Core Grammar Level 4

"Take Your Korean Skills to an Intermediate Level!"

LevelLevel 4
Duration7.8 total hours
Lessons 31
Language English & Korean


Sample Lessons


Main topics of the Level 4 course:

  • Spacing in Korean
  • Word contractions
  • Expressions of frequency
  • Commonly used verb-endings
  • How to say "less", "most/best" and "much more/much less" in Korean
  • Essential Hanja: 동(動), 불(不), 장(場)


Table of Contents

Average lesson length: 16 minutes

Lesson 1. The more … the more … / -(으)면 -(으)ㄹ수록

Lesson 2. Do you want to …? / -(으)ㄹ래요?

Lesson 3. It can’t be … / -(으)ㄹ 리가 없어요, 할 리가 없어요

Lesson 4. Verb ending -지요/-죠

Lesson 5. “당신” and “you”

Lesson 6. Word builder 3 / 동(動)

Lesson 7. It’s okay. I’m okay. / 괜찮아요

Lesson 8. It is okay to…, You don’t have to… / -아/어/여도 돼요, 해도 돼요

Lesson 9. You shouldn’t…, You’re not supposed to… / -(으)면 안 돼요, 하면 안 돼요

Lesson 10. Among, Between / 사이에, 사이에서, 중에, 중에서

Lesson 11. Anybody, Anything, Anywhere / 아무나, 아무도, 아무거나, 아무것도

Lesson 12. To try doing something / -아/어/여 보다, 해 보다

Lesson 13. Word builder 4 / 불(不)

Lesson 14. Sometimes, Often, Always, Never, Seldom / 가끔, 자주, 별로, 맨날, 항상

Lesson 15. Any / 아무 (part 2)

Lesson 16. Spacing in Korean / 띄어쓰기

Lesson 17. Word Contractions (part 1) / 주격 조사, 축약형

Lesson 18. Most, Best (superlative) / 최상급, 최고

Lesson 19. Less, Not completely / 덜

Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill #1

Lesson 21. Spacing (part 2) / 띄어쓰기

Lesson 22. Word builder 5 / 장(場)

Lesson 23. Word Contractions (part 2)

Lesson 24. Much (more), Much (less) / 훨씬

Lesson 25. -(으)ㄹ + noun (future tense noun group) / -(으)ㄹ + 명사, 할 것

Lesson 26. -(으)ㄴ + noun (past tense noun group) / -(으)ㄴ + 명사, 한 것

Lesson 27. I think … (+ future tense) / -(으)ㄴ/(으)ㄹ/ㄴ 것 같다, 한 것 같다, 할 것 같다

Lesson 28. To become + adjective / -아/어/여지다

Lesson 29. To gradually/eventually get to do something / -게 되다, 하게 되다

Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill #2

Review What You’ve Learned in Level 4


What you can find in this course:

Lesson notes

Sample dialogues

Review quizzes

Review lesson


Why you'll LOVE our Core Grammar courses

  • All Levels Covered
    By simply following our curriculum that covers 10 levels, you can take your Korean skills from absolute beginner all the way up to advanced.

  • Short and Digestible Lessons
    Each lesson is bite-sized and easy to understand, as it focuses on one grammar point at a time and provides many example sentences.

  • Fun Story-based Reviews
    You can review the entire course through a fun story! The final lesson of each course features a fun story that allows you to review all the grammar and vocabulary introduced in the course.

  • Review Quizzes and Interactive Audio Lessons
    You can test your new knowledge through review quizzes and interactive audio lessons, where our teachers ask you questions, and you can respond and check where you need to improve.

Who teaches this course?




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Level 4 Textbook

Level 4 Workbook

Level 4 Textbook & Workbook

This course is exclusively available to subscribers.

Join now to begin your Korean learning journey!


  1. Sam,

    on the audio lesson, you mentioned about the PDF! i try to find it but cant. so could you tell how to find the PDF’s file, thanks

  2. John Abernethy,

    I am really loving this! So I would like help in making a sentence related to lesson 1: I want to say “the more you study, the easier it gets. So 공부를 하면 할수록 쉬워… then what? 👍

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Yes, you can !

    • John Abernethy,

      Can I say it like this?
      한국어를 열심히 공부하면 쉬워진다.

