About this course
The title of the course, IYAGI(이야기), means talk, conversation or story in Korean. Teachers share their stories, experiences and thoughts as if they are talking to each other in real life. Through as many as 145 natural conversations, not only will you be able to improve your listening skills, but also get to know more about Korean culture.
Target level
TTMIK Levels 7-10
What can you achieve through this course?
- Take your Korean listening comprehension to the next level
- Learn more useful expressions and words
- Get familiar with Korean society and culture
Sample lesson





Course language
What can you find inside the course?
- 145 Korean conversations
- Full transcripts
Table of contents
- Priority Seating For The Elderly - 노약자석
- Going to a Bookstore - 서점
- How Do You Deal With Stress? - 스트레스
- What Do Guys Talk About? - 남자들의 이야기
- Traveling - 여행
- Part-time Jobs in Korea - 아르바이트
- Working Out - 운동
- First Impressions - 첫인상
- When It Rains - 비오는 날
- What Drinking Habits Do You Have? - 술버릇
- Public Bath Houses in Korea - 공중 목욕탕
- Mandatory Military Service in Korea - 군대
- Staying Healthy - 건강
- Catching a Taxi in Korea - 택시
- Having Pets in Korea - 애완동물
- Blind Dates in Korea - 소개팅
- Korean Harvest Festival - Chuseok - 추석
- Have You Ever Won The Lottery? - 복권
- Group Blind Dates In Korea - 미팅
- Talk About Dreams - 꿈
- Using Twitter - 트위터
- Korean SAT - the Su-neung Test - 수능시험
- Coffee Shops in Korea - 한국의 카페
- Going to an Airport - 공항
- Restaurants in Korea - 한국의 식당
- Buses in Korea - 한국의 버스
- Kitchens in Korea - 부엌, 주방
- Playgrounds for Kids in Korea - 놀이터
- The Subway in Korea - 지하철
- What Are Your Fears? - 공포에 대해서
- Popular Hang-out Spots in Korea - 명동, 홍대, 강남에 대해서
- Delivery Services in Korea - 배달
- Korean Dramas - 드라마
- Korean Movies - 영화
- Social Commerce Websites - 소셜 커머스
- Lunar New Year's in Korea - 설날(구정)
- Franchise Coffee Shops in Korea - 프렌차이즈커피숍
- Valentine's Day in Korea - 발렌타인데이
- Matching Outlooks Between Couples in Korea - 커플룩
- How Often Do You Take Selfies? - 셀카
- Pizza In Korea - 피자
- Do You Like Milk? - 우유
- What Is Your Blood Type? - 혈액형
- Hiking Is Very Popular In Korea - 등산
- Kimchi - The Most Famous Korean Food - 김치
- Photography As A Hobby - DSLR 카메라
- Do You Keep A Diary? - 일기
- What Is Your Favorite Kind Of Snack? - 과자
- May Is Family Month In Korea - 가정의 달
- Food-Sharing Culture In Korea - 음식 나눠 먹기
- Kimbap - Rice Rolls - 김밥
- After-school Institutes In Korea - 학원
- School Vacation For Korean Students - 방학
- Studying New Languages - 외국어 공부
- What Is Your Definition Of Friendship? - 우정
- Talent Competition Shows On Korean TV - 오디션 프로그램
- Love Advice - 연애상담
- Rainy Days In Korea - Part 2 - 비오는 날 Part 2
- Social Media- 소셜 네트워크 서비스
- Famous Restaurants - Would You Wait In Line? - 맛집
- Membership Training - What Does That Mean? - 엠티
- How Often Do You Drink Cola? - 콜라
- Indie Music in Korea - 한국의 인디 음악
- Best Birthday Presents - 생일 선물
- Junkfood For Korean Children? - 불량식품
- Various Dialects in Korea - 사투리
- Company Dinner Culture In Korea - 회식
- Interesting Culture of Seonbae and Hubae - 선배 & 후배
- Buzzwords That Are Trending In Korea - 유행어
- Is There Someone You Don't Like? - 싫어하는 사람
- Brothers & Sisters - 형제 & 자매
