How do you learn to read and write in Korean Hangeul?

Even if you don't know anything about the Korean language and haven't taken any lessons before, you can learn how to read and write every letter in the Korean language quite easily. The Korean writing system is called "Hangeul" and it is literally the easiest writing system in the world that you can learn because it was invented based on logical rules. Just invest a couple of hours and you will be reading everything that's written in Korean.

Just by learning Hangeul, of course, you won't be able to understand everything that you hear or read. You will still have to study in order to actually become conversational in Korean, but just the fact that the writing system is easy to learn will help you get started with the Korean language much more confidently. 

Watch our video lesson here and start learning! After that, you can take our full curriculum to learn to speak Korean fluently. 

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