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      공부를 할수록 쉬워 is fine as it is. If you want to create a longer sentence, you can say, 공부를 하면 할수록 쉬워서 재미있어.

      Thank you for loving Korean and TTMIK! 🫶🏻

  3. Stephanie,

    Level 4 had so many eye-opening moments for me, I can`t even express how much fun this Level was!
    The first three levels were building language knowledge for me and I worked through it quite quickly. Then I took quite a long break before I startet level 4 and I used this time to get in contact with native Koreans, to read simple Korean books, study vocabulary and read songtexts of Korean songs. Of course, lyrics are not the typical everyday conversation type, but I stumbled across some structures that I didn`t understand at that point. But when I finally startet Level 4, many of these grammatical concepts suddenly made sense and I often had the feeling of “Oh, THAT`S how it works!”. I already glimpsed into Level 5 and immediately found some lessons that will give me more of these moments.
    Can`t wait to continue the journey! <3

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Wow. It’s fantastic that you’re having so much fun with our course! Those “Aha!” moments are what make the learning process so rewarding!👏👏 Keep your passion for learning Korean alive, and we’re confident you’ll become fluent before you know it!🔥💪

  4. Saran Diarrassouba,

    Hi everybody, I’m french but fluent in english, I will put my kakaotalk here, if your a woman and want to practice korean please reach me out 🥰 SaranDrsb

  5. haniicu,

    안녕하세요! I just finished this level and as I have a question about the grammar review. In the last questions where we’re supposed to say “I became good at singing” or “I became better at singing” why do you use -게 되다 structure and not 아/어/해지다? My first instinct was to use the latter but can you please explain why this is wrong or why -게 되다 is a better option? I’m aware 되다 is “to become” but the way things are explained in the lesson it seems like 아/어/해지다 is a much more obvious way to say “to become + adjective”. Can you please explain?

    Lastly, is there a way for me to hide Core Grammar courses from my Learning Center once completed? I know I can do it with additional courses but what about the core grammar ones? I want to declutter my learning center a little bit. Thank you in advance!

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      안녕하세요! Congratulations on completing all the Core Grammar level 4 lessons!
      1) The reason is that in Korean, ‘잘하다’ means ‘to do well’ and it’s a VERB. So, when expressing the idea of ‘becoming better at something,’ you naturally use ‘잘하다’ combined with ‘-게 되다,’ even though ‘better’ is an adjective. This construction effectively conveys the concept of improving in skill or proficiency.
      2) We’re sorry for the inconvenience. Currently, this feature is not available, but we are actively considering its addition in the future. Thank you for your understanding.

  6. Tuelay Kahraman,

    Hi TTMIK team,
    I wonder .. when -(으)ㄹ래요 is typically used in casual settings, what is then the most natural way to ask someone what they want to drink etc. in a formal setting?

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      In a formal setting, there are various expressions for asking if someone is willing to do something. A common and polite way to ask this is by using ‘-(으)시겠어요?’.
      어떤 음료 드시겠어요? Which drink would you like to drink? (formal/polite)
      어떤 음료 먹을래요? Which drink would you like to drink? (informal/casual)

  7. Ben Hinrichsen,

    Wow, 현우선생님 mentions in lesson 3 that they are recording this in 2010 – and it is still getting so many views and comments. 대박이다!! Amazing!

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      대박이죠?😁 We’re still producing new courses and updating our curriculum! Thank you for studying with us!

  8. Alanna,

    Hello I was just listening to Lesson 12 on 아/어/여 + 보다 and I was wondering if there is also a specific nuance to the word 들어보다. I have seen this used as one word to mean “to listen” but I have not been able to figure out the difference in usage between 듣다 and 들어보다, because unlike the examples you have given it does not seem to have whole different meaning for the original verb 듣다 but also doesn’t seem to just mean to try listening.

    • SoshiPeach,

      English isn’t my first language so I’m sorry it this doesn’t make sense…Translation wise it’s a bit difficult to see their difference.

      듣다 means to listen or to hear

      들어보다 is the ACT of trying to listen.

      For example,
      “샤이니의 새로운 노래를 듣고 있어요. 들어봤어요?“ can be translated to “I’m listening to shinees new song. Have you listened to it?” but literally translates to “Have you tried listening to it?”

      They’re asking about the act of trying to listen. And using 들어보다 sounds more natural.