- Playing Soccer In Korea - 축구
- How Do You Spend Time Alone? - 혼자서 시간을 보내는 방법
- Autumn Picnics In Korea - 가을 소풍
- What Are Your Favorite Fruits? - 과일
- Memorable Teachers You Had - 기억나는 선생님
- Casual Language vs. Formal Language - 반말/존댓말
- Moving In Korea - 이사
- Private Tutoring Is Common In Korea - 과외
- Do You Like Reading Comic Books? - 만화
- What Are Your Favorite Anniversaries? - 기념일
- Ramyeon Noodels In Korea - 라면
- What Are You Addicted To? - 중독
- What Kind Of Souvenirs Do You Buy? - 기념품
- Popular Dating Places In Korea - 데이트 코스
- University Circles In Korea - 동아리
- Singers Who Were Once Famous In Korea - 추억의 가수
- How Old Are You? Asking Someone's Age In Korea - 나이
- Embarrassing And Shocking Experiences - 황당한 경험
- Borrowing Books And Studying At Libraries In Korea - 도서관과 독서실
- Very Small Rooms For Rent In Korea - 하숙집과 고시원
- How Do You Pick a Team For a Game? - 편짜기 게임
- Where Do You Usually Go Shopping? - 쇼핑
- Do You Like Cooking? - 요리
- What Foods Do You Not Like? - 싫어하는 음식
- Do You Know Of Any Korean Superstitions? - 미신
- How Often Do You Have Nightmares? - 가위
- What Do You Think About The K-Wave? - 한류
- What Countries Would You Like To Visit? - 해외여행
- Which Non-Korean Dramas Do You Enjoy Watching? - 외국 드라마
- Architecture In Korea - 건축
- Embarrassing Moments - 굴욕적인 기억
- Housewarming Parties In Korea - 집들이
- Giving Carnations On Parents' Day - 카네이션
- Getting A Driver's License In Korea - 운전면허
- Korean Cold Buckwheat Noodles - 냉면
- Have You Ever Tried To Lose Weight? - 다이어트
- Have You Ever Made A Prank Call? - 장난 전화
- Going To Movie Theaters In Korea - 극장의 추억
- How Often Do You Write Letters? - 편지
- How Good Is Your Eyesight? - 시력
- Playing In The Water As A Child - 물놀이
- How Adaptable Are You? - 적응
- Have You Been To The U.K.? - 영국
- What Do You Think About The Olympic Games? - 올림픽
- Have You Been To Australia? - 호주
- Talent Shows At School - 장기자랑
- How Much Time Do You Spend On The Internet? - 인터넷
- Rental Shops In Korea - 대여점
- Corporal Punishment In Korea - 체벌
- Careers You Want To Have - 장래 희망
- Mom's Nagging - 엄마의 잔소리
- Gangnam - What Is The Area Like? - 강남
- Skincare For Men - 남자의 피부관리
- Bringing Lunch To Work - 도시락
- Samcheongdong - What Is The Area Like? - 삼청동
- Professional Baseball In Korea - 프로 야구
- Your Sleeping Habits - 잠버릇
- Your Hometown - 고향
- Traditional Marketplaces In Korea - 시장
- Commuting To Work - 출퇴근길
- Street Food In Korea - 길거리 음식
- How Much Sleep Do You Get Each Night? - 잠
- Christmas In Korea - 성탄절
- Aftereffects - 후유증
- Winter Sports In Korea - 겨울 스포츠
- Variety Shows On Korean TV - 연예 오락 프로그램
- Losing Things - 분실
- Taekwondo - Does Everyone In Korea Do It? - 태권도
- Elementary Schools In Korea - 초등학교
- Nicknames From School Days - 학창 시절 별명
- Working From a Cafe - 카페에서 일하는 것
- Space Travel - 우주 여행
- Games of Our Youth - 학창 시절 놀이
- Sweet Treats - 디저트

This course is exclusively available to subscribers.
Lesson 29: 현우 씨 말의 중: ‘서울에서 자라지 않은 저로서는 어렸을 때 지하철은 텔레비전에서만 보는 것?’
‘저로서는’ 무슨 뜻이에요?
‘제 경우에는’ 의 의미와 비슷하다고 이해를 하시면 될 것 같습니다! 🙂
첫인상에 대한 이야기중에서, 스크립트 3쪽에서, ‘일부로’>>>>>’일부러’
Hello TTMIK team,
In Lesson 5:
script Page 3 석진’s sentense 종: ‘장난치’라는 단어를 썼는데 ‘장난기’와 무슨 차이가 있어요?
script Page 5 석진’s sentense 종: ‘막 날라와요’ 종 ‘날라오다’라는 단어가 ‘날아오다’와 비슷해요?
