Korean Poems for Children Bundle (첫말 잇기 + 끝말잇기 동시집)

Let’s learn Korean with children’s poems composed fun and easy!


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  1. Dhiyaneswaran R,

    It was a huge disappointment to receive most of the books damaged except for just two which was properly wrapped with a plastic wrap. All these books are for a curious 6-year old who taught himself Hangul. Now I don’t dare to give it to him 🙁 I really didn’t expect this as I was so confident from all the other positive reviews- I usually test by ordering 1 or 2 items from any new online stores and I should have done the same. Just a plastic wrap for each book or at least wrapping all books in a single sheet with same padding or a thick cardboard box could have saved the books. The outer cardboard was completely open at both top and bottom- easily few books could have gone missing but didn’t this time and maybe I should consider myself lucky for that :(:(:(

    • Dhiyaneswaran R,

      Order No
      Ordered 12 books (including this bundle) and only the “ Korean Verbs bundle “ was in mint condition.

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Hello Dhiyaneswaran R,
      We’re so sorry for what happened to you.
      If you experience the same problem again, please let us know by contacting us at contact@talktomeinkorean.com. We will do our best to help you with the issue.
      Thank you for your understanding.