"Speak Korean More Confidently and Precisely!"
Sample Lessons
Main topics of the Level 5 course:
- Honorific suffix -시-
- How to quote someone
- Narrative present tense
- Advanced expressions for making guesses
- How to say "while", "as soon as", and "Something is about to…" in Korean
- Essential Hanja: 문(文), 회(會), 식(食)
Table of Contents
Average lesson length: 17 minutes
Lesson 1. Almost did / -(으)ㄹ 뻔했다, 할 뻔했다
Lesson 2. -시- (honorific) / -시-, 하시다
Lesson 3. Good work / 수고
Lesson 4. I guess, I assume / -나 보다
Lesson 5. I guess, I assume – Part 2 / -(으)ㄴ가 보다
Lesson 6. Word builder 6 / 문(文)
Lesson 7. As soon as… / -자마자, 하자마자
Lesson 8. It is about to …, I am planning to … / -(으)려고 하다, 하려고 하다
Lesson 9. While I was doing, and then / -다가, 하다가
Lesson 10. (To say) that S + be / -(이)라고 + nouns
Lesson 11. Sentence Building Drill #3
Lesson 12. Noun + -(이)라는 + Noun / Someone that is called ABC / Someone who says s/he is XYZ
Lesson 13. Word Builder lesson 7 / 회 (會)
Lesson 14. Since, Because, As / -(으)니까
Lesson 15. At least, Instead, It might not be the best but… / -(이)라도
Lesson 16. Narrative Present Tense in Korean / -(ㄴ/는)다
Lesson 17. Quoting someone in Korean / -(ㄴ/는)다는, -(ㄴ/는)다고
Lesson 18. Whether or not / -(으)ㄴ/는지
Lesson 19. To tell someone to do something / Verb + -(으)라고 + Verb
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill #4
Lesson 21. Word Contractions – Part 3 (이거를 –> 이걸)
Lesson 22. Word builder 8 / 식 (食)
Lesson 23. It seems like … / I assume … / -(으)려나 보다
Lesson 24. Not A But B, Don’t do THIS but do THAT / 말고, -지 말고
Lesson 25. Compared to, Relatively / -에 비해서 -ㄴ/은/는 편이다 /
Lesson 26. Instead of … / 대신에, -는 대신에
Lesson 27. You know, Isn’t it, You see…, Come on… / -잖아(요)
Lesson 28. To have no other choice but to… / -(으)ㄹ 수밖에 없다
Lesson 29. they said that they had done …, they said that they would … / -았/었/였다고, -(으)ㄹ 거라고
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill #5
Review What You’ve Learned in Level 5
What you can find in this course:

Lesson notes

Sample dialogues

Review quizzes

Review lesson
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All Levels Covered
By simply following our curriculum that covers 10 levels, you can take your Korean skills from absolute beginner all the way up to advanced. -
Short and Digestible Lessons
Each lesson is bite-sized and easy to understand, as it focuses on one grammar point at a time and provides many example sentences. -
Fun Story-based Reviews
You can review the entire course through a fun story! The final lesson of each course features a fun story that allows you to review all the grammar and vocabulary introduced in the course. -
Review Quizzes and Interactive Audio Lessons
You can test your new knowledge through review quizzes and interactive audio lessons, where our teachers ask you questions, and you can respond and check where you need to improve.
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I was wondering there’s no “시“ pronunciation in Level 5 Lesson 2 Test 10, but the answer includes it (시).Could please you clarify it?
Ttmik in korean we love you and appreciate your hard work very much I hope we Can meet one day when I come to korea , Inshallah .
I have a question. Do 말고 and 대신에 have close meaning. If we change sentence which has the 말고 stracture to a sentence which has 대신에 stracture, does the meaning of the sentence completely change?
Hello! I have a question about lesson 4. There’s an important note about -나 보다 being able to be used only with action verbs, however in the examples 재미있다 is included. Is it the only exception, or is it because it’s an 있다 descriptive verb?
I was wondering is there a possibility to have speed up features to the audio? if i want to re-listen to it again, i was hoping to do it x1.5
We plan to create a feature soon that allows you to listen at a faster speed. Please wait a little longer. Thank you. 😁
Hello. Half of the lesson 18 is not explained at all: the 아닌지 for -이다. I do own the book, but it’s usually very helpful listening to the lesson as well.