장난기 is a noun, and 장난을 치다 is a verb.
날아오다 means that something is flying/coming toward somewhere. For example, 새가 날아오다 or 통지서가 날아오다.
It’s often spoken as “날라오다” among local people, but 날아오다 is grammatically correct in this context.
For your reference, 날라 오다 is a combined word of 나르다 (to carry) +오다 (to come)
네? 🙂
Hi TTMIK team, is there no english translations available for these episodes? It would be very helpful if there are :))
Hi 🙂 The course is provided in Korean only. Thanks for your understanding!
레슨 128 잠버릇
제가 이불 아래를 발 밑으로 집어 넣지 않으면은 못 자요. 왜냐하면, 어렸을 땐 제가 발이 이불에서 튀어나와 자고 있으면 언니가 항상 발을 간지럽혔기 때문이에요. 그래서, 지금은 언니가 다른 집에서 살고 있더라도, 발을 간지럽힐 것 같은 기분 들어요
제시 님의 이야기 잘 읽었어요! 정말 귀여워요 🙂
언제부터 이야기 레슨을 듣는지 잊어버리지만, 자동차로 통근할 때 이야기를 꼭 듣고 있어요. 모르는 단어를 많아서 처음에는 힘들얼 지마만, 조금씩 내용을 알게 되었어요. 그런데 TTMIK 선생님마다 성격이 다른데 이야기가 너무 재미 있어요. 듣는 동안 ‘친구가 된다’ 이런 느낌이 들었어요. 요즘에는 내용을 80% 정도 이해할 수 있는데 이제부터 제 목표는 이야기 레슨 처럼 자연스럽게 한국어를 쓰는 것. TTMIK 선생님들께 감가합니다!
안녕하세요! 🙂 티티믹과 함께 공부해 주셔서 감사해요.
앞으로도 즐겁게 공부해요!
Here is a small tip, even though you are already fluent in Korean!
(힘들얼 지마만—>힘들었지만)
한국 학생들이 학교 교과서에 쓸 때, 존댓말이나 반말로 씁니까? 저는 한국어로 학업을 쓰기 시작하고 싶은데 존댓말이나 반말로 써야 하는지 잘 모르겠습니다…
제시 님, 학교 교과서에서는 보통 존댓말을 사용하거나, -했다, -이다 이런 식으로 사용을 많이 해요!
TTMIK 디스코드 서버 가입하면 다른 학습자들과 이야기를 할 수 있어요. 🙂 —> https://discord.com/invite/ye4Unve
운동은 왜 싫어하는 이유가 운동을 할때마다 몸이 너무 아파지고 빨리 질려요. 운동은 좋은 게 아는데 하기 전까지 마음이 좀 불편해요 ㅎㅎ. 저는 왜 살이 계속 찌는지 물어요 ㅎㅎ 대답은 알면서 태도 하나도 안 바꿔요 ㅎㅎ
맞아요 ㅠㅠ 그래도 건강 잘 챙기세요!
I’ve been unable to find English translations for these great lessons. Is there a link, or are they for more advanced learners
Hi 🙂 The course is provided in Korean only. Thanks for your understanding!
#3: 아니 석진쌤 노래 잘 하시는데요?! 같이 노래방 가고 싶어졌어요 ㅎㅎ 그리고 경은쌤 노래 못 하신다고 말했는데 말하는 목소리가 아름다운 것 같아요! TTMIK여러 쌤들 항상 재미있고 유용하는 레슨을 들려주셔서 너무 감사합니다~
감사합니다~ 즐겁게 공부합시다. 🙂
These Iyagi lessons are great for listening practice. Is there any way to download the mp3 files like the beginner Iyagi? It would be fantastic to have them on my mp3 player to use off-line. Thanks!
Thank you for studying Korean with us!
check out the list of TTMIK podcasts—>https://talktomeinkorean.com/podcasts/
You can find Iyagi for Beginners here: https://soundcloud.com/talktomeinkorean/ep-1-iyagi-beginner-breakfast
Dear TTMIK team, how do you recommend to work with this course? What is the best way to get maximum from it? Usually I listen to the audio track first without checking the transcript and try to follow the line and understand the contents in general; then I listen the track again, making pauses and re-listening the particular fragments which are unclear to me. In case these fragments are still not understandable, I check the transcript. Probably there are more hints how to upgrade the listening skills using this course?
Thank you for your great work! TTMIK resources are super helpful for Korean learners of all levels!
