My First Writing Practice In Korean
Product Details
Here’s why you are going to love this book!
- You can learn commonly used day-to-day Korean expressions.
- You can turn everyday moments into learning opportunities.
- Your social media feed will become more interesting!
- Daily writing practices will give you a confidence boost in your Korean skills.

What was your day like today? What is on your mind right now? What are you celebrating? These are not only good questions to answer on social media, but also great topics to write about for improving your Korean! Improve your Korean writing skills by sticking to a regular schedule with the 30-day challenge in this book.
Made Specifically for Effective Daily Writing Practices
Writing practices are a crucial part of learning to “speak” Korean well. You can slow down and construct sentences at your own pace before you use them. It is not always easy, however, to decide what to write about. The TTMIK team designed this book so that even learners with no writing experience can start making realistic and natural sentences in Korean!
Share Your Day on Social Media in Korean!
Just follow the friendly guidelines in this book and fill in the blanks with words about your own daily life. You will find yourself writing very natural and interesting captions for your social media posts in Korean! Every time you take a photo with your phone, you can easily find a phrase or sentence structure you can use to make a really cool Korean caption.
You can listen to the audio tracks for this book at
Table of Contents
How to Use This Book
Korean Language Basics
Day 1. [N] 시작: 휴가 시작
[N] begins: vacation begins
Day 2. [N1] + -(이)랑 [N2]: 엄마랑 쇼핑
[N2] with [N1]: shopping with my mom
Day 3. [N] 중: 산책 중
in the middle of [N]: in the middle of a walk
Day 4. 오늘도 [N]: 오늘도 운동
[N] today as well: exercising today as well
Day 5. [N] 전: 외출 전
before [N]: before going out
Day 6. [N1] + -이/가 좋아하는 [N2]: 내가 좋아하는 옷
[N2] that [N1] likes: clothes that I like
Day 7. [N] 끝: 청소 끝
[N] is done: cleaning is done
Day 8. 오랜만에 [N]: 오랜만에 치킨
[N] for the first time in a while: fried chicken for the first time in a while
Day 9. 너무 [Adj] + -다!: 너무 귀엽다!
It is so [Adj]!: It is so cute!
Day 10. [N1] + -의 [N2] Part 1: 오늘의 점심
[N1]’s [N2] Part 1: today’s lunch
Day 11. [N1] + -의 [N2] Part 2: 예지의 그림
[N1]’s [N2] Part 2: Yeji’s drawing
Day 12. [N] + -을/를 [V] + -았/었/였다.: 카메라를 샀다.
I [V] [N].: I bought a camera.
Day 13. 아! [V] + -고 싶다!: 아! 여행 가고 싶다!
Ah! I want to [V]!: Ah! I want to travel!
Day 14. 아! [V] + -기 싫다!: 아! 일어나기 싫다!
Ugh! I don’t want to [V] + -ing!: Ugh! I don’t want to get up!
Day 15. [V] + -기 성공: 1년에 책 100권 읽기 성공
success in [V] + -ing: success in reading 100 books in a year
Day 16. 나를 위한 [N]: 나를 위한 선물
[N] for me: a present for myself
Day 17. [N1] + -은/는 [N2] + -와/과 함께: 케이크는 커피와 함께
[N1] goes well with [N2]: cake goes well with coffee
Day 18. [N] + -은/는 처음: 운전은 처음
first time [N]: first time driving
Day 19. [V] + -(으)ㄹ 때 [Adj] + -(으)ㄴ/는 [N]: 웃을 때 예쁜 소희
[N] who is [Adj] when they [V]: Sohee who is pretty when she smiles
Day 20. [Adj] + -(으)ㄴ/는 [N]: 피곤한 월요일
[Adj] [N]: tiring Monday
Day 21. [Adj] + -(으)ㄹ 것 같다.: 맛있을 것 같다.
I think it will be [Adj].: I think it will be delicious.
Day 22. [N] + -을/를 [V] + -(으)ㄹ까 고민 중: 머리를 자를까 고민 중
thinking about [V] + -ing [N]: thinking about getting my hair cut
Day 23. [V] + -고 있는 나: 졸고 있는 나
me [V] + -ing: me dozing off
Day 24. 내가 [V] + -는 이유: 내가 살이 찌는 이유
the reason why I [V]: the reason why I gain weight
Day 25. 벌써 [N] + -(이)네.: 벌써 12월이네.
Wow, it is already [N].: Wow, it is already December.
Day 26. [N] + -이/가 별로 [Adj] + -네.: 사람이 별로 없네.
[N] is not very [Adj].: There are not very many people.
Day 27. [V] + -(으)ㄹ 수 있을까?: 오늘 집에 갈 수 있을까?
Will I/we be able to [V]?: Will I be able to go home today?
Day 28. [V] + -(으)세요.: 주말 잘 보내세요.
[V] (imperative).: Have a good weekend.
Day 29. [V/Adj] + -아/어/여요. / [V/Adj] + -(스)ㅂ니다.: 결혼해요. / 결혼합니다.
I/we [V/Adj].: We are getting married.
Day 30. [V/Adj] + -았/었/였어요. / [V/Adj] + -았/었/였습니다.: 행복한 생일이었어요. / 행복한 생일이었습니다.
I/we [V/Adj].: I had a happy birthday.
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Specifications of this book
Product Dimensions: 175 x 195 x 12 mm
Shipping Weight: 375g
I’m glad I bought this book. It fills in a missing gap in my use of other supplementary material: producing language. It provides simple structures for practice, and more usefully for me, a stimulus for writing! In my personal learning system, this serves as a bridge for other material. I start with a unit of My First 500 Words. Then with this resource, I write new sentences drawing from my own situation, and also other sentences using the new vocabulary from 500 Words. If I learn something else from say, the Auxiliary Verb course in this website, I can also practice them in this book, alongside vocabulary revision. Gained much confidence — so thank you very much!
Thanks you.
I’ve always wanted to start writing a diary in Korean and this book is the perfect book to help! It’s clear to understand and follow and gives you a great starting point that you can develop with. I struggled with not knowing where to start and this book has helped me so much! Definitely would recommend if you want to start writing about your life in Korean!
Thank you so much for your review! Your words mean the world to us. We are so glad you like the book. : )
Amazing book for writing diary entries in Korean! I feel like I never can come up with anything to write but this book motivated me to write and improve my Korean writing skills.
I really liked this book. Sometimes I feel like no matter how much grammar I learn is hard to use it or “land it” to real usage. This book helped me include Korean writing and thinking in my daily life, while also deepening my understanding of everyday Korean and to realize I actually understand more than I thought. I have to ship to the US and then to Colombia for faster shipping and the team takes special attention in wrapping the books correctly so you receive them neatly. The structure is great and I spent a great month using this book thinking on re-doing the challenge.
As someone who has a hard time coming up of writing topics, this book is a great resource of prompts and the grammar behind it. Also it comes with cute stickers!
OMG!!! This book is on another level, very practical and fun to use. People need to be prepared for all my korean content coming up.
I love this! The social media aspect of this is brilliant, since so many other language learning books neglect to mention it. It has helped me tremendously.
I like how the book shows you how you can do posts online, for like Instagram and such. It makes it to where we can put it to everyday use. Plus I like the pictures.
This was such a fun book to practice writing with. The exercises are super useful.
I absolutely love all the books that I have from TTMIK. they are set out beautifully, clear and instructional. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put in. I always recommend you.