We’ve created a book by adding some additional explanations to the content of the audio lessons. Therefore, while the content of the audio lessons is concise, the content of the book is a bit more comprehensive and detailed. If given the opportunity, We’ll strive to enrich the audio lessons as much as the content of the book.
Lesson 18 doesn’t have a sample sentence for 얼마나.
We’ll soon try to add more examples. 🙂
I’m struggling to understand the different uses of 으니까 and 서 in the level 5 lesson 14 of the workbook. They both sounded fine to me in all of the examples 15 through 22. I reviewed level 3 lesson 7 so I think the intent of the speaker is the answer, or maybe the link of cause and effect, but I still can’t distinguish when to use each one.
In imperative and suggestive sentences, -(으)니까 must be used, while in other cases, it is interchangeable. 🙂
Thank you TTMIk I have made really greet progress in Korean & thanks to you keep hard working, for real share never imagine myself able to be in a intermediate level in just one your & I didn’t make this progress only when I subscribed into these courses,I still have small problems but still I’m able to target my weakness points &turn it to a power points cuz all study level plans are so specific to let me know if I’m making good progress or not (even though it’s myfirst mouth with TTMIK courses)so I’m absolutly will resubscribe in courses,TBHny budget isn’t that mucho it might be a lil expensive but it’s worth it Fr
We’re really glad to hear that you, 아미라, are continuously making progress!
Please keep up the hard work in your Korean in the future too! Thank you. 🥰
In Lvl 5 lesson 24, test-question 6, you are asked to turn “저쪽으로 가지 마세요. 이쪽으로 가세요.” into one sentence. As it used the same verb, I changed it to “저쪽으로 말고 이쪽으로 가세요.” in the sense of “don’t go that way but this way”, however it was marked as incorrect, as I should have used “저쪽으로 가지 말고 이쪽으로 가세요”.
Is my way not possible? If so, why?
In the test question, it instructed to use -지 말고, so 저쪽으로 가지 말고 이쪽으로 가세요 became the correct answer. However, sentences using -말고, such as 이쪽으로 말고 저쪽으로 가세요 and 이쪽 말고 저쪽으로 가세요, are also valid. 🤓
In Lvl 5 Lesson 14, test-question 9, you are asked to fill in the translation of “I am so happy because the exam is over”.
I wrote “끝나서” because I thought the rule was you could not use -(으)니까 when expressing your own feelings or situations.
But when I checked the solution it said 끝니까.
Could you explain why? Is this not concidered a situation where you are expressing your own feelings or situation?
Thanks <3
Because it’s a problem asking to use -(으)니까 as an answer, 시험이 끝나니까 너무 좋아요 is the correct answer, but 시험이 끝나서 너무 좋아요 is not an incorrect answer. 시험이 끝나서 너무 좋아요 is also a valid sentence. 🤓
Hello! About Lvl 5 Lesson 3, would saying 소고 하세요 to a convenience store worker as you’re leaving be appropriate if the worker is older than you? What about in a restaurant as you’re leaving? Thank you!
I apologize for the delayed response.
When saying 수고하세요 to a convenience store worker, it is more akin to “goodbye”, so it can be used even if the worker is older. 😃
I just had a question about the sample dialog for level 5 lesson 7. Is it written to demonstrate humor? I’m not sure I understand how asking one question led to an answer that didn’t seem to address the question….and the word, ‘instead’?
A: 은지 씨, 은지 씨는 회사에 출근하자마자 바로 일 시작해요?
B: 그럼요.
A: 우와. 어떻게 그러지?
B: 대신 퇴근 시간 되자마자 퇴근해요.
< English >
A: Eunji, do you start working right away as soon as you get to the office?
B: Sure.
A: Wow, how do you do that?
B: Instead, I leave the office as soon as quitting time comes.
I know it’s silly, Just trying to understand
Thank you for leaving the question. It’s not silly at all! In this scenario, A’s words were, “어떻게 그러지” However, she wasn’t actually seeking an explanation. It was more like asking oneself, showing her surprise like, “How could someone do that?” (Level 4 Lesson 4. Verb ending -지요/죠)
I think there may be an error in the review quiz for lesson 26?
It says:
저거 대신에 이거 = this instead of that
Doesn’t that actually mean “that instead of this”?
Thank you for leaving the question. The word order between English and Korean is different.
B 대신에 A = A instead of B
I have a question about lesson number 20
못 한다고 하다 = to say that one cannot do (something) –> 하다 + ㄴ 다고
못 했다고 하다 = to say that one could not do (something)
why is it 못 했다고 하다 and not 못 했는다고 하다?
