Core Grammar Level 1

"Take Your First Step into Korean Learning!"

LevelLevel 1
Duration3.5 total hours
Lessons 26
Language English & Korean


Sample Lessons


Main topics of the Level 1 course:

  • Basic greetings
  • How to count numbers in Korean
  • Basic grammar for forming your first Korean sentences
  • Present and past tense
  • How to say "who", "why", and "how" in Korean


Table of Contents

Average lesson length: 8.5 minutes

Lesson 1. Hello. Thank you. / 안녕하세요. 감사합니다.

Lesson 2. Yes. No. What? / 네. 아니요. 네?

Lesson 3. Good-bye. See you. / 안녕히 가세요. 안녕히 계세요. 안녕.

Lesson 4. I’m sorry. Excuse me. / 죄송합니다. 저기요.

Lesson 5. It’s me. What is it? / 저예요. 뭐예요?

Lesson 6. What is this? This is … / 이거 뭐예요? 이거…

Lesson 7. This, That, It / 이, 그, 저

Lesson 8. It’s NOT me. / 아니에요.

Lesson 9. Particles for Topic and Subject / 은, 는, 이, 가

Lesson 10. have, don’t have, there is, there isn’t / 있어요, 없어요

Lesson 11. Please give me. / 주세요.

Lesson 12. It’s delicious. Thank you for the food. / 맛있어요. 잘 먹겠습니다. 잘 먹었습니다.

Lesson 13. I want to … / -고 싶어요

Lesson 14. What do you want to do? / 뭐 하고 싶어요?

Lesson 15. Sino-Korean Numbers / 일, 이, 삼, 사

Lesson 16. Basic Present Tense / -아요, -어요, -여요

Lesson 17. Past Tense / -았/었/였어요 (했어요)

Lesson 18. Particles for Location / 에, 에서

Lesson 19. When / 언제

Lesson 20. Native Korean numbers / 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷

Lesson 21. Negative Sentences / 안, -지 않다

Lesson 22. 하다 verbs

Lesson 23. Who? / 누구?

Lesson 24. Why? How? / 왜? 어떻게?

Lesson 25. From A To B, From C Until D / -에서/부터 -까지

Review What You’ve Learned in Level 1


What you can find in this course:

Lesson notes

Sample dialogues

Review quizzes

Review lesson


Why you'll LOVE our Core Grammar courses

  • All Levels Covered
    By simply following our curriculum that covers 10 levels, you can take your Korean skills from absolute beginner all the way up to advanced.

  • Short and Digestible Lessons
    Each lesson is bite-sized and easy to understand, as it focuses on one grammar point at a time and provides many example sentences.

  • Fun Story-based Reviews
    You can review the entire course through a fun story! The final lesson of each course features a fun story that allows you to review all the grammar and vocabulary introduced in the course.

  • Review Quizzes and Interactive Audio Lessons
    You can test your new knowledge through review quizzes and interactive audio lessons, where our teachers ask you questions, and you can respond and check where you need to improve.

Who teaches this course?




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Level 1 Textbook

Level 1 Workbook

Level 1 Textbook & Workbook Package

This course is exclusively available to subscribers.

Join now to begin your Korean learning journey!


  1. ,

    Hi! I want to be your study buddy, too 🙂 Add me up in Kakao. My kakaotalk ID is studywitheonni. Just let me know that you got my ID here in TTMIK. Excited to learn with you!

    • Teni,

      I tried adding you but it says user not found 😕

  2. Teni,

    I need a study buddy my Kakao ID is Tenitomi or my IG is tenny_t0mi

  3. Austin Andrews,

    Hello! I have a question about the dialogue at the end of lesson 1. When talking about going to eat pizza, Hyeonju says that they like pizza. They use “좋아요”. I was wondering why “좋아해요” wasn’t used instead?

    • Michael Jeff Achumbre,

      Hi, what i understood is “좋아요” means “good” which is the right word to say instead of “좋아해요” means “to do good” which is an awkward reply. Hope that helps!

    • Siddhi Kamat,

      현주 says ,”피자 좋아요” literally meaning “Pizza’s nice”. So she means to say “Pizza sounds good, I’d like to have it.”

