TTMIK Levels 1-10 Limited Edition
Product Details

Learn EVERYTHING you need to know in order to build a solid foundation in Korean grammar with Talk To Me In Korean’s 10 levels of textbooks! You can take your Korean level from beginner to advanced by studying with the 295 bite-sized lessons presented through this systematic curriculum.

This 10-book bundle is only offered for a limited time, with special merch items.

This limited-edition bundle is delivered in a beautifully wrapped package using 보자기(bojagi, a traditional Korean wrapping cloth) and 노리개(norigae, a traditional Korean accessory for women). You can use the wrapping decorations, 보자기 and 노리개, for various other purposes!
Also included in the package are a cute notebook where you can take notes or keep a journal in Korean, progress trackers that you can also use to decorate your desk, a self-certificate you can give yourself upon completion of all 10 levels, and a TTMIK sticker pack!

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Little by little, every day!
If you make it part of your daily routine to study with one lesson each day, you will be able to finish everything in this curriculum within a year. Considering occasional study breaks, review sessions and days where you study with other resources, you can go over all the lessons within a couple of years and build a really solid foundation for understanding and forming Korean sentences.
We have developed our Talk To Me In Korean curriculum with more than 10 years of research, and by starting with the right materials, you will achieve your goals with the Korean language more effectively and more efficiently!
This is a limited-time offer, so don’t miss the opportunity to get all 10 books in a bundle and also get small TTMIK merch to study with and decorate with!
Tables of Contents
Lesson 2. Yes, No, What? / 네, 아니요
Lesson 3. Goodbye, See you / 안녕히 계세요, 안녕히 가세요
Lesson 4. I’m sorry, Excuse me / 죄송합니다, 저기요
Lesson 6. This is…, What is this? / 이거…, 이거 뭐예요?
Lesson 7. This, That, It / 이, 저, 그, 거/것
Lesson 8. It’s NOT me / 아니에요
Lesson 9. Topic/Subject Marking Particles / -은/는, -이/가
Lesson 10. Have, Don’t have, There is, There isn’t / 있어요, 없어요[Blog] Places in Korean: Han River (한강)
Lesson 11. Please give me… / … 주세요
Lesson 12. “It’s delicious, It tastes awful, Thank you for the food / 맛있어요, 잘 먹겠습니다”
Lesson 13. I want to… / -고 싶어요
Lesson 14. What do you want to do? / 뭐 -고 싶어요?
Lesson 15. Sino-Korean Numbers / 일, 이, 삼, 사, …
Lesson 16. Basic Present Tense / -아/-어/-여요
Lesson 17. Past Tense / -았/었/였어요
Lesson 18. Location Marking Particles / 어디, -에, -에서
Lesson 19. When / 언제
Lesson 20. Native Korean Numbers / 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, …[Blog] Travel in Korea: Taking a Taxi
Lesson 21. Negative Sentences / 안, -지 않다
Lesson 22. Verbs / 하다
Lesson 23. Who? / 누구?
Lesson 24. Why? How? / 왜? 어떻게?
Lesson 25. From A To B, From C Until D / -에서/부터 -까지[Answers]
Lesson 2. Object Marking Particles / -을, -를
Lesson 3. And, And then, Therefore, So / 그리고, 그래서
Lesson 4. And, With / -하고, -(이)랑
Lesson 5. Days of the Week / 요일
Lesson 6. But, However / 그렇지만, 그런데
Lesson 7. “To” someone, “From” someone / -한테, -한테서
Lesson 8. Telling Time / 한 시, 두 시, 세 시, 네 시, …
Lesson 9. Counters / 개, 명
Lesson 10. Present Progressive / -고 있어요[Blog] Places in Korea: Namsan (남산)
Lesson 11. Self Introduction / 자기소개
Lesson 12. What is the Date? / 날짜
Lesson 13. Too, Also / -도 (Part 1)
Lesson 14. Too, Also / -도 (Part 2)
Lesson 15. Only / -만
Lesson 16. A bit, Really, Very, Not really, Not at all / 조금, 정말, 진짜, 아주, 별로, 전혀
Lesson 17. Can, Cannot / -(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다
Lesson 18. To be good/poor at… / 잘하다, 못하다
Lesson 19. Making Verbs Into Nouns / -는 것
Lesson 20. Have to, Should, Must / -아/어/여야 되다/하다[Blog] Korean Food Recipes: Kimchi Fried Rice
Lesson 21. More… than… / -보다 더
Lesson 22. To like / 좋다 vs 좋아하다
Lesson 23. If, In case / 만약, -(으)면
Lesson 24. Still, Already / 아직, 벌써
Lesson 25. “Someone, Something, Somewhere, Someday / 누군가, 무언가, 어딘가, 언젠가”
Lesson 26. Imperative / -(으)세요
Lesson 27. Please do it for me / -아/어/여 주세요
Lesson 28. Method, Way / -(으)로
Lesson 29. All, More / 다, 더
Lesson 30. Don’t do it / -지 마세요[Blog] Travel in Korea — T-money (티머니 카드)[Answers]
Lesson 2. Linking Verbs / -고
Lesson 3. In front of, Behind, Next to, On top of, Under / 앞에, 뒤에, 옆에, 위에, 밑에
Lesson 4. Shall we…?, I wonder… / -(으)ㄹ까요?