Thank you
I think it is because -는 is used for present tense
After all these lessons I have an actual question. In lesson 17, one of the sentences is: 주연 씨 결혼한다는 소식 들었어요 ( Have you heard the news that Juyeon is getting married ). I was wondering is there a difference in Korean between “getting married” and “got married” in this context? And if so would you have to use “결혼한다고 했는” instead of 결혼한다는?
Actually “결혼한다고 한” – my mistake.
In reference to lesson #17 and #19, how would combine these two. For instance, how would i say “Tell him/them I said “I hurt my knee”?
You can say 내가 “나 다리를 다쳤어”라고 (말)했다고 (말)해.
I’m confusing about the sentence of lesson 18:이 사람 누군지 알아요?——누구 is a description verb here so it followed by ㄴ지 ? OR 누군지 is a combination of 누구 (이다+ㄴ지)?
누군지 is a combination of 누구 ‘who’ and 인지 ‘to be’ (이다+ㄴ지). So the sentence 이 (this) 사람 (person) 누군지 (who is it) 알아요 (know)?-> Do you know who this person is? I hope this helps a little 🙂
hello, i cannot listen to “review what…”. Is this a problem from your side or mine? Thanks
안녕하세요! 질문 있는데요. 아는 분 있으면 대답해줄래요? In the following sentence, can someone tell me why they used 라고 하다 in the places they did instead of 다고 하다? Would it relate to Lesson 10? Lesson 19?
지민아, 항상 네가 “형 저 살찌지
않았어요?”라고 얘기할 때마다
“어! 너무 돼지 같아!”라고
말하고 싶은데 상처받을까봐
말하지 못했다고 한다.
I thought 라고 하다 was related to attaching itself to verbs and was for commands or requests or for nouns. I hope my question makes sense!
Normslly you use 라고 하다 for commands/requests but you’ll notice that they are directly quoting the exact sentence, word for word, changing the sentence into a noun. Nouns are used with 라고 하다.
For example:
“저 살찌지 않았어요?”라고 했다 –> They said “I didn’t lose weight”. –> Direct quotation
살찌지 않았다고 했어요 –> They said they didnt lose weight. –> Indirect quotation.
Hope this helps 🙂
Here is a whatsapp group for beginners and also intermediate ! Welcome 😉
My understanding is because there is a full quote, a direct quotation, you would use -라고 하다. The only time you’re going to use -다고 하다 is if you’re giving an indirect quotation. For -다고 하다 you’re changing the verb or descriptive verb used by the speaker into it’s literary form to provide the indirect quotation. With -라고 하다 you’re keeping the phrase exactly the same, surrounding it with quotes – no adjustment to the literary form.
To give you an illustration in English and Korean:
direct quote: My mom said, “Don’t eat the cake before eating dinner!”
우리 엄마가 “저녁을 먹기 전에 케이크 먹지마!” 라고 했어요.
indirect quote: My mom said we can play outside today!
우리 엄마가 오늘 밖에 놀아 도됀다고 말했어요.
Note – you can also use 라고 하다 for indirect quotations, but this is if you’re quoting nouns
Hi! Here is a link to Kakao chat where native speakers help us out learning Korean.
There are several regular group study sessions where you can talk with Korean learners and Korean natives!
Hey can i join
Here is a whatsapp group for beginners and also intermediate ! Welcome 😉
can i join too please?
안녕하세요, could you please resend the WhatsApp invite link. This link was reset. I really need people to practice with 🥺. 정말 감사합니다
안녕하세요 에러분!
I’ve started a Google Classroom if anyone would like to join using the code e27babn. You can also join the Kakao groupchat using this this link: https://open.kakao.com/o/geSyS3Od
And if anyone wants to help run the Google Classroom, just message me on Kakao at @vbngloss!
I wanted to join but gclass said it doesn’t accept my account. ): Is it perhaps open to public?
Here is a whatsapp group for beginners and also intermediate ! Welcome 😉
Hi! I have difficulties in understanding differences of various formal speech forms.
For example, what’s the difference between 갑니다 and 갑시다?
And also what’s the difference between 갑시다 and 가세요 which both are supposed to be use in honorific speech.
갑니다 means to go and 갑시다 means “let’s go”
Finally 갑시다 means please go which is an honorific
The title is: why you shouldn’t say 갑시다 to everyone to mean “let’s go”
Hey, check out their video about that on youtube…it helped me a lot!
Finally, I’m done with this course.