난다면 갖고 싶은 능력은? (What kind of talents do you wish you had?)
Lesson 71. 한국어 선생님들의 외국어 이야기 (Korean teachers talk about foreign languages)
Lesson 72. 내가 살고 싶은 집 (My dream house)
Lesson 73. 영화 좋아하세요? (Do you like movies?)
Lesson 74. 한국 학생들은 진짜 11시까지 공부해요? (Do Korean students really study until 11 PM?)
Lesson 75. 꿈 자주 꾸세요? (How often do you dream at night?)
Lesson 76. 별자리 뭐예요? (What is your zodiac sign?)
Lesson 77. 쇼핑을 주로 어디서 하세요? (Where do you usually go shopping?)
Lesson 78. 변화하고 있는 한국 사회 (Changes in Korean society)
Lesson 79. 나의 일상 루틴은? (Your daily routine)
Lesson 80. 사랑하는 사람을 어디에서 만날 수 있나요? (Where to find love?)
Lesson 81. 어떤 걸 고르시겠어요? (TTMIK staff play “Would You Rather?”)
Lesson 82. 예술을 즐기는 방법 (How do you like to enjoy art?)
Lesson 83. 태어난 시간에 따라 운명이 달라진다?! (When you were born determines your future?!)
Lesson 84. 시간 여행을 한다면 과거로, 아니면 미래로? (Would you time travel to the past or future?)
Lesson 85. MBTI 유형 아시나요? (What is your MBTI personality type?)
Lesson 86. 올림픽이나 월드컵 좋아하세요? (Do you enjoy the Olympics or World Cup?)
Lesson 87. 이 유행어 아세요? (Do you know these Korean slang words?)
Lesson 88. 일상 속에서 언제 행복을 느끼나요? (What makes you happy in your daily life?)
Lesson 89. 내가 잘하는 것과 못하는 것 (What I’m good/bad at)
Lesson 90. 어린 시절의 추억과 향수 (Childhood memories and nostalgia)
Lesson 91. 미래는 어떤 모습일까요? (What will the future look like?)
Lesson 92. 식물 키우는 것을 좋아하나요? (Do you like to grow plants?)
Lesson 93. 한국어 선생님이 되지 않았다면…? (If we hadn’t become Korean teachers…?)
Lesson 94. 한국에서 병원 가기 (Seeing a doctor in Korea)
Lesson 95. 한국의 기업 문화는 어때요? (What is corporate culture like in Korea?)
Lesson 96. 신비로운 우주 (The mysterious universe)
Lesson 97. 아무 주제로 해 보는 대화 (Random talk using conversation starter cards)
Lesson 98. 날씨에 따라 기분이 달라지나요? (Does the weather affect your mood?)
Lesson 99. 군대에서 했던 경험들 (Our experiences with Korean military service)
Lesson 100. 비빔밥 먹으면서 비빔챗에 대해서 이야기하기 (Talking about Bibimchat while eating bibimbap)

Are there full English translations to these conversations anywhere?
We do agree that English translations would make this course even better. Though we can’t guarantee that they’ll be added for the moment, we’ll make sure to consider your suggestion when we reinforce this course. Thank you so much for your valuable feedback❤️
The lessons are provided only in Korean for now. Thank you for your understanding!
Do you intend to have translations? It would be really helpful, especially for a few grammatically-difficult sentences. To me, it’s what makes things like TTMIK Premium special. If I just wanted to listen to Korean there are a load of free resources.
Wow…it seems to be a very interesting series of learning. I am not at this level yet, but I will study hard and look forward to catching up to Bibimchat soon. You guys make learning Korean fun and enjoyable. Great job!
Thank you! 🙂
현우 선생님은 슈퍼히어로가 빠른 속도로 날아가다 멈췄으면 얼굴에 벌래들 붙어 있을 거라고 하신데 The Boys을 좋아하실 것 같아요!! 사실 저는 본 적이 없는데 슈퍼히어로들 현실적으로 그리는 프로그램이래요. 매주 재밌는 얘기를 해주셔서 감사합니다!!
감사합니다! 🙂
진짜 좋은 교재예요
감사합니다! 😉
남대문 불에 대한 에피소드를 만들어 주시면 좋을 것 같아요!! 남대문에 불이 났을 땐 한국 분들이 기분 어땠는지 궁금하네요! 아주 슬픈 일이었을걸요……
안녕하세요! 의견 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다. 맞아요 😢
27번째 대화에서는 경은 씨가 이야기한 공상과학 소설이 있었는데 책의 제목이 뭐예요? 한국어만 쓴 책인가요? 저한테는 너무 어렵지만 한번 얽어보고 싶어요.
