Target level
TTMIK Levels 7-10
What can you achieve through this course?
- Improve your Korean listening comprehension while also broadening your Korean vocabulary

Course language
What can you find inside the course?
- 10 natural conversations between two native speakers about various interesting topics
- A transcript with key vocabulary information for each episode individual lesson pages
Table of contents
- 건망증 (Forgetfulness)
- 최근 여행지에 대해서 (Recent travel destinations)
- 1년에 책 몇 권 읽어요? (How many books do you read a year?)
- 나에게 딱 하나의 초능력이 생긴다면? (What superpower would you like?)
- 환경 보호 (Protecting the environment)
- 취미가 어떻게 되나요? (What's your hobby?)
- 내가 나이 들었다고 느낄 때 (When do you feel old?)
- 스트레스 어떻게 푸나요? (How do you relieve stress?)
- 알람 (Setting the alarm)
- 새로운 친구를 어디서 사귀나요? (Where do you make new friends?)

This course is exclusively available to subscribers.
I have finished the 10 level of the grammar and now i am trying the advanced courses using the course map ( thank you for that feature by the way) and so far i am enjoying and understanding a lot and at the same time picking up a lot of vocabulary on the way.
Thank you for your lovely feedback again. 🙂
I have finished the 10 level of the grammar and now i am trying the advanced courses using the course map ( thank you for that feature by the way) and so far i am enjoying and understanding a lot and at the same time picking up a lot of vocabulary on the way.
We appreciate your comment! 🙂 Enjoy studying Korean with us.
hi, is there any chance you’ll be creating translations for this (and maybe others like this course)
the vocab part helps but i would like to be able to check if i’m understanding everything correctly..
Thank you for your suggestion. 🙂 We will consider including subtitles.
Happy studying!
안녕하세요 TTMIK
The certificate I downloaded has 수다 타임 (Season 2) instead of 1
Sorry for the inconvenience. You can download your 수다 타임 (season 1) certificate now. 🙂
Enjoy studying Korean with us!
안녕하세요 선생님들 !
제가 그 수업은 얼마 전에 한번 들어 봤지만 너무 어려우니까 좀 더 쉬운 수업으로 돌아갔는데요 일단은. 근데 어제 한 번 더 해 보려고 그 수업에 다시 와서 기대없이 첫 레슨을 들어 봤어요. 이번엔 자막이 없어도 거의 다 이해해서 되게 놀라고 신났더라고요. 진짜 재미있고 도와 되게 많이 되는 레슨인 것 같아요. 가르쳐 주셔서 너무 너무 감사합니다 !!!!!
TTMIK 레슨이 도움이 많이 되었다니 정말 감사하네요 ! ^^ 앞으로도 한국어 공부 열심히 하면서, 원하는 만큼 실력이 더 늘기를 바랄게요. 화이팅 🙂
These are types of materials (자류) are the core (핵심) of true language learning (습득). 제 생각에는 언어 습득의 방법 중에서 재일 중요한 건: 듣기 하고 읽기. 자는 조금 시간 조금씩 되면 매일 하루종일 동일한 방송을 반복하게 듣고있습니다
반복해서 듣고 있다니 좋은 공부 방법이네요!
한국어 공부 힘내시길 바라요! 🙂
There is a big difference in strategy between language learning and language proficiency and maintenance. These lessons (and the old Iyagi lessons) fill the void of the second category – language proficiency and maintenance. Thanks for making these and keep ’em coming!
Thank you for your sincere review! 😁
Just take lesson 1, feel helpful, thanks
Thank you for studying with us!