      If it said “들었어요?”, the meaning would have been more like “Did you listen to it?”.

      “안 들었어요” = I didn’t listen to it
      “안 들어봤어요.” = I haven’t listened to it.

  9. Andrew York,

    Sorry if this has already been answered, but where are the PDF’s for each lesson? I’m picking up my learning and used to have the PDF to print and take notes on, but now I can’t seem to find them… thanks in advance!

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Hi Andrew,

      The PDF files are no longer supported, but you can take notes by referring to the lesson notes that we provide in some courses. Thank you for your understanding!

    • Jana Cruz,

      Hi! Unfortunately, they removed the downloadable PDFs recently due to copyright issues.

  10. Haley,

    Is there a way for me to find out what y’all have spoken in Korean out loud but did not write in the PDF? I have a learning disability and I’m a visual learner so a couple of words Ms Kyungeun said I had trouble figuring out what it was or how it was pronounced because it was so fast. I’m kind of nervous but looking at the comments it seems a lot of people seem that way about this level haha!

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      We made an effort to ensure that the lesson notes were concise and to-the-point, so we only included the most important information from the audio and left out some of the extra details. You don’t have to worry too much about what’s been left out.🙂 But if you still want to know the words that Kyeong-eun said, please leave the number of the lesson and the exact timestamp of the audio file here. We’ll check it and let you know!

  11. Maro000,

    Hello, i have a question for lessons 25 and 26, in which cases that grammar can be used or can be used in daily sentences?

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      They’re used in everyday conversations when you want to talk about things you’re planning to do or you’ve done.

  12. Crystal Li,

    안녕하세요. In lesson 1, level 4, the example for special meaning “학생일수록“ – does 일수록 come from dictionary form 있다? If so, why is not 있을수록? 감사합니다!

    • William,

      Well, the verb after Hakseng is Ida and not issda if it makes sense to you !

  13. Mikkel Birkedam,

    Hello. In the workbook for level 4, on Lesson 27, Section 3- 17, I wrote “누가 한 것 같아요?” But the answer key says “누가 했을 것 같아요?”. I am wondering if my answer is wrong, or if not both answers are acceptable. If not: What is the difference?

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      “누가 한 것 같아요?” is the correct answer while “누가 했을 것 같아요?” also makes sense. Thank you for letting us know!

  14. Muhammad Zulfiqar,

    정말 감사합니다

    • Talk To Me In Korean,


  15. Auliannisaa Rezia,

    Level 4 is such a game changer :’))
    the exercise is much more also not to mention that the Dictation section is getting longer :’)
    I need to re do this level to make myself way more comfortable for the rest of the journey.
    감사합니다 TTMIK team!! especially my favourite duo ever Hyunwoo ssi and Kyeong-eun ssi 🙂

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Thank you for the detailed review!🙂

  16. Michael P,

    So much more difficult now. I am finding I cannot understand people speaking Korean and my ability to say anything besides choppy one word lines is limited unless I have plenty of time to work out a sentence, lol. Almost…..

    • Vaishnavi Rajpoot,

      I would like a study partner DM me veeshu1664 (13 to 16 would be fine)

  17. Monica Storbeck,

    안녕하세요 TTMIK team. I always like to test myself after each and every lesson. Sometimes the results aren’t shown correctly, especially when – like here after lesson 4 of level 4 – I had to type 사무실이 너무 춥죠. It is correct, but it said I had it wrong. Not that I’m angry, I just wanted to point out that something doesn’t work as expected.🙋🏻‍♀️

    • Haneefah Olasimbo,

      The link has been reset. Can you please send a new one?

  18. ,

    Hi! Here is a link to Kakao chat where native speakers help us out learning Korean.
    There are several regular group study sessions where you can talk with Korean learners and Korean natives!

  19. Michael P,

    It would be VERY helpful if you listed the vocabulary words and their meaning on a PDF to memorize the new words we get added each lesson.

  20. Chuck,

    I’m reviewing level 4 (second time around) and I’m wondering about 4.3 (-을리가 없어요): is the phrase sincere or sarcastic? I know the lesson says the phrase “expresses disbelief,” but it seems to be like the phrase/idiom, in English, “I can’t believe.” So, for example:

    “I can’t believe it is still raining!”

    actually means:

    “It is totally, obviously, still raining and I hate it and wish it weren’t true, but it is, so I’m sarcastically saying ‘I can’t believe it.'”