  4. Austin Andrews,

    Hello! I have a question about the dialogue at the end of lesson 1. When talking about going to eat pizza, Hyeonju says that they like pizza. They use “좋아요”. I was wondering why “좋아해요” wasn’t used instead?

  5. zuridabarbie,

    I need a study buddy 🙁

    • ,

      Let’s be study buddies! 🙂

    • Teni,

      Me too 😕

    • 이거 다야,

      Us too, started this program a while ago and yet I haven’t finished.

    • Smiles with Anagha,

      Hey we could be study buddies

  6. ♥Dandara Moraes♥,

    algum br

    • gabyh,


  7. brianna smith,

    my kakao ID is briannamariee please add me and we can be study buddies

    • Teni,

      How do I add someone, am new on to the website

    • Diego Gaud,

      done! added you on kakao

  8. brianna smith,

    If anyone would like to be study buddies please give me your kakaotalk information!

    • Carmen Sempol,

      hi, my Kakaotalk is TinyTinkerSandi.
      Lets study together!


      hi mine is sepidehftz , please add me and we can be study

  9. Supervinn17,

    Anyeongg, lets study korean together 🙂
    Insta @alvinnnac

  10. Brandis,

    looking for a study buddy!! kakao: brandisge2

    • Jasmine Zayas,

      I added you too! ID is Jazischillin

    • Teni,

      I added you my ID is Tenitomi

    • Derryk Theberge,

      I added and messaged you ! My ID is DerrykT.

  11. Lisa L Steele,

    안녕하세요! In Lesson 21, in the second set of Sample Conversations, why is “I’m not hungry” written as 배 안 고파요 instead of 안 배고파요? 감사합니다!

    • Jesús,

      I can help you with that. When you use 안 it comes just before the verb to make it negative. 배 is a noun (Stomach) that’s why you can’t say 안 배고파요. This sentence, without conjugation would be like this: 배가 안 고프다. I hope this explanation can be helpful.

    • Lisa L Steele,

      감사합니다! Thank you so much! This really helps! Thank you for responding.

  12. Tine,

    study buddy? Please feel free to msg me at Kakao: christinejsi

    • Teni,

      I added you can you add me back mine is Tenitomi

    • Elmer Fernandez,

      can i join? I need someone to chat to practice my korean conversation

    • Tine,

      Yes please 🙂

  13. SI,

    My Kakao ID is SSII05 if anyone wanna study with me 🙂

  14. zamzam ali,

    I want a study buddy please reply if your down to study with me.🙏🏾

    • Aun Nam,

      Is anyone interested in being. Study buddy? We can link up on instagram.

    • Carmen Sempol,

      yes! i would love to!

    • Teni,


    • Supervinn17,

      Joi-no si-peo-yo, Kakao ID juseyo 🙂

    • Jasmine Zayas,

      Lmao I want to join too!

    • Katarina,

      same I want one too.Are you in?

    • Joyce Wong,

      Shall we open a kakapo talk group?

    • Brandis,

      can i also join

    • Funmi Oluduro,

    • Fitriana Kusumaningrum,

      That would be great haha

    • DH,

      May I join? invite me please

    • Tatiana,

      can i join too?

    • Hind Fellahi,

      oh i would love to join omg!!! 🙂

    • brianna smith,

      can i join?

  15. Jayce,

    I have been struggling to learn until i found this!!

  16. Shada Alamoudi,

    Finally finished level was a great experience :D.

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Thank you for studying with us 🙂

  17. Whisper Windz,

    I’m on level 21 now, and I can’t seem to figure out how to say “I didn’t sleep” .
    자다 is sleep . so how to make negative from this word? google translate only making in to formal way using 자지

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Lien Kim explained well, but if you have any other questions, please let us know:)

    • Lien Kim,

      저는 자지 않았어요 // 저는 안 잤어요
      자다: to sleep >> negative form using 안/ 지 않다: 안 자다/ 자지 않다
      then you add past tense suffix: 안 잤어요/ 자지 않았어요.

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Thank you for sharing your comment 😀

  18. Jessica,

    Since the first lesson of each premium course is provided for free, I wish there would be a way for basic members to “test” the sample dialogue and quiz from the essential courses ….

