About this course
"Do I need to take a whole "course" only to learn 9 verbs when you can learn many more words using that time?"
That's a fair question. If the 9 verbs were something that is generally used with no special meaning, this course wouldn't have been made in the first place.
Learning how to use one helping verb is more like multiplying your vocabulary rather than just memorizing one new word. As helping verbs are used after the main verb to make sentences richer and more detailed, you can actually say it's like learning a new grammar rule. This course will be your next big step towards natural Korean fluency.
Target level
TTMIK Levels 3-5
What can you achieve through this course?
- Learn 9 helping verbs widely used in Korean.
- Have a general idea of when Korean helping verbs are used.
- Understand how to use helping verbs through dozens of natural example sentences.
- Practice guessing the meaning of Korean words in various situations.

Course language
What can you find inside the course?
- 11 video lessons
- Lesson notes for each lesson
- Review quiz
Table of contents
- 보다
- 주다
- 가다
- 오다
- 놓다
- 두다
- 버리다
- 내다
- 대다
Introduction. What are Helping Verbs?
Review & Quiz

This course is exclusively available to subscribers.
I just want to confirm my understand with 내다 is correct and I’m not reading something in as it was not directly said in the lesson. When using 내다 am I also indicating something of surprise at the successful completion of the main action? So a bit more than just acknowledging that the process was a challenge to accomplish, or is 내다 more neutral and just indicates it was a challenge to do but not implying any doubts that success was the expected end result?
승완씨, 예지씨 수고해 두세요!
내다 is an helping verb used when accomplishing a difficult process. Therefore, it can express not only the acknowledgment of a challenge but also the feeling of surprise at the successful completion. 😉
Oh, should have kept the “This was a good course which I found to be very clear and helpful.” when I edited! I thought the format and the presentation worked very well.
Where can we ask questions about what we’re learning?
If you have any questions related to Korean, you can leave them here! 🤓
I have been classified here as level 6 learner in grammar. However, I only knew a half of the helping verbs you present in this course! It was really very, very helpful. Thank you very much. I join a request of the previous person who has left a comment here : apart from 3 lessons in your grammar books on passive verbs it would be nice to have a separate course to memorise better this kind of verbs, at least the most common ones . Thank you once again for this very useful course.
Thank you for loving this course! We’ve also read the suggestion about creating a course on verbs. We will positively consider creating a course on verbs. Thank you so much. 😊
I have a question….In lesson 5, why does the helping verb come before the verb in “문 닫아 놓을까요”?
In this sentence, -놓다 functions as an helping verb. As 닫다 is the main verb, it forms a structure of main verb + hleping verb. 🤓
This was a very useful and well-written course – nicely paced with clear examples. Yeji’s acting was the cherry on top! Thank you so much!
Thank you for studying with us! Yeji will love your comment🥰
good evening, there is something wrong in this course because is not possible to see the video-lessons. can you fix it? thanks
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정말 좋아요. I’m an intermediate learner and was already familiar with these auxiliary verbs. Although I had a basic understanding of most of them, the course cleared up several nuances that had eluded me so I got a great deal out of the course. The only nuance I would like to see added is that 보다 seems to be used informally as an imperative: 예를 들어서: “이렇게 해 봐” (반말로). While literally “try it this way” just as we do in English, sometimes in context it really means “do it this way.”
Thank you for your detailed comment! Regarding the phrase “이렇게 해 봐,” it’s not technically an imperative, but the speaker’s intention may have been imperative. The imperative sentence “이렇게 해” can sound a bit strong, so adding “봐” helps to make it smoother and friendlier.
Hi, I just started this course and have a question about the 주다 helping verb. I was under the impression that a space before 주다 or no space before 주다 changed the “direction” of the help?
I seemed to remember being told that no space (between verb and 주다) generally meant the speaker was doing the helping, and a space (between verb and 주다) indicated the speaker was asking for help. Is this correct?
There seemed to be two examples of the direction of the help, but both had a space before the 주다.
Or maybe there’s another spacing rule I don’t understand.
Also the written examples at the end all have no spaces.
Is his a hard a fast rule (space or no space) or do I need to figure it out from the context?
When you write helping verbs, there should be a space before the helping verb, but it is allowed to write it with no space. It is just a matter of writing style and does not make any difference in meaning.