안녕하세요! 그 책은 김초엽 작가의 [우리가 빛의 속도로 갈 수 없다면] 입니다. ☺️ 한 번 읽어보시면 정말 좋을 것 같아요!
감사합니다! 이 책을 바로 주문했는데 도착하면 제가 신나게 볼게요.
네! 감사합니다 🙂
This is very useful, but its so much easier when you attached the PDF file.. :”( But anyway thank you for making this
i think it is very good but you are soooo clever
Thank you for your feedback! 🙂
This series is really helpful! Would you ever consider releasing audio files of these? It would be great to be able to re-listen with only audio on my way to work in the mornings.
Thank you! You can check our podcast—> https://soundcloud.com/talktomeinkorean
I have to say this course is sensational. I am desperately trying to move up from intermediate level to advanced, and this is exactly what I need. Thank you so much!
Thank you for studying with us, Neil!
How many lessons will there be in this series? This and 수다 타임 have been the most helpful series for my upper intermediate learning!! 🙂
Thank you for your lovely words!
Please continue to study Korean with us to figure out how many lessons we have for this course. 🙂
well beyond my level but good listening practice and new vocab
Thank you for studying Korean with us. Keep up the great work!
I am looking forward to beginning this course! Question regarding transcripts for later podcast episode (e.g., lesson 24 on favorite childhood memories): will these be available soon? Thanks so much.
Thank you for your comment! 🙂 Each Bibimchat lesson includes transcripts. Could you specify the name of the course you are referring to?
비빔챗이 정말 좋은데 “한국의 90년대생”을 보고 싶은데 링크를 누르면 강의가 안 나와요. 강의 대신 재 홈페이지가 나와요 (https://talktomeinkorean.com/my-account/). 다른 강의 링크가 되는 것 같은데요…
안녕하세요! https://talktomeinkorean.com/curriculum/bibimchat/lessons/bbc_3/
이 링크를 누르셔도 강의가 나오지 않나요?
그래도 문제가 계속 된다면 아래의 해결방법이 있습니다.
-인터넷의 캐시 및 쿠키를 삭제하고 다시 접속해 보세요.
-비밀 모드로 접속해 보세요.
-다른 인터넷 브라우저나 기기로 접속해 보세요.
–Delete browser cookies and try again
-Clear your browser cache and try again
-Using incognito mode in Chrome
-Try again from another browser and/or device
톡투미인코리안을 이용해주셔서 감사합니다. 🙂 같이 즐겁게 공부해요!
haha like what you said, after i started learning korean 10 years ago with ttmik, ive really gotten stuck at intermediate for a really long time. super good news us that i understood 90% of the first two conversations, and only had to look up the other 10% of new vocab 🙂
Impressive! You can aim for a higher level now. 🙂
Thank you for studying with us!
Even though I only understand about half it, I really enjoyed the first lesson. It is so useful to be able to listen to you speaking and reading the Korean subtitles at the same time. I’m sure it will help speed up my reading a lot, as well as learning how to pronounce the words (especially those annoying batchim). Also, I think it helps a lot with listening to hear four different people who all have naturally different way of talking at the same time.
I will also go through the transcript and try to translate it before watching the video again, so thank you for providing the glossary. There is so much to learn from this video!
We appreciate your constructive feedback. 🙂 Enjoy studying with us!
I am not a the level (yet) to understand what is being said but I listen anyway. I think it is important to hear Korean spoken naturally. This gives everyone-regardless of level a chance to listen repetitively. Thank you T.T.M.I.K. team–I appreciate all the time, all the effort all the hard work you all have done!
We are happy to hear your nice comment! You will be able to understand it as time goes by. Thank you for studying with us!
Awesome experience! Felt like I was listening to my parents and their visiting friends talking at the kitchen table, picking up some words here and there, but just letting the peaceful tone wash over me. I look forward to learning more words and listening in on other visits. Good job.
Thank you. We are happy to hear your nice feedback! Keep up the great work 🙂
currently on level 3 in learning center, but seeing you guys continuously creating more content/courses for us motivates me more to keep on studying, you guys have been doing this for many years, appreciate your guys hard work and efforts ! glad to be studying with TTMIK. keep up the great work !
Thank you for your positive feedback! We will try our best to create more interesting and useful courses for you 🙂 Enjoy studying with us!
I am not in this level yet >ㅅ< so this is super fast for me and to read the subs I need time! But I tried to watch it in -0,5 speed and it works :)) Thank you for another awesome course TTMIK Team ^o^
Thank you for studying with us! 🙂
첫 애피소드만 나왔는데 비빔챗이 제 제일 좋아하는 티티믹 강의 될 것 같아요. 가장 자주 검색한 질문에 대한 이야기가 좋은 발상이거든요!
감사합니다! 톡투미인코리안에서 즐겁게 공부해요 🙂