My Weekly Korean Vocabulary Book 2
Product Details
If you are tired of memorizing vocabulary and seeing very little progress, this book offers an alternative way to learn and apply Korean vocabulary words and sentences to your life at whatever level of Korean you are comfortable with so you actually learn the words rather than simply memorizing. Each day you have one new keyword, and built upon that keyword are 20 additional phrases and sentences that get progressively longer.
You can use this book as a 12-week study aid or as a reference book. Stash it in your backpack or purse to use a phrasebook when you’re traveling around Korea. It does not matter how to use this book or what your level of Korean is as long as you know how to read 한글 (Hangeul)! Whether you are a beginner or advanced Korean learner, everyone can benefit from using My Weekly Korean Vocabulary book.
You can see the following in this book:
- 84 key words to study with
- 20 sample sentences for each word
- User-created drawings to help you visualize words
- Vocabulary & grammar breakdown notes
You can study with Book 1 first, but even if you have not studied with Book 1 yet, you can still start learning with Book 2.
You can download all audio tracks on our Book Audio page.
Table of Contents
좋다 to be good; to be desirable; to be nice; to like
꿈 dream
싫다 to hate, dislike; to be unlikable, unpleasant
계획 plan
쓰다 to use; to hire
노력 effort, endeavor, hard work
찾다 to look for; to find
같다 to be the same
기분 feelings; mood
다르다 to be different
비교 comparison
고르다 to choose
인기 popularity
필요하다 to need; to be necessary
덥다 to be hot
시험 test, exam
춥다 to be cold
여행 travel, trip
모자라다 to lack; to be insufficient
준비 preparation
믿다 to believe (in), trust
밝다 to be bright
실망 disappointment
어둡다 to be dark
이해 understanding
바꾸다 to change
집 house, home
늦다 to be late
이기다 to win
나이 one’s age
지다 to lose
날씨 weather
궁금하다 to be curious
기회 opportunity, chance
신나다 to be exciting; to be excited
많다 to be a lot, many
실수 mistake
적다 to be little or few (quantity)
키 one’s height
귀찮다 to be hassling
얼굴 face
놀다 to play; to hang out
따뜻하다 to be warm
불만 complaint
차갑다 to be cold
불편 inconvenience
뜨겁다 to be hot
하루 one day
정하다 to decide
가깝다 to be close, nearby
해외 overseas, abroad
멀다 to be far
책 book
시키다 to have/make someone do something, to order
영화 movie
쉬다 to rest
쉽다 to be easy
신발 shoes
어렵다 to be difficult
건강 one’s health
싸우다 to fight, quarrel
살 flesh; one’s weight; fat
아프다 to be sick; to hurt
낮다 to be low
고장 breakdown, malfunction (with a machine)
높다 to be high (altitude)
부탁 one’s favor
보내다 to send
옷 clothes
놀라다 to be surprised
가볍다 to be lightweight
고민 one’s worries
무겁다 to be heavy
기억 one’s memory
바쁘다 to be busy
맛 taste
타다 to ride
사귀다 to be in a relationship with someone
눈 snow
예쁘다 to be pretty
비 rain
부끄럽다 to be shy; to be embarrassing; to be embarrassed
끝 end
씻다 to wash
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Reviews by people who have purchased this book
Hong N.
I really love your books. All of them have cute design and well-structured format. I’m very satisfied with the delivery as well. Thank you so much. I hope your team will gain much more success in the future. Best wishes for you.
Barbara P.
Best Vocabulary Builder. I love these books! They help to expand vocabulary with a definition, and by showing the word within the context of complete sentences. I also appreciate being able to download the free audio for each unit of vocabulary. All of TTMIK books are awesome! So far I own 5 and I am looking forward to more as my language study continues.
Jazmin I.
A perfect gift for students and language lovers! I purchased this book for my brother as a Christmas present. I personally don’t know too much on the subject, but my brother is a 17 year old polyglot currently studying Korean, and he didn’t hesitate to give me a full breakdown on how useful the book is to him! He loves the images, example sentences and notes included for the vocabulary…he simply reminded me of a child with so much enthusiasm! I’d like to thank the talktomekorean staff for making material like this available, you’re doing a great job! Keep it up!

Specifications of this book
Paper Book: 288 pages
Product Dimensions: 168 * 230 * 18 mm
Shipping Weight: 628g
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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary Book 1 + Book 2
$47.98 Original price was: $47.98.$45.58Current price is: $45.58.
Each day you have one new keyword, and built upon that keyword are 20 additional phrases and sentences that get progressively longer.
My Weekly Korean Vocabulary Book 1
In just 12 weeks you can develop a more robust vocabulary and speak Korean more fluently with My Weekly Korean Vocabulary!
[eBook] My Weekly Korean Vocabulary Book 2
In just 12 weeks you can develop a more robust vocabulary and speak Korean more fluently with My Weekly Korean Vocabulary!
[eBook] My Weekly Korean Vocabulary Book 1
In just 12 weeks you can develop a more robust vocabulary and speak Korean more fluently with My Weekly Korean Vocabulary!
I really love this book series. Flashcards work for temporary memorization, but this book’s format really makes the words stick, and I love that the many sample sentences and audio help give context and listening practice.