It seems you are doing great! It is important to listen a lot, so it would be a good idea to listen to the podcast on a daily basis. Thank you for your lovely comment!
제가 잃으면 이해를 잘 하는데 듣기 할때에는 너무 고민하고 있어요 ㅠㅠㅠ 도와주는 내용을 올려서 감사합니다. 십 년 동안 공부해서라도 한국말을 잘 할거예요.
함께 공부하면서 힘내요! 열심히 공부하면 잘 할 수 있어요 🙂
This looks like a great resource! Would be helpful to have the transcripts in English too if possible. Thanks!
Thank you for your suggestion! 🙂 We will consider it carefully. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. ^^
Hi, i wonder do you guys also make translations for this intermediate iyagi? Thank you
It looks like the Taekwondo lesson has English translations. Has anyone been able to find others with English translations?
When I listen to this content last time it was free but now it’s not :(( Why? I am really like this IYAGI. It is very helpful for study.
I am from Mongolia. Thank you for doing this content and keep going!
I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Except for the Essential Korean Courses, every course has belonged to Premium Membership Service. I hope you understand this. We will keep making more high-quality courses and books. 🙂 Please look forward to them ! Happy studying 🙂
I really like these Iyagi conversations! At first, I found them to be too fast and overwhelming, but I have begun to understand a lot of the things mentioned in the episodes! I find that the Korean transcripts are very helpful when it comes to catching things that I didn’t hear or understand. Also, I really appreciate that they are free! Thanks, TTMIK!
Thank you for leaning Korean with us 🙂 I’m so glad that you could understand lots of Korean conversations from IYAGI ! Our transcripts are free if you’ve signed up for a Premium Membership. Listening to each episode while taking it down could make your Korean more natural. Happy studying ! 🙂
한 작년에 ‘이야기’를 사고 그래도 다 보고 접속 할 수 있는데 영어 번역본을 찾을 수없는 것 같습니다. 전 한국어 글로 (단락 / 문장) 볼 수 있는데, 음 영어 글로를 어디에 숨어 있는지 아세요? 🙂
그런데… 석진쌤은 진짜 좋은 목소리가 있으세요. 외국인들 귀에게는 표준어보다 석진씨의 사투리가 더 좋은 것 같아요.
석진 선생님의 사투리는 정말 매력있죠!
이 시리즈 덕분에 제 실력이 진짜 늘고 있네요…. 와우 고마워요 선생님들
실력이 늘고 있다니 저희도 기분이 좋네요!
감사합니다. 한국어 공부 힘내요! 🙂
It’s frustrating that the MP3 links are randomly missing from certain lessons like #3. The reason being, I use some external software with mp3s to aid my studies (WorkAudioBook). I did try using Soundcloud savings tools to download the file also,which normally works, but for #3 it doesn’t work. Thank you
If you are still having the same issue, please contact us at [email protected].
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Are there any English translations for these scripts similar to the Iyagi Beginner lessons?
We only have the trascript for now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
We’ll see if we can add English translations.
사실 자막이 없으니까 더 좋은 것 같아요. 왜냐하면 자막이 있으면 쉽게 컨닝 할 수 있는 것 같아요. 어떤 사람이 진짜 중급이라면 결국 풀 수 있는 것 같아요. 게다가 각각 표현을 이해해야 되지 않아요. 제 생각에는요
그러니까 누군가 적어도 70%에서 90%까지 이해할 수 있으면 성공인 것 같아요. 번역기도 있고요.
Hope this very useful for me.. thank u so much
Thank you for studying with us 🙂
안녕하세요 ttmik. 저는 제 핸드폰으로 다음 버튼을 누르지 못 해요. 고쳐주셨으면 좋겠습니다.
If you are still having trouble with the issue, please email us.
Hi Folks. There is an error in the English above. It should read: “Take your Korean listening comprehension to the next level.”
Thank you for letting us know.
This is great to listen to but where are the scripts? I’m still learning and how can I follow along? There is a tab that states that the script is available but I have yet to find it.
Which app exactly? I found this on Spotify and Sound cloud and the link takes me either to this page or to a blog that looks like an archive that has a lot of resources, but no matter how hard I try, I still can find the transcript I need because is listed with date and the one in Spotify or Soundcloud is not the original air date.
Hi, I’m Hwayeon from TalkToMeInKorean. All scripts are under each lessons, and located in the bottom area.
I actually found them on the app but not on the website