Take this test and check your knowledge of Korean particles!
correct answers
0-3: Level 1. 씨앗
4-6: Level 2. 새싹
7: Level 3. 꽃
How many did you get right?
Your Korean Particle Level Is…

It seems like you're figuring out how particles work, yet. But don't worry! That means you can make a lot of improvements to your grammar skills by studying particles! Why don't we take a small step and learn one more Korean particle today?

Great! You have a good grasp of Korean particles in general. Yet, you might be having some trouble properly using them in sentences. At this level, understanding the differences in possibly confusing particles and practicing using them in various situations will be greatly helpful!

Impressive! You've got all the questions right! At this level, you can use Korean particles in daily conversations without much difficulty. Keep reading and listening to challenging Korean materials. It will help you to take your Korean to an even higher level!

Learn 10 pairs of Korean particles focusing on their similarities and differences, which will save a lot of confusion!