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What can you achieve through this course?
- Have a deep understanding of the Korean language by solving what you have been wondering while studying Korean
- Learn a ton of useful expressions widely used among Koreans
- Upgrade your Korean in general by identifying common mistakes Korean learners make and learn how to avoid them to talk more like a native
- Speak more accurate Korean
Sample lesson

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What can you find inside the course?
- 77 lessons
Table of contents
- Eating alone vs. together in Korea - Culture Talk
- Exclaiming and talking to yourself with -다 in Korean
- WHILE: -으면서 vs. -은 채
- 좋아하다 vs. 마음에 들다 (= to like)
- Emphasize your point with “-다고요”
- Why 오다 and 가다 are different from the English “come” and “go”
- Mentioning a Korean name followed by -아, -야, -이
- What does 모습 really mean?
- How to list multiple actions in Korean
- When Your First Name Is Not Used In Korea
- 17 different ways to say “to look/watch” in Korean
- What do 갑질 and 갑이다 mean?
- 힘들다 vs. 어렵다 vs. 피곤하다 ( Are you using them correctly?)
- Natural Korean Pronunciation through Assimilation (합니다 & 함니다)
- Common Spelling Mistakes by Korean Speakers
- 다니다 vs. 가다 (= to go)
- Common Spelling Mistakes by Korean Speakers (Part. 2)
- 뭐 / 무슨 / 어떤 / 어느 – Which one to use?
- 5 ways to say “STAY” in Korean
- How to read scores and grades in Korean
- Difference between 하면 (if) and 한다면 (if)
- If you can’t say 당신, how do you say YOU in Korean?
- 추천하다 vs. 권하다 (Do you know the difference?)
- 할 수 있다 vs. 할 줄 알다 (Do you know the difference?)
- 한 번 and 한번 are different? (Korean spacing rules)
- Why is “coconut” 코코넛, not 코코넡?
- 좀 and 조금 are not the same?
- How to say “WHAT IF?” in Korean
- Why say 여보세요 when answering the phone?
- What does 웃음기 mean?
- What is 급식체?
- Want (원하다 vs -고 싶다)
- ㄷ vs. ㄹ (pronunciation difference)
- Many ways to say ‘YOURSELF in Korean
- How do you say ‘or’ in Korean?
- 감사합니다 vs 고마워요
- What does -는 셈이다 mean?
- What is 막?
- “When” and When to Use It (때 vs. 언제)
- To Hate, 미워하다 vs. 싫다
- How is 안 and 속 different? (Both mean “inside”)
- Many Meanings Of 그냥
- How To Say “Fake News” in Korean?
- “여러분” vs. Everybody
- 쌤 [ssaem]? 선생님 [seon-saeng-nim]?
- “WWW” and “dot com” in Korean?
- Why do people say 잘 보고 가요 on my Instagram posts?
- The “-음” and ”-ㅁ” Sentence Ending
- 니가 [ni-ga] vs. 네가 [ne-ga] – How are they different?
- Why Is ㅅ Pronounced as [ T ]?
- Pronunciation Difference Between ㅐ and ㅔ?
- How to say “Talk To Me In Korean” in Korean?
- How To Pronounce “않”
- Understanding, Honorifics, Shall We? & Want To
- Being Late, Dirt, Land & Good Post
- In Love, Older Brother’s Wife, Sitting, Ride
- Dessert, Loneliness, Difference & Big Nose?
- Seeing a Doctor, Korean Friends & Saying Hi
- Nice profile, Double past tense & Locals
- Profile Picture, YOU, Titles & For Here
- Tattoo, Wisdom Tooth, Phone Call & Sleepy
- Pros & Cons, Plural Form, Ph.D., & Talking To Children
- Forget, Favorite & Fingers Crossed
- Fortunately, Episodes, In A Hurry & Full Of Confidence
- Pretty, Roger, Helpful, And I Don’t know
- Suddenly, Today, Tired & Good luck
- Spelling, Guest & Professor
- Family Name “Choi”, Again, Anywhere
- Military Salute, Follow Me & Eat More
- Change Clothes, Dust, and Refrigerator
- Embarrassing, Knives, and Growing Up
- Falling in love, Underground, and Fasting
- Dating, Shopping, And Joking
- Tattoo, Handstand, and Kakao Talk
- Self, TV Episodes, and School
- Hello From [Country Name]
- Subtitles, Professor, BRRR, and More

This course is exclusively available to subscribers.
So, question for the “I like” question. So, this sentence that I have found somewhere on the web “복잡한 도시는 마음에 들어요” is wrong, isn’t it?
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이 수업을 이해못합니다 왜냐하면 영어 잘 모릅니다
죄송하지만 현재는 영어와 한국어로만 자료를 제공하고 있습니다.
우리 강의와 책은 쉬운 영어로 제작하고 있지만 영어가 모국어나 ESL이 아닌 고객들을 위해서 더 다양한 언어로 접근할 수 있는 자료 제작을 염두에 두고 있습니다. 이해해 주셔서 감사합니다. 😍🙌🏻
Can you please tell me how to write “Vaishnavi” in Korean.
It’s my name.
When I am translating it in Google it keep showing “바이슈나비” but there is no “ㅠ” sound in my name.
So, can you please help me?
Does it sound like “she” for the “sh” part?
It can be written as “바이쉬나비” if it does. 🙂
I know this might sound stupid but i moved to korea with only Hangul knowledge where do i move from there. 😊
We recommend taking “How Korean Sentences Work.” 🙂 The course will help you learn how to build sentences.
Thank you!