Target level
TTMIK Levels 7-9
What can you achieve through this course?
- Improve your listening skills as well as speaking skills by listening and repeating after Jooyeon
- Advance your reading comprehension
- Understand Korean culture behind each folk tale
- Learn a bunch of useful words and expressions
- Practice writing and translation using the PDF file accompanied with the course
Sample lesson

Course language
What can you find inside the course?
- 15 Korean folk tales recorded at two different speeds: normal and slow
- Full transcript in Korean and English translation
- A PDF file of translation practices, grammar points, conjugation exercises, vocabulary quizzes in addition to the stories
Customer reviews
"An easy and fun way to learn new vocabulary and grammar points while reading some Korean Tales."
"The ebook is an asset for anyone practising reading and/or listening to the Korean language. The team's effort in producing such a valuable resource is seen from having two listening versions - slower and normal speed - for each story. The stories are also interesting to read as compared to usual textbook passages. Recommend learners to learn the vocabulary first and reading the story - without translation."
"I bought the folktales ebook specifically for an assignment in a world literature course at school. The assignment was to share a folktale from the textbook or an outside source, and since I knew there were a lot of interesting Korean folktales, I bought this book to read them, learn some new vocabulary, and pick one story for the assignment. I shared the story "The Magic Millstone," and the class enjoyed my retelling. The ebook features useful vocabulary lists, grammar points, and translation practice that I found helpful. This ebook is definitely a fun way to study Korean."
Table of contents
- The Spring That Makes You Young (젊어지는 샘물)
- [slow] The Spring That Makes You Young (젊어지는 샘물)
- The Sun And The Moon (해님 달님)
- [slow] The Sun And The Moon (해님 달님)
- The Old Man With A Lump (혹부리 영감)
- [slow] The Old Man With A Lump (혹부리 영감)
- Golden Axe And Silver Axe (금도끼 은도끼)
- [slow] Golden Axe And Silver Axe (금도끼 은도끼)
- The Green Frog Who Won't Listen (말 안 듣는 청개구리)
- [slow] The Green Frog Who Won't Listen (말 안 듣는 청개구리)
- The Fairy And The Woodcutter (선녀와 나무꾼)
- [slow] The Fairy And The Woodcutter (선녀와 나무꾼)
- The Magic Millstone (요술 맷돌)
- [slow] The Magic Millstone (요술 맷돌)
- Heungbu And Nolbu (흥부와 놀부)
- [slow] Heungbu And Nolbu (흥부와 놀부)
- Red Fan, Blue Fan (빨간 부채 파란 부채)
- [slow] Red Fan, Blue Fan (빨간 부채 파란 부채)
- Loyal Brothers (의좋은 형제)
- [slow] Loyal Brothers (의좋은 형제)
- Kongjwi And Patjwi (콩쥐 팥쥐)
- [slow] Kongjwi And Patjwi (콩쥐 팥쥐)
- The Tiger And A Persimmon (호랑이와 곶감)
- [slow] The Tiger And A Persimmon (호랑이와 곶감)
- King's Ears Are Donkey Ears (임금님 귀는 당나귀 귀)
- [slow] King's Ears Are Donkey Ears (임금님 귀는 당나귀 귀)
- The Lazy Man Who Became A Cow (소가 된 게으름뱅이)
- [slow] The Lazy Man Who Became A Cow (소가 된 게으름뱅이)
- The Magpie That Repaid Kindness (은혜 갚은 까치)
- [slow] The Magpie That Repaid Kindness (은혜 갚은 까치)

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