Lesson 5. Approximately, About / -쯤, 정도, 약
Lesson 6. Future Tense / -(으)ㄹ 거예요 vs -(으)ㄹ게요
Lesson 7. Linking Verbs / -아/어/여서
Lesson 8. To look like, To seem like (used with nouns) / – 같다
Lesson 9. To look like, To seem like (used with verbs) / -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 것 같아요
Lesson 10. Before -ing / -기 전에[Blog] Places in Korea: Daehakro (대학로)
Lesson 11. Irregulars: ᄇ / ㅂ 불규칙
Lesson 12. But still, Nevertheless / 그래도
Lesson 13. Making Adjectives (Part 1) / adjectives in infinitive form + -(으)ᄂ + 명사
Lesson 14. Making Adjectives (Part 2) / action verbs + -는 + 명사
Lesson 15. Well then, In that case, If so / 그러면, 그럼
Lesson 16. Let’s / -아/어/여요 (청유형)
Lesson 17. In order to, For the sake of / 위해, 위해서
Lesson 18. Nothing but, Only / -밖에 + 부정형
Lesson 19. After -ing / 다음에, 후에, 뒤에
Lesson 20. Even if, Even though / -아/어/여도[Blog] Things to Do in Korea: Board Game Cafes (보드 게임 카페)
Lesson 21. Linking Verbs / -는/은/ᄂ데
Lesson 22. Maybe I might … / -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요
Lesson 23. Word Builder 1 / 학(學)
Lesson 24. Irregulars: 르 / 르 불규칙
Lesson 25. Verb Ending -네요 / -네요
Lesson 26. Irregulars: ᄃ / ㄷ 불규칙
Lesson 27. Politeness Levels / 반말 and 존댓말
Lesson 28. “Let’s” in Casual Language / -자 (반말, 청유형)
Lesson 29. Irregulars: ᄉ / ㅅ 불규칙
Lesson 30. Word Builder 2 / 실(室)[Blog] Harvest Festival / Korean Thanksgiving: Chuseok (추석)[Answers]
Lesson 2. Do you want to…?
Lesson 3. It can’t be …
Lesson 4. Verb Ending: -지(요)
Lesson 5. 당신 and “you”
Lesson 6. Word Builder 3 / 동(動)
Lesson 7. It’s okay, I’m okay
Lesson 8. It is okay to…, You don’t have to…
Lesson 9. You shouldn’t…, You’re not supposed to…
Lesson 10. Among, Between[Blog] Places in Korea:Imjingak – Pyeonghwanuri Park (임진각 평화누리 공원)
Lesson 11. Any (아무 Part 1)
Lesson 12. To try doing something
Lesson 13. Word Builder 4 / 불(不)
Lesson 14. Sometimes, Often, Always, Never, Seldom
Lesson 15. Any (아무 Part 2)
Lesson 16. Spacing in Korean / 띄어쓰기 (Part 1)
Lesson 17. Word Contractions – Topic/Subject marker
Lesson 18. The most
Lesson 19. Less, Not completely
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 1[Blog] Things to Do in Korea: Movie Theaters (영화관)
Lesson 21. Spacing in Korean / 띄어쓰기 (Part 2)
Lesson 22. Word Builder 5 / 장(場)
Lesson 23. Word Contractions (Part 2)
Lesson 24. Much (more), Much (less)
Lesson 25. -(으)ㄹ + noun (future tense noun group)
Lesson 26. -(으)ㄹ + noun (past tense noun group)
Lesson 27. I think that …
Lesson 28. To become + adjective
Lesson 29. To gradually get to do, To end up doing
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 2[Blog] Places in Korea: Cheonggyecheon (청계천)[Answers]
Lesson 2. Honorific Suffix: -시-
Lesson 3. Good work / 수고
Lesson 4. I guess, I assume (Part 1) / -나 보다
Lesson 5. I guess, I assume (Part 2) / -(으)ㄴ가 보다
Lesson 6. Word Builder 6 / 문(文)
Lesson 7. As soon as … / -자마자
Lesson 8. It is about to …, I am planning to … / -(으)려고 하다
Lesson 9. While I was doing …, … and then … / -다가