The written examples at the end (도와주다, 알아주다, 들어주다) are words on their own, not combinations of a main verb and a helping verb 주다. That’s why there’s no space before 주다. 주다 in those words is not a separate element anymore.
I am level 9 and yet I haven’t learned half of them. This course helps me to understand why certain helping verbs are used to explain certain nuances. Don’t think this grammar is covered in most Korean textbooks and I am glad to have taken this course. TTMIK team, can you also come up with lessons on passive verbs too? Thank you! Love this course!
We are happy that you loved this course. Thank you so much!😊
Here are TTMIK lessons about passive voice:
– https://talktomeinkorean.com/curriculum/level-6-korean-grammar/lessons/lesson-21-passive-voice-part-1/
– https://talktomeinkorean.com/curriculum/level-6-korean-grammar/lessons/lesson-23-passive-voice-part-2/
– https://talktomeinkorean.com/curriculum/level-7-korean-grammar/lessons/lesson-24-passive-voice-%ec%96%b4-%ec%9e%88%eb%8b%a4-to-have-been-put-into-a-certain-state/
This is a great review course for the more common helping verbs and very helpful for those helping verbs used less frequently. Very clear definitions and examples that explain how they help the main verb/sentence nuance. I learned new helping verbs today (대다/내다) that I haven’t used before! Now , when I see this in my homework and textbooks, I understand what these verbs are doing. I will also cross reference these to my TTMIK grammar textbooks & workbooks, as I refer to these often. Getting ready to start Level 8! Oh, and watching Yeji eating all those cookies just made me hungry! 😋 Fantastic job to both 승완 씨 & 예지 씨! 감사합니다!
Yeji couldn’t have dinner that day because of the cookies she had while filming😂 Thank you for studying with this course! 감사합니다!
I’ve only completed the 1st 보다 episode, but I already know how useful this course will be. Making the clear distinction between a regular verb and a helper verb is really appreciated. I remember being confused about why other verbs were being added onto the main verb and wondering how they were different. This really clears it up. I feel like another part of the Korean language file system in my head is much more organized 🙂 Thanks so much.
Thank you so much for your detailed and sincere comment!
“I feel like another part of the Korean language file system in my head is much more organized”
Wow. That is one of the most encouraging compliments I’ve ever had! I really appreciate that🙏
I hope you find the rest of the lessons helpful and fun too😊
What a great course! Very useful. Seungwon and Yeji did their usual amazing job. I don’t know who wrote and produced this, but well done! What I really liked is even with pausing here and there, I completed this in about 2 hours. When you have a busy schedule, short courses like this really make you feel like you accomplished something.
I wrote the course!😊 The lecturer of the course is usually the writer of the course. I’m surprised that you just finished taking the course in one sitting! Feel free to come back and listen again. Thank you so much for studying with Talk To Me In Korean. 감사합니다!
이 코스는 초급과 중급 학습자들 말고 고급 학습자들에게도 정말 유용한 것 같아요. 제가 내용을 거의 다 이미 대충 알고 있었지만 자세한 설명 및 예문을 통해 더 깊이 이해 됐어요. 특히 자기 언어에 비슷한 뉘앙스가 없는 저에게 큰 도움이 되고 앞으로도 계속 열심히 연습해 갈게요~ ^^ 제작 과정에 참여한 모든 티티믹 직원들 수고하셨습니다! 감사합니다 🙂
맞아요. 고급 학습자들에게도 정말 도움되죠! 좋은 리뷰 감사합니다😄
멋여요! 저는 승완 씨하고 수업을 배우고 싶었어요! 지금 저는 레벨2 수업 끝났어고 레벨3 수업 공부할 거예요! 이 수업 정말 재미 있을 거예요! 저 기다리기 못 해요! 감사합니다!!
(This course genuinely sounds really great! Thanks in advance! :-))
저는 아직 이해 안 해요! 그런대 모르는 단어 배울 거예요 😉👍 (매일 제가 연수해요 – 화이팅!)
그리고 대답 찐자 감사해요! ☺️
(P.s. I just realised you sent me my first ever Korean message haha! Thanks again! 😂)
Thank you! 재밌다니 정말 기분 좋네요!😊 많이 도움됐으면 좋겠어요! 공부 열심히 하세요! 파이팅🔥