Level 7 Package (Textbook + Workbook)
Product Details
Upon completion of studying with Talk To Me In Korean Level 7 Textbook & Workbook, you will be ready to move up to the advanced level!
In Level 7 of Talk To Me In Korean’s essential curriculum, you will learn how to tell stories with reported speech, passive voice and more nuanced grammar.
It is very important to review and practice what you’ve learned with various types of exercises to fully understand and use it in your daily life. And our workbook is just the right thing for that! This workbook is particularly appropriate for upper-intermediate learners as it offers various reading comprehension questions.
You can listen to the audio tracks of this workbook at talktomeinkorean.com/audio.
Tables of Contents
- Lesson 1. I see that…, I just realized that… / -(는)구나/군요
- Lesson 2. To pretend to + verb / -(으/느)ㄴ 척하다/체하다
- Lesson 3. To be doable/understandable/bearable / -(으)ㄹ 만하다
- Lesson 4. Like + noun / -같이, -처럼
- Lesson 5. As much as / 만큼
- Lesson 6. Word Builder 12 / 원(院)
- Lesson 7. Even if…, There is no use… / -아/어/여 봤자
- Lesson 8. I saw that…, so… / -길래
- Lesson 9. Because one was -ing / -느라고
- Lesson 10. Sentence Building Drill 9
- [Blog] Korean Food Recipes: Pajeon (파전) Recipe
- Lesson 11. Making Things Happen (Causative Verbs) / -이/히/리/기/우/구/추-
- Lesson 12. Retelling/Reporting on Speech / -더라(고요)
- Lesson 13. Word builder 13 / 기(機)
- Lesson 14. No matter how… / 아무리 -아/어/여도
- Lesson 15. What was it again? / 뭐더라?, 뭐였죠?
- Lesson 16. I said… / -다니까(요), -라니까(요)
- Lesson 17. I heard…, They say that… / -(ㄴ/는)대요, -(이)래요
- Lesson 18. I heard…, They say that… / -(ㄴ/는)다던데(요), -(이)라던데(요)
- Lesson 19. Making Reported Question Sentences / -냐고
- Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 10
- [Blog] Famous Korean People: Female Free Divers on Jeju Island (해녀)
- Lesson 21. Didn’t you hear them say… / -(ㄴ/는)다잖아요/라잖아요
- Lesson 22. Word Builder 14 / 정(定)
- Lesson 23. No matter whether you do it or not/ -(으)나 마나
- Lesson 24. To have been put into a certain state / Passive Voice + -어 있다
- Lesson 25. To be bound to + verb / 동사 + -게 되어 있다
- Lesson 26. On top of…, In addition to…/ -(으/느)ㄴ 데다가
- Lesson 27. As long as / -기만 하면, -(느)ㄴ 한
- Lesson 28. The thing that is called + verb/ -(ㄴ/는)다는 것
- Lesson 29. So that…, To the point where… / -도록
- Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 11
- [Blog] Things to Do in Korea: Lotus Flower Tea, Lotus Leaf Tea (연꽃차, 연잎차)
- [Answers]
How to Use the Talk To Me In Korean Workbook
Lesson 1. I see that…, I just realized that… / -(는)구나/군요
Lesson 2. To pretend to + verb / -(으)ㄴ/는 척하다/체하다
Lesson 3. To be doable/understandable/bearable / -(으)ㄹ 만하다
Lesson 4. Like + noun / -같이, -처럼
Lesson 5. As much as / 만큼
Lesson 6. Word Builder #12 / 원(院)
Lesson 7. Even if…, There is no use… / -아/어/여 봤자
Lesson 8. I saw that…, so… / -길래
Lesson 9. Because one was -ing / -느라고
Lesson 10. Sentence Building Drill #9
Lesson 11. Making Things Happen (Causative Verbs) / -이/히/리/기/우/구/추-
Lesson 12. Retelling/Reporting on Speech / -더라(고요)
Lesson 13. Word Builder #13 / 기(機)
Lesson 14. No matter how… / 아무리 -아/어/여도
Lesson 15. What was it again? / 뭐더라?, 뭐였죠?
Lesson 16. I said… / -다니까(요), -라니까(요)
Lesson 17. I heard…, They say that… / -(ㄴ/는)대요, -(이)래요
Lesson 18. I heard…, They say that… / -(ㄴ/는)다던데(요), -(이)라던데(요)
Lesson 19. Making Reported Question Sentences / -냐고
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill #10
Lesson 21. Didn’t you hear them say… / -(ㄴ/는)다잖아요/라잖아요
Lesson 22. Word Builder #14 / 정(定)
Lesson 23. No matter whether you do it or not / -(으)나 마나
Lesson 24. To have been put into a certain state / Passive Voice + -어 있다
Lesson 25. To be bound to + verb / 동사 + -게 되어 있다
Lesson 26. On top of…, In addition to… / -(으)ㄴ/는 데다가
Lesson 27. As long as / -기만 하면, -(느)ㄴ 한
Lesson 28. The thing that is called + verb / -(ㄴ/는)다는 것
Lesson 29. So that…, To the point where… / -도록
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill #11
Answer Key
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Specifications of the books in this package
Product Dimensions: 188 x 220 x 14 mm
Shipping Weight: 444g
Product Dimensions: 188 x 256 x 12mm
Shipping Weight: 377g