Lesson 10. (To say) that something/someone is + noun / 명사 + -(이)라고 (말하다)[Blog] Shopping in Korea: Stephanie’s Korean Beauty Product Introduction
Lesson 11. Sentence Building Drill 3
Lesson 12. Noun + that is called / that people say is + noun / -(이)라는
Lesson 13. Word Builder 7 / 회 (會)
Lesson 14. Since, Because, As / -(으)니까
Lesson 15. At least, Instead, It might not be the best but … / -(이)라는
Lesson 16. Narrative Present Tense in Korean / -(ㄴ/는)다
Lesson 17. (To say) that something/someone + verb / 동사 + -(ㄴ/는)다고 (말하다)
Lesson 18. Whether or not / -(으)ㄴ/는지
Lesson 19. To tell someone to do something / 동사 + -(으)라고 하다
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 4[Blog] Things to Do in Korea: Noraebang (노래방)
Lesson 21. Word Contractions – Object marker / 축약형 (Part 3) – 목적격 조사
Lesson 22. Word Builder 8 / 식 (食)
Lesson 23. It seems like… / I assume… / -(으)려나 보다
Lesson 24. Not A But B, Don’t do THIS but do THAT / 말고, -지 말고
Lesson 25. Compared to, Relatively / -에 비해서 -(으)ㄴ/는 편이다
Lesson 26. Instead of … /대신에, -는 대신에
Lesson 27. You know, Isn’t it …?, You see …, Come on … / -잖아(요)
Lesson 28. To have no other choice but to… / -(으)ㄹ 수밖에 없다
Lesson 29. They said that they had done…, They said that they would… / -았/었/였다고, -(으)ㄹ거라고
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 5[Blog] Korean Food Recipes: Stephanie’s Sweet Pancake (호떡) Recipe[Answers]
Lesson 2. What do you think about…? / 어떻게 생각해요?, 어떤 것 같아요?
Lesson 3. One of the most… / 가장 … 중의 하나
Lesson 4. Do you mind if I…? / -아/어/여도 돼요?, -아/어/여도 될까요?
Lesson 5. I am in the middle of -ing / -고 있는 중이에요, -는 중이에요
Lesson 6. Word Builder 9 / -님
Lesson 7. One way or another / 어차피
Lesson 8. I’m not sure if… / -(으)ᄂ/는지 잘 모르겠어요
Lesson 9. While you are at it / -(으)ᄂ/는 김에
Lesson 10. Sentence Building Drill 6[Blog] Places in Korea: Yongdu-am and Yongyeon on Jeju Island (제주도 용두암과 용연)
Lesson 11. I mean… / 그러니까, 제 말은, -(이)라고요, 말이에요
Lesson 12. What do you mean?, What does that mean? / 무슨 말이에요?
Lesson 13. Word Builder 10 / 과(過)
Lesson 14. So one can also + verb / 동사 + -(으)ᄅ 겸
Lesson 15. The thing that is called, What they call… / -(이)라는 것은
Lesson 16. Various Usages of the Suffix -겠- / -겠-
Lesson 17. Because, Since, Let me tell you… / -거든(요)
Lesson 18. Or / -(이)나, -거나, 아니면
Lesson 19. To improve, To change, To increase / -아/어/여지다 (Part 2)
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 7[Blog] Korean Food Recipes: Dakgalbi (닭갈비) Recipe
Lesson 21. Passive Voice (Part 1) / -이/히/리/기-, -아/어/여지다
Lesson 22. Word Builder 11 / 무(無)
Lesson 23. Passive Voice (Part 2) / -이/히/리/기-, -아/어/여지다
Lesson 24. I DID do it, but…, I DO like it, but… / -기는 하다
Lesson 25. To be easy/difficult to + verb / -기 쉽다/어렵다
Lesson 26. To know/think that someone has done/will do something / -(으)ᄂ/ᄅ 줄 알다
Lesson 27. Can, To be able to, To know how to / -(으)ᄅ 수 있다, -(으)ᄅ 줄 알다
Lesson 28. It depends / -에 따라 달라요
Lesson 29. Sometimes I do this, but other times I do that. / 어떨 때는 -(으)ᄂ/는데, 어떨 때는 -아/어/여요.
