My Weekly Korean Vocabulary Book 1
Product Details
If you are tired of memorizing vocabulary and seeing very little progress, this book offers an alternative way to learn and apply Korean vocabulary words and sentences to your life at whatever level of Korean you are comfortable with so you actually learn the words rather than simply memorizing. Each day you have one new keyword, and built upon that keyword are 20 additional phrases and sentences that get progressively longer.
You can use this book as a 12-week study aid or as a reference book. Stash it in your backpack or purse to use a phrasebook when you’re traveling around Korea. It does not matter how to use this book or what your level of Korean is as long as you know how to read 한글 (Hangeul)! Whether you are a beginner or advanced Korean learner, everyone can benefit from using My Weekly Korean Vocabulary book.
You can download all audio tracks on our Book Audio page.
You can see the following in this book:
- 84 key words to study with
- 20 sample sentences for each word
- User-created drawings to help you visualize words
- Vocabulary & grammar breakdown notes
Table of Contents
보다 to see; to look; to watch; to meet up; to read
전화 phone call; telephone
듣다 to hear; to listen
친구 friend
말하다 to talk; to say; to speak; to tell
노래 song
가르치다 to teach
먹다 to eat; to drink
공부 studies, one’s learning
마시다 to drink
일 work; task
읽다 to read
질문 question
쓰다 to write
빠르다 to be fast
지각 being late (for school/work/appointment)
느리다 to be slow
요리 cooking, cookery
깨끗하다 to be clean
냄새 smell, odor
지저분하다 to be messy; to be dirty
기다리다 to wait
운동 exercise, workout; sport(s)
뛰다 to run; to jump
길 road, street; way
걷다 to walk
요일 day of the week
앉다 to sit
배우다 to learn; to study
손 hand
잊다 to forget
발 foot
있다 to be there; to exist; to have
눈 eye
없다 to not have; to be not there; to not exist
울다 to cry
짜증 irritation, annoyance
웃다 to laugh, smile
걱정 worry, concern
재미있다 to be fun; to be funny; to be interesting
문제 problem, issue; thing; matter
지루하다 to be boring; to be bored
크다 to be big; to be tall; to be loud
돈 money
작다 to be small, little
시간 time; hour
좋아하다 to like
머리 head; hair
싫어하다 to dislike, hate
자다 to sleep
잠 sleep
일어나다 to wake up; to get up
거짓말 lie
만나다 to meet (up); to be seeing someone
사이 relationship, relations
헤어지다 to part; to break up
무섭다 to be scary; to be scared
돕다 to help
이상하다 to be weird, odd, strange
묻다 to ask
화내다 to be angry at someone; to yell at someone out of anger
생각 thought; opinion; idea
부럽다 to be jealous, envious
만들다 to make
이유 reason
입다 to wear (clothes)
실패 failure
열다 to open
성공 success
닫다 to close
사다 to buy
약속 plans; promise
팔다 to sell
부족 shortage, lack, insufficiency
알다 to know
밥 food; meal; cooked rice
모르다 to not know
주다 to give
사랑 love
받다 to receive
연락 contact
원하다 to want
문자 text message
빌리다 to borrow; to rent
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Reviews by people who have purchased this book
Mick S.
A great way to see vocabulary in context. It is really nice to have a lot of examples (each with varying complexity) to see how the vocabulary words are used in natural conversation.
Shawn C.
Love that it gives it in sentence form. I love the fact this book gives you a piece of vocabulary and uses it in multiple ways in a sentence. You’re able to see the different ways a verb. noun, adjective can be conjugated, and where it’s placed in the sentence.
Michael H.
I like how everything in the book is laid out and importantly the accompanying pictures to help me understand! 감사합니다!!

Specifications of this book
Paper Book: 288 pages
Product Dimensions: 168 * 230 * 18 mm
Shipping Weight: 630g
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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary Book 1 + Book 2
$47.98 Original price was: $47.98.$45.58Current price is: $45.58.
Each day you have one new keyword, and built upon that keyword are 20 additional phrases and sentences that get progressively longer.
My Weekly Korean Vocabulary Book 2
In just 12 weeks you can develop a more robust vocabulary and speak Korean more fluently with My Weekly Korean Vocabulary!
[eBook] My Weekly Korean Vocabulary Book 1
In just 12 weeks you can develop a more robust vocabulary and speak Korean more fluently with My Weekly Korean Vocabulary!
[eBook] My Weekly Korean Vocabulary Book 2
In just 12 weeks you can develop a more robust vocabulary and speak Korean more fluently with My Weekly Korean Vocabulary!
This book is great for learning new vocabulary while also learning how to apply the vocabulary in a sentence! This is one of my favorite vocabulary books for beginners/ lower intermediate learners so far.
Perfect, I’m so happy.
Thank you so much)
감사합니다 🙂
Dear TTMIK Team 🙂
Many thanks for this book! It is such a great help to expand my Korean vocabulary enormously.
I wish Book 3 would be published in the future, because the structure of the book is just perfect.
-By the way, as I studied the word for Week 3 Day 1 (빠르다), I detected a small difference in the audio recording and the written text. It is the fifth sentence attached to this word. (Page 56)
The book shows – 시간이 너무 빨라요.
However, when I listen to the recording, it is – 시간이 너무 빨(리가)요. (ppal-“li-ga”-yo, instead of just ppal-la-yo)
May I ask if there is any particular reason for the difference? I would like to understand, if this is on purpose.
Thank you very much for the explanation in advance!
Both are the same meaning, but slightly different ways to express. You can learn both expressions then. Thank you for studying with us!
Hi, I’m Hwayeon from TalkToMeInKorean. Thank you for studying with us!
Learning Korean is now easy to understand and became more interesting than before because of this book.Thank you so much TTMIK!
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