Speak & Write Level 5

About this course

"It's on the tip of my tongue!" "Oh, now I remember it as I hear it." "I think I'll recognize it if I read it." We've all been there.

With our "Speak & Write” courses, develop a habit of speaking and writing Korean so that the language can come out naturally when needed. Engrave muscle memories into your mouth, tongue, lips, and vocal cords. Get ready to express your thoughts and feelings instantly.

Don't let all the grammar and expressions you've learned in our "Core Grammar Courses" fade away into the depths of your brain. Keep pulling them out from the drawer and use them in example sentences. Before moving on to higher-level grammar and expressions, make sure to produce a sufficient amount of output.

You can achieve this effortlessly by simply following our "Speak & Write” courses.

Target level

Level 5

What can you achieve through this course?

  • Practice speaking and writing Korean sentences.
  • Gain confidence in speaking and writing Korean sentences with less hesitation and pause.
  • Become more familiar with how Korean sentences work.
  • Review what you've learned from the Core Grammar courses.





Course language


What can you find inside the course?

  • Speaking practice lessons
  • Writing practice lessons
  • A review lesson covering Levels 1 to 5
  • PDF worksheets for practicing writing

Table of contents

  1. How to study with Speak & Write
  2. Speaking (Lessons 1-10)
  3. Speaking (Lessons 11-20)
  4. Speaking (Lessons 21-30)
  5. Writing (Lessons 1-10)
  6. Writing (Lessons 11-20)
  7. Writing (Lessons 21-30)
  8. Up to Level 5


This course is exclusively available to subscribers.

Join now to begin your Korean learning journey!


  1. TomTom & NaNa,

    I tried explaining that to my spouse (he doesn’t kwow any korean) and by doing that it clicked 🙂 ! I think there is a typo on the transcription of lesson 17 from level 5 : TTMIK이 좋다고 쓰세요.
    = Write “TTMIK is good”. The translation should be = Write TTMIK is good, without the quotation mark shouldn’t it? 정말 감사합니다

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Write “TTMIK is good”. instructs to write the phrase itself, TTMIK이 좋다. On the other hand, “Write (that) TTMIK is good.” could be used in a survey or evaluation context, prompting respondents to assess TTMIK positively, like “Please evaluate TTMIK as good.” Do you understand? 😃

  2. TomTom & NaNa,

    Hello,thank you, I spent a lot of Time reviewing level 5 in ordre to ne able to do this part correctly. This reviews are really helpfull. I would like to know why the sentences 14 and 15 from writing part 2 are with 다고 and not 라고 since it’s quoting someone asking someone else to do something ?

    • TomTom & NaNa,

      Thank you so much for your reply. In french WE talk about direct and indirect quote. Is this the same in corean? If it’s a direct quote of an order WE use “라고” and if it’s an indirect quote of an order we use “다고”?

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      The quoted sentence is not “Write TTMIK is good”, but “TTMIK is good”. And for easier understanding, please refer to the example sentence below! 😉

      – Write “TTMIK is good”. = “TTMIK이 좋다”라고 쓰세요.
      – Write TTMIK is good. = TTMIK이 좋다고 쓰세요.
      – I told him to write TTMIK is good. = 저는 그에게 티티믹이 좋다고 쓰라고 말했어요.
      – Please tell them “I am going to go, too.” = “저도 간다”라고 말해 주세요.
      – Please tell them that I am going to go, too. = 저도 간다고 말해 주세요.

  3. Rachel,

    I am excited to start working on this! It all looks amazing. I have only one concern. For the speaking portion, I keep getting this message, ” w.soundcloud.com’s server IP address could not be found.” Is there a way to fix this on my end?


    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      We’re sorry for any inconvenience. It might have been a temporary glitch. If you encounter a recurring issue, kindly inform us by sending an email to admin@talktomeinkorean.com. Thank you!