Level 8 Package (Textbook + Workbook)
Product Details
Welcome to the advanced level!
Take your Korean skills one step further with Level 8 of Talk To Me In Korean’s Essential Curriculum! In Level 8, you will learn how to express your thoughts and feelings with various idiomatic expressions, especially with those where our body parts are used. You can also learn a lot of advanced situational phrases that you can use in real-life conversations.
This workbook is filled with various types of exercises. Reading comprehension questions provided in each lesson are based on materials that you come across in everyday life, such as news articles, advertisements, text messages, etc. Through these realistic passages, you can practice the grammar points and expressions you’ve learned in a more fun and effective way.
You can listen to the audio tracks of this workbook at talktomeinkorean.com/audio.
Tables of Contents
Lesson 1. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 1 (Part 1) / 눈 (Eye)
Lesson 2. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 1 (Part 2) / 눈 (Eye)
Lesson 3. Right after -ing / -기가 무섭게, -기가 바쁘게
Lesson 4. Noun + that (someone) used to + verb / -(았/었/였)던
Lesson 5. Advanced Situational Expressions 1 / 거절할 때 (Refusing in Korean)
Lesson 6. It means… / -(ㄴ/는)다는 뜻이에요
Lesson 7. Word Builder 15 / 점(點)
Lesson 8. I hope…, I wish… / -(으)면 좋겠어요
Lesson 9. Past Tense (Various Structures) / 과거 시제 총정리
Lesson 10. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 2 / 귀 (Ear)
- [Blog] Places in Korea: Ulleungdo (울릉도)
Lesson 11. Sentence Building Drill 12
Lesson 12. Present Tense (Various Structures) / 현재 시제 총정리
Lesson 13. Word Builder 16 / 주(主)
Lesson 14. Advanced Situational Expressions 2 / 찬성할 때 (Agreeing in Korean)
Lesson 15. Future Tense (Various Structures) / 미래 시제 총정리
Lesson 16. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 3 / 가슴 (Chest, Heart, Breast, Mind)
Lesson 17. If only it’s not… / -만 아니면
Lesson 18. In the same way that…, Just like someone did… / -(으/느)ㄴ 대로
Lesson 19. Even if I would have to…, Even if that means I have to… / -는 한이 있더라도
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 13
- [Blog] Korean Food Recipes: Bulgogi (불고기) Recipe
Lesson 21. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 4 / 머리 (Head, Hair)
Lesson 22. Word Builder 17 / 상(上)
Lesson 23. Advanced Situational Expressions 3 / 제안할 때 (Making Suggestions in Korean)
Lesson 24. It is just that…, I only… / -(으)ㄹ 따름이다
Lesson 25. Advanced Situational Expressions 4 / 부정할 때 (Defending in Korean)
Lesson 26. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 5 / 몸 (Body)
Lesson 27. Advanced Situational Expressions 5 / 칭찬할 때 (Complimenting in Korean)
Lesson 28. Despite, Although / -에도 불구하고, -(으/느)ㄴ데도 불구하고
Lesson 29. Advanced Situational Expressions 6 / 기분 좋을 때 (Expressing Happiness in Korean)
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 14
- [Blog] Places in Korea: Jeju Batdam (밭담/돌담)
- [Answers]
How to Use the Talk To Me In Korean Workbook
Lesson 1. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 1 (Part 1) / 눈 (Eye)
Lesson 2. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 1 (Part 2) / 눈 (Eye)
Lesson 3. Right after -ing / -기가 무섭게, -기가 바쁘게
Lesson 4. Noun + that (someone) used to + verb / -(았/었/였)던
Lesson 5. Advanced Situational Expressions 1 / 거절할 때 (Refusing in Korean)
Lesson 6. It means… / -(ㄴ/는)다는 뜻이에요
Lesson 7. Word Builder 15 / 점(點)
Lesson 8. I hope…, I wish… / -(으)면 좋겠어요
Lesson 9. Past Tense (Various Structures) / 과거 시제 총정리
Lesson 10. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 2 / 귀 (Ear)
Lesson 11. Sentence Building Drill 12
Lesson 12. Present Tense (Various Structures) / 현재 시제 총정리
Lesson 13. Word Builder 16 / 주(主)
Lesson 14. Advanced Situational Expressions 2 / 찬성할 때 (Agreeing in Korean)
Lesson 15. Future Tense (Various Structures) / 미래 시제 총정리
Lesson 16. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 3 / 가슴 (Chest, Heart, Breast, Mind)
Lesson 17. If only it is not… / -만 아니면
Lesson 18. In the same way that…, Just like someone did… / -(으/느)ㄴ 대로
Lesson 19. Even if I would have to…, Even if that means I have to… / -는 한이 있더라도
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 13
Lesson 21. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 4 / 머리 (Head, Hair)
Lesson 22. Word Builder 17 / 상(上)
Lesson 23. Advanced Situational Expressions 3 / 제안할 때 (Making Suggestions in Korean)
Lesson 24. It is just that…, I only… / -(으)ㄹ 따름이다
Lesson 25. Advanced Situational Expressions 4 / 부정할 때 (Defending in Korean)
Lesson 26. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 5 / 몸 (Body)
Lesson 27. Advanced Situational Expressions 5 / 칭찬할 때 (Complimenting in Korean)
Lesson 28. Despite, Although / -에도 불구하고, -(으/느)ㄴ데도 불구하고
Lesson 29. Advanced Situational Expressions 6 / 기분 좋을 때 (Expressing Happiness in Korean)
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 14
Answer Key
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Specifications of the books in this package
Product Dimensions: 188 x 220 x 14 mm
Shipping Weight: 461g
Product Dimensions: 188 x 256 x 12mm
Shipping Weight: 378g
Can we talk about the illustrations that have been with us since Level 1? Where can I get a T-shirt with these characters on them? As usual, a well-developed and effectively paced book that will help you to challenge yourself. Keep learning!