News In Korean
Product Details
Keep up with current events in Korean while taking your language skills to the next level! The popular News In Korean program that used to be available through a subscription-based service on has been published in book format! You can study with 50 short news articles written in Korean about interesting topics.
Each article is followed by a complete translation, as well as highlights of main vocabulary words. After reading each article, check how much you understood through the exercise quiz questions. If you are about to study with Korean news articles for the first time, we made a video sharing some tips on how to improve your Korean using news material.
Table of Contents
News #2 준고령 인구 1000만 명 돌파
News #3 냄새를 못맡는 사람이 더 빨리 사망
News #4 나이 많은 신입 사원
News #5 사람 손보다 100배 민감한 로봇 손가락
News #6 관객이 웃을 때마다 돈을 받는 코미디 클럽
News #7 3D 프린터로 권총 만든 일본 남성 구속
News #8 호화 열차를 타고 감상하는 가을 경치
News #9 고대인들보다 잇몸 염증이 심각한 현대인들
News #10 중국어를 필수 과목으로 지정한 포르투갈의 소도시
News #11 룸메이트를 찾는 중년층 증가
News #12 졸업을 미루는 대학생들
News #13 한국 여성들의 지나친 다이어트의 원인
News #14 경매에 출품되는 노벨상 메달
News #15 일본에서 백만 명 이상의 콘서트 관객을 동원한 빅뱅
News #16 대학만큼 들어가기 어려운 유치원
News #17 애플을 상대로 승소한 아이폰 사용자
News #18 잃은 시력을 회복시켜 주는 실험 성공
News #19 택시가 승차 거부하면 20만 원 벌금
News #20 감염자의 연령이 다양해지고 있는 대상포진
News #21 하루 평균 스마트폰 사용 시간은 3시간 39분
News #22 사양길로 접어드는 종이 달력
News #23 한국 영화, 이제 관객 수 1억 명 돌파는 거뜬
News #24 동안으로 보이게 만드는 식품 4가지
News #25 2억 2천만 년 전 “거대 공룡” 무덤 발견
News #26 서울시 범죄 우범 지역에서 클래식 음악 방송
News #27 암의 대부분은 무작위로 발생, 유전으로 예측 힘들어
News #28 한국에 진출한 가구 업체 이케아
News #29 스타벅스 커피가 가장 비싼 곳은 한국
News #30 두려운 기억을 지워 주는 카레
News #31 1970년에 비해 절반 밖에 소비되지 않는 쌀
News #32 “면세 담배 좀 사다 주세요”
News #33 서울의 아파트 전세금으로 경기도 아파트 구매 가능
News #34 서울 시내 게스트하우스 3년새 3배 증가
News #35 문화가 있는 수요일” 행사를 진행하는 국립한글박물관
News #36 하루 한 번 낮잠으로도 면역력을 회복할 수 있어
News #37 물을 정화해서 다시 쓰는 미래의 샤워 기술
News #38 신비로운 사진작가 비비안 마이어를 찾아서
News #39 자전거로 제주도 한 바퀴
News #40 부모 잔소리가 아이의 반항 키운다
News #41 헌법재판소, 간통죄 위헌 판단 근거는?
News #42 땅콩 자주 먹으면 사망률 낮아진다
News #43 43억 년 전, 화성에 대서양만 한 바다 있었던 것으로 밝혀져..
News #44 육아냐 일이냐, 선택의 기로에 놓인 한국 엄마들
News #45 운동 안 하고 살을 뺄 수 있다?
News #46 몸에 좋은 사과, 언제 어떻게 먹을까
News #47 어린이 손님 받지 않는 카페, 음식점 늘어
News #48 장수 마을 오키나와, 왜 비만 마을이 되었나
News #49 꽃 피는 봄날에 우울증 증가?
News #50 눈꺼풀 떨림 증상, 마그네슘 섭취하세요
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Reviews by people who have purchased this book
Zuzana V.
It is an amazing book where you can read an interesting articles about various topics. Furthermore, it is easier to read since there is vocabulary provided to each article.
Farhana N.
This book is well suitable for intermediate learners as it explains possible unknown vocabularies and offers a worksheet page to intensify the understood content. It does look a bit daunting at first but it really is worth the effort. It passively teaches how to build native sentences, a nice and catchy book. Well done!
Christine S.
Exactly what I needed. Excellent reader for intermediate and above level. High quality learning material as always!

Specifications of this book
Paper Book: 159 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 256 * 10 mm
Shipping Weight: 454g
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[eBook] News In Korean
Keep up with current events in Korean while taking your language skills to the next level! You can study with 50 short news articles written in Korean about interesting topics.
Glad I decided to get this book to supplement my Core books. This is very much for advanced learners (Level 8+). It will be daunting for beginners, however, good to have in your arsenal so you can ease into it as you work your way through the Core book and other TTMIK vocab and grammar books. This book will open up a whole new world of vocabulary and long sentences. Great practice and supplement for the upper intermediat/advanced levels. The Introduction says it nicely about ‘helping you self-study without getting to a point where ou want to bang your head on your desk out of frustration.’ This will be a book I work through when I just want to practice reading and listening comprehension. The articles all look intersting so looking forward to working my way through the book.
Definitely for advanced learners but this is a really helpful resource. I liked that you had the news article first in Korean and then with English annotations and notes. The quizzes at the end of each article is structured like TOPIK questions
I bought this book when I was level 6, and it helped me expand my Korean knowledge a lot. Because of this book I know vocabulary about science, social structures, history and more. It also helps with TOPIK preparation as you practice your reading skills.
This was just what I needed as am accompaniment around level 7 — it’s very much like the “Easy Reading Book,” but for more advanced levels. I hope they produce more content like this, because it is a very useful addition to the regular curriculum.
There are many interesting articles in this book, and you can learn about different themes while studying vocabulary and getting used to written Korean, as you would find it in a newspapers. I really recommend this book to everyone who would like to improve their vocabulary and reading comprehension 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts 🙂 Hope you continue to enjoy studying Korean with our materials!
When I first received this book, I felt discouraged and overwhelmed because it is quite challenging and difficult. But after navigating through the book, I am able to keep up with it and feel that my reading skills have improved. I am so happy to have this in my collection of books! One thing, and this has nothing to do with the content, but my book has pages that are glued together on the outer edges and the binding of the pages on the inside is tearing in some areas. I like my books in excellent condition so this is disappointing but I am still happy with my purchase.
We’re so sorry for the inconvenience. We are more than willing to resend you the book if you want. Please email us with your e-mail address at [email protected] . Again, we sincerely apologize for this issue.
This book is very helpful! I live in Korea, and because of the coronavirus it’s important to understand the news now more than ever. My Korean is still not perfect, but after studying with this, I’ve noticed I can keep up with what’s happening here in Korea day to day. Lifesaver ~
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