Download the transcript for 5 수다 타임 episodes!

Thank you for watching 수다 타임!

The first season of 수다 타임 consists of 10 episodes in total and by taking the full course, you can access all of them right now and download all the transcripts. But just for those of you who are visiting this page, we will provide the transcripts of 5 episodes that we published on YouTube, on the Talk To Me In 100% Korean channel.


If you want to improve your Korean further by listening to natural conversations by native speakers, download the PDF files below!

1. 건망증 (forgetfulness)

2. 최근 여행지에 대해
(recent travel destinations)

3. 환경 보호
(Protecting the environment)

4. 내가 나이 들었다고 느낄 때
(When do you feel old?)

5. 새로운 친구를 어디서 사귀나요?
(Where do you make new friends?)

And here is the table of contents for all 10 episodes of the course!

Lesson 1. 건망증 (Forgetfulness)
Lesson 2. 최근 여행지에 대해서 (Recent travel destinations)
Lesson 3. 1년에 책 몇 권 읽어요? (How many books do you read a year?)
Lesson 4. 나에게 딱 하나의 초능력이 생긴다면? (What superpower would you like?)
Lesson 5. 환경 보호 (Protecting the environment)
Lesson 6. 취미가 어떻게 되나요? (What’s your hobby?)
Lesson 7. 내가 나이 들었다고 느낄 때 (When do you feel old?)
Lesson 8. 스트레스 어떻게 푸나요? (How do you relieve stress?)
Lesson 9. 알람 (Setting the alarm)
Lesson 10. 새로운 친구를 어디서 사귀나요? (Where do you make new friends?)