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      We understand you, but as you know we launched our new membership system, the premium members get more benefits for studying materials. However, the good news is basic members can also try the sample dialogue and quiz from each level’s lesson 1. Happy studying:D

  19. Amanda,

    For lesson 26 we are listening and pointing out what we remember from lesson 1 ?

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Lesson 26 is a final review for level 1. You can check whether you completely understand all lessons. It is combined with the main points from each lesson. In addition, you can download the free PDF. Hope this helps:)

    • Carina López Colli,

      Great!!! 감사합니다!!!

    • Whisper Windz,

      say “great” in Korean also

  20. Samniel Beloria,

    너무 대박아요! 이거는 좋아요!

  21. Thamires Thomas,

    How do you say : Level 1 cpmpleted?

    • Thamires Thomas,


    • Hwayeon Kim,

      레벨 1 완료. Hope this helps 🙂

  22. Jessica,

    The 100% korean dialogues are back guys!

    • Carina López Colli,

      Great!!!!!! I’m glad!!

    • Thamires Thomas,


  23. Jessica,

    I don’t understand why some video courses like the Q&A, essential irregular verbs and several others were free before (they still are on youtube for free by the way; moreover, the YouTube playlist for the q&a has more videos than the website), but they are premium here ?

    • Jessica,

      *I see that I had an answer given to me on another comment but since there are no notifications, I didn’t see it… Sorry for the double post!

    • Hwayeon Kim,

      Hi, I’m Hwayeon from TalkToMeInKorean. The course is a sample lesson, so everyone can take the course 🙂 Premium members are able to access all courses with more studying materials like sample dialogues and quizzes. Basic members can try only first lesson from each course.

  24. Kayee,

    I subscribed for a month just to see the sample conversation at the end of each Level but they removed it. (if anyone knows where it is please reply) I am talking about the long conversation where all lesson per level are reviewed (the one where 3 friends meet to celebrate a party and all the lessons in Level 1 were used). If they really removed it there’s no point in being a member honestly. Cause the sample conversation is limited only per lesson now.

    • Oliver,

      Yea it feels a bit like Harukorean 2.0. if anyone remembers that project of theirs even…

    • Jessica,

      what bugs me is how some of their contents which are free on youtube and were free on the previous version of the site as well, are premium here

    • Jessica,

      I wish we could delete/modify our comments

    • Jessica,

      They don’t specify anywhere that they would provide the long dialogue tho …..

    • Kayee,

      They removed the sample sentences from friends as well. This site was better before. The sample conversations per lessons are too simple and short. It’s not worth the subscription

    • Jessica,

      I was listening to an audio lesson and heard the sample sentences from friends …..

    • Jessica,

      Hum really ? And how do you cancel the subscription ? Do you go to your account and click cancel or do you have to write to them to ask for the cancellation
      Because automatic renewal is my worst nightmare

  25. Carina López Colli,

    It’s a pity we basic members have no access to sample dialogues anymore. I was looking forward to completing level 1 and listen to the sample dialogue at the end. But I was late😑
    I hope to be Premium soon. Greetings from Argentina!

    • Corje',

      Yes, if you can become a premium member, I highly highly recommend it. I have recently became one (since yesterday). I am currently on level two, however, I am not consistent with studying Korean so I went all the way back to level one just to refresh my memory and perfect some of the lessons I struggled with. The premium offers short dialogues, they are not lengthy as the original ones, but it is enough for you to grasp the conversation, additionally there is a quiz that can be took at the end of lesson. the quizzes are ten questions each and you have the opportunity to view each question after the quiz is submitted. Furthermore, they’re are additional courses you can take: “common Korean mistakes, “IYGAI: Beginner”, “how Korean sentence work”, “Korean pronunciation guide”, Korean sentence building practice”, and so much more. In my opinion it is worth upgrading to premium. you would be at an advantage. At the end of the night I was shocked on how much my Korean has improved in just one day, I went from a beginner to mid beginner. So if you are serious about learning Korean, this is the way to go. Plus for me, it is motivation to study because I will be paying a monthly fee and if I do not study then ill be paying for no reason. Good luck on your Korean journey.