    • Chuck,

      An example from the workbook: “내일이 일요일일 리가 없어요” –> “It isn’t possible that tomorrow is Sunday.”
      If I say something like this in English ON SATURDAY, it means one of two things:
      (1) I literally don’t know/am confused about the fact that it is Saturday. That is, I think it is only Friday or already Sunday.
      (2) I recognize that tomorrow is Sunday, but I wish it weren’t. The week has gone by too fast.

      If I say something like this on any other day of the week BESIDES SATURDAY, it means I’m seriously confused about the day OR I’ve gotten into a really weird conversation with someone who is seriously confused. “Look, it’s impossible for tomorrow to be Sunday, dummy, because we went to school today and we don’t go to school on Saturday, therefore tomorrow CAN NOT BE SUNDAY!”

  21. Hauwa Kabir,

    I’ve just started level 4. It’s been a little bit under a year since I started this journey and I couldn’t be happier to have found this website. 정말 감사합니다 선생님들. 덕분에 한국어를 이렇게 잘 하게 될 수 있었어요. 모두 화이팅!!

  22. Kamiliuks,

    Hi! looking for someone i could practice what ive learned with! kind of like a study partner, would be good if you are also on level 4 (i just started lvl 4) and also 14-17 yrs old:)

    • Vaishnavi Rajpoot,

      Well. I also wanted a partner but I think I’m quite behing you as I have just completed level 4

    • Tanuja Khatun,

      Please contact me if u are still looking for a practice partner I have completed level 4 just today…my insta is Tanuja_trii

    • Shalini Kumari,

      Hiiii I would love to practice Korean with other ppl . This is my insta message me if ur interested (kpopquotesandedits ) . BTW I am starting level 5 from today on

    • Vaishnavi Rajpoot,

      I also want a partner but I might be behind you since I have just completed level 4

    • Purva,

      I tried to search you but I didn’t found


      Are you from Tamil Nadu?

    • Mia,

      I know this comment is from sometime ago but if you’re still interested you could make a group chat and add other people who also want a study partner. I know I would be interested 🙂

    • Lynda Neo,

      How do I get included in a chat grp to help me study korean amongst people who are learning ??

    • Mia,

      I would also love a study buddy. I’m 15

    • Vaishnavi Rajpoot,

      I am also interested in a study partner I might be behind you cause I have just completed level 4

    • Eman Aboziad,

      hi looking for native korean speaker. any recommend <3

    • The Unusual Panda,

      Hello! Im 15 wanna be study buddies? =D

    • Shalini Kumari,

      My insta is kpopquotesandedits . If ur still interested .

    • fatimadanyadado,

      Did u changed it I couldn’t find you?

    • Dahlia,

      me too

    • Babette Wissing,

      Hi! 17 year old here, I have been trying to find a conversation and study partner for a while too, I am almost done with level 4. Let me know if you’re interested:)

    • BTS-kimarmy,

      hey buddy i would love to study korean i am almost at the end of this level where do we talk?

    • fatimadanyadado,

      Hi are you still interested in studying I need a studying buddy

    • Vaishnavi Rajpoot,

      I also am interested I might be behind you but DM me veeshu1664

    • Shay,

      I don’t know if the offer is still up but I’ve also been looking for a partner. (I am 16 years old)

    • shev,

      This comment is from quite some time ago but I’m also looking for a study partner! I’m 13 yr old ^^

  23. Daniela Chaves,

    Hey! I’m Dani. I’m looking for study partners. So if you’re interested in kakao id is DaniChaves

    • T. Margaret,

      안녕하세요 Dani! Are you still looking for people to study with? I would like to join your group, please?

    • Dahlia,

      me too 저두같이공부하고싶어요.

    • Gurl with luv ][,


    • Amandastdy,

      Hi, I’m Amanda, lemme join^^

  24. Ian Paul B. Saligumba,

    I’m done with Level 4 Yehey!

  25. Janada,

    구글에서 TTMIK을 알게 되었어요.
    Is this statement correct?

    • Jonathan,

      The 【되었어요】 is incorrectly conjugated I think. I think it’s supposed to be 【됐어요】

    • Nicole Pinkley,

      되었어요 and 됐어요 both work

    • Beril Can,

      i think it is!