[eBook] Korean Flashcards: 720 Everyday Words in 31 Days

Learn useful everyday words using our printable flashcards! If you feel the need to memorize some more Korean vocabulary words but have trouble doing so, our flashcard package can help you remember up to 720 new Korean words.


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  1. Allissa Creitz,

    Helpful, fun, and classic way to expand your Korean vocabulary even further. The best part is, these are common, frequently used words which you most likely use in your native language as well, so you won’t be wasting your time learning words you’ll never use in reality.

  2. Elem Feraf,

    I bought the flash cards and I can’t find them in the download area. I bought it on 5/12/23

  3. Kenza Boutaleb,

    I love it, it’s very useful. However, there’s a flashcard that confused me. For 애호박 the equivalent on the flashcard is “Green pumpkin/Kobocha squash”, but recently I found on the internet that “Green pumpkin/Kobocha squash” is 단호박 while 애호박 means “Zucchini”. Which one of them is correct please ?

  4. Leah,

    i purchased this and do not see it in my learning center
    *Disregard this comment! i found it under downloads* 5 stars

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      So glad you found it 🙂

  5. Gita Manerlin,

    luv it

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

  6. Tricia,

    These flashcards helped me a lot to learn many new words related to different topics and I’m glad I bought them!

    • Yeji KIm,

      Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you so much for your review. We are so glad to hear that you find this ebook helpful! 🙂

  7. Αμαλια Παπαρουσοπουλου,

    Super helpful!!!

    • Yeji KIm,

      Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you so much for your review. We are so glad you like this ebook!

  8. Αμαλια Παπαρουσοπουλου,

    Super helpful!!!

  9. Michelle Heard,

    I can’t read Korean yet so this order is a waste for me. I was hoping the korean words would be written in the english alphabet as well, which they’re not.

    • ,

      I’m not sure what you expected; especially since the page here shows examples of the flashcards. In any case, you should absolutely not be learning words in Romanization. Take the time to learn to read hangul first. The first 3 units of duo-lingo actually really helped me learn it (the alphabet ones). Maybe try that then come back here.

    • Kinny Newell,

      Hi Michelle! Not a TTMIK staff or associated with them in anyway, just wanted to let you know I hear your frustration and I hope you know the TTMIK Youtube Channel offers a free course to learn hangul. Since it’s an alphabet, it doesn’t take long at all to learn the basics that will let you read these flashcards! Learning the alphabet is a top priority when you first start studying, and if you don’t want to use TTMIK, there are tons of other online (and 100% free!) courses for learning it. Just type ‘learn hangul’ or ‘learn korean alphabet’ into a search bar and you’ll be given websites, videos, apps… any kind of learning experience you could possibly want! Good luck~

  10. Alexander Winters,

    These flashcards are honestly one of the most helpful things for building up your basic vocab. I didn’t realise at the time just how much content you receive from this product and I couldn’t be any happier with my decision to buy it!

    • Yeji KIm,

      Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you very much for your review. We are so glad to hear that you actually find this ebook helpful and learn a lot from it! 🙂

  11. majorie stevens,

    I love these flashcards, It makes you learn faster and saves you a lot of time. Please never stop creating such amazing materials for us. Thank you!!!!

    • Yeji KIm,

      Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you so much for your review. We are so happy that you find this ebook helpful!!

  12. Marina Anastasia,

    It is quite useful for me to memorizing all the vocabularies. I have plenty of vocabularies. I love it so much

  13. Marina Anastasia,

    It is quite useful for me to memorizing all the vocabularies. I have plenty of vocabularies. I love it so much

    • Yeji KIm,

      Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you so much for your review. We are so glad to hear that these flashcards actually helped you with your vocabulary!

  14. Lidia Maria,

    I have not reveived the flash card

    • Yeji KIm,

      @Lidia Maria Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. As Ashley said, you can find all the material you need in the “Downloads” menu. As this is an electronic book, no physical material is provided. Thank you for your purchase. I hope you enjoy the ebook!

    • Ashley M Huey,

      if you go to the top right and click your name, a drop down menu will show up. it should be in “My Downloads.” If it’s not there, I would try going to “My Account” and then scrolling down and selecting “In Progress.”

  15. Hyunwoo Sun,

    You can leave your reviews here!

    • Melody Rune,

      I can I leave a comment

    • Hyunwoo Sun,

      And add replies here as well.