Talk To Me In Korean Workbook Level 2
Product Details
If you’ve finished studying the level 2 lessons at Talk To Me In Korean or through our textbooks, you can now practice and test your Korean with these workbooks.
Developed by certified teachers to help you review and reinforce what you’ve learned in the Talk To Me In Korean lessons, this workbook contains 3 main categories of review and 10 types of exercises.
1. Vocabulary
2. Comprehension
3. Dictation
Types of Exercises
1. Matching
2. Crossword puzzle
3. Multiple choice
4. Translation (Korean ↔ English)
5. Short answer
6. Define and translate
7. Fill in the chart
8. Fill in the blank
9. True/False
10. Q&A
Tables of Contents
Quick guide to 한글 (Hangeul)
Lesson 1. Future Tense / -(으)ㄹ 거예요
Lesson 2. Object Marking Particles / -을, -를
Lesson 3. And, And then, Therefore, So / 그리고, 그래서
Lesson 4. And, With / -하고, -(이)랑
Lesson 5. Days of the Week / 요일
Lesson 6. But, However / 그렇지만, 그런데
Lesson 7. “To” someone, “From” someone / -한테, -한테서
Lesson 8. Telling Time / 한 시, 두 시, 세 시, 네 시, …
Lesson 9. Counters / 개, 명
Lesson 10. Present Progressive / -고 있어요
Lesson 11. Self Introduction / 자기소개
Lesson 12. What is the Date? / 날짜
Lesson 13. Too, Also / -도 (Part 1)
Lesson 14. Too, Also / -도 (Part 2)
Lesson 15. Only / -만
Lesson 16. A bit, Really, Very, Not really, Not at all / 조금, 정말, 진짜, 아주, 별로, 전혀
Lesson 17. Can, Cannot / -(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다
Lesson 18. To be good/poor at… / 잘하다, 못하다
Lesson 19. Making Verbs Into Nouns / -는 것
Lesson 20. Have to, Should, Must / -아/어/여야 되다/하다
Lesson 21. More… than… / -보다 더
Lesson 22. To like / 좋다 vs 좋아하다
Lesson 23. If, In case / 만약, -(으)면
Lesson 24. Still, Already / 아직, 벌써
Lesson 25. “Someone, Something, Somewhere, Someday / 누군가, 무언가, 어딘가, 언젠가”
Lesson 26. Imperative / -(으)세요
Lesson 27. Please do it for me / -아/어/여 주세요
Lesson 28. Method, Way / -(으)로
Lesson 29. All, More / 다, 더
Lesson 30. Don’t do it / -지 마세요
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Reviews by people who have purchased this book
Chloe G.
Amazing! I really love this book since the different exercises are so helpful! This book is complete and it’s really fun to work with it!
Alvita W.
Perfect. For a long time I’ve been interested in learning Korean but before all of my other resources couldn’t teach me anything but phrases and vocab, I didn’t know how to put a simple sentence together. I’m glad that I saw a TTMIK review and after looking at the website a bit I bought the books. The books really break down sentence patters and go into really great depth even more than their online curriculum does. If anyone is serious about actually learning Korean buy these books!

Specifications of this book
Paper Book: 148 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 256 * 10 mm
Shipping Weight: 380g
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Level 2 Package (Textbook + Workbook)
$34.98 Original price was: $34.98.$33.23Current price is: $33.23.
Advancing to Level 2? Congratulations! Continue your Korean studies with Talk To Me In Korean with our Level 2 package.
Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 2
Conjunctions, Tenses, Telling Time, and More! After studying with Level 2, you can hold short conversations in Korean regarding some of the most essential everyday topics.
[eBook] Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 2
Conjuctions, tenses, telling time, and more! After studying with Level 2, you can hold short conversations in Korean regarding some of the most essential everyday topics.
Levels 1-5 Package (Textbooks + Workbooks)
$174.90 Original price was: $174.90.$166.16Current price is: $166.16.
This is a bundle for everyone who is serious about their Korean learning. After studying with levels 1 through 5 and practicing with workbooks, you will be able to hold conversations with Korean speakers in everyday situations.
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$127.93 Original price was: $127.93.$121.53Current price is: $121.53.
Congratulations on your decision to start learning the Korean language! If you are just starting, here is our Beginner [Extended] Package that will help you on your Korean-learning journey.
I loved it! It was the first exercise book I got for my korean learning, I skipped buying the first one hehe
I found it to be ESSENTIAL when it comes to getting the lesson information drilled in mt brain. I did a “speedrun” of the level 2 grammar book before buying the workbook and felt like i hadn’t learnt much! I memorized a few things but the ones I didn’t use afterwards simply didn’t stick! So I highly recommend buying this workbook (and the ones for the following levels), since it has many different types of exercises, all the answers are on the back pages, audio tracks and even some new vocabulary!
I love love love TTMIK’s workbooks! I am actually only halfway through Level 1 but I love the quality and the practice exercises really help me remember everything I learned, especially the dictation audio files. This was my first purchase from, and I will definitely buy from this bookstore again!
Also, I have a question about what books would be most helpful when I’m done Level 2. I would like to work on building my sentences, and I know there’s a book for that, but I’m also looking to expand my vocabulary and I am not sure which vocabulary book to buy. Partly because I am not there yet, so I do not know what would be most helpful because I would like to learn new words and not accidentally buy a book with words I would already have known. Would you have any suggestions, perhaps?…
Thank you for your nice review🙂 We recommend that you continue to study with our Levels 1-10 Talk To Me In Korean Grammar Textbook! 감사합니다!
the book is very good and the exercises are perfect I bought the book of grammar 2 and the exercises are all connected
감사합니다 ^^