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 8[Blog] Johnny’s Korean Movie Recommendations[Answers]
Lesson 2. To pretend to + verb / -(으/느)ㄴ 척하다/체하다
Lesson 3. To be doable/understandable/bearable / -(으)ㄹ 만하다
Lesson 4. Like + noun / -같이, -처럼
Lesson 5. As much as / 만큼
Lesson 6. Word Builder 12 / 원(院)
Lesson 7. Even if…, There is no use… / -아/어/여 봤자
Lesson 8. I saw that…, so… / -길래
Lesson 9. Because one was -ing / -느라고
Lesson 10. Sentence Building Drill 9[Blog] Korean Food Recipes: Pajeon (파전) Recipe
Lesson 11. Making Things Happen (Causative Verbs) / -이/히/리/기/우/구/추-
Lesson 12. Retelling/Reporting on Speech / -더라(고요)
Lesson 13. Word builder 13 / 기(機)
Lesson 14. No matter how… / 아무리 -아/어/여도
Lesson 15. What was it again? / 뭐더라?, 뭐였죠?
Lesson 16. I said… / -다니까(요), -라니까(요)
Lesson 17. I heard…, They say that… / -(ㄴ/는)대요, -(이)래요
Lesson 18. I heard…, They say that… / -(ㄴ/는)다던데(요), -(이)라던데(요)
Lesson 19. Making Reported Question Sentences / -냐고
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 10[Blog] Famous Korean People: Female Free Divers on Jeju Island (해녀)
Lesson 21. Didn’t you hear them say… / -(ㄴ/는)다잖아요/라잖아요
Lesson 22. Word Builder 14 / 정(定)
Lesson 23. No matter whether you do it or not/ -(으)나 마나
Lesson 24. To have been put into a certain state / Passive Voice + -어 있다
Lesson 25. To be bound to + verb / 동사 + -게 되어 있다
Lesson 26. On top of…, In addition to…/ -(으/느)ㄴ 데다가
Lesson 27. As long as / -기만 하면, -(느)ㄴ 한
Lesson 28. The thing that is called + verb/ -(ㄴ/는)다는 것
Lesson 29. So that…, To the point where… / -도록
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 11[Blog] Things to Do in Korea: Lotus Flower Tea, Lotus Leaf Tea (연꽃차, 연잎차)[Answers]
Lesson 2. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 1 (Part 2) / 눈 (Eye)
Lesson 3. Right after -ing / -기가 무섭게, -기가 바쁘게
Lesson 4. Noun + that (someone) used to + verb / -(았/었/였)던
Lesson 5. Advanced Situational Expressions 1 / 거절할 때 (Refusing in Korean)
Lesson 6. It means… / -(ㄴ/는)다는 뜻이에요
Lesson 7. Word Builder 15 / 점(點)
Lesson 8. I hope…, I wish… / -(으)면 좋겠어요
Lesson 9. Past Tense (Various Structures) / 과거 시제 총정리
Lesson 10. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 2 / 귀 (Ear)[Blog] Places in Korea: Ulleungdo (울릉도)
Lesson 11. Sentence Building Drill 12
Lesson 12. Present Tense (Various Structures) / 현재 시제 총정리
Lesson 13. Word Builder 16 / 주(主)
Lesson 14. Advanced Situational Expressions 2 / 찬성할 때 (Agreeing in Korean)
Lesson 15. Future Tense (Various Structures) / 미래 시제 총정리
Lesson 16. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 3 / 가슴 (Chest, Heart, Breast, Mind)
Lesson 17. If only it’s not… / -만 아니면
Lesson 18. In the same way that…, Just like someone did… / -(으/느)ㄴ 대로
Lesson 19. Even if I would have to…, Even if that means I have to… / -는 한이 있더라도
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 13[Blog] Korean Food Recipes: Bulgogi (불고기) Recipe
Lesson 21. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 4 / 머리 (Head, Hair)
Lesson 22. Word Builder 17 / 상(上)
Lesson 23. Advanced Situational Expressions 3 / 제안할 때 (Making Suggestions in Korean)
Lesson 24. It is just that…, I only… / -(으)ㄹ 따름이다
Lesson 25. Advanced Situational Expressions 4 / 부정할 때 (Defending in Korean)
Lesson 26. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 5 / 몸 (Body)
Lesson 27. Advanced Situational Expressions 5 / 칭찬할 때 (Complimenting in Korean)
Lesson 28. Despite, Although / -에도 불구하고, -(으/느)ㄴ데도 불구하고
Lesson 29. Advanced Situational Expressions 6 / 기분 좋을 때 (Expressing Happiness in Korean)
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 14[Blog] Places in Korea: Jeju Batdam (밭담/돌담)[Answers]
Lesson 2. Completed Action / -아/어/여 버리다
Lesson 3. Advanced Situational Expressions 7 / 기분 나쁠 때 (When You Are Unhappy)
Lesson 4. Completed Action / -고 말다
Lesson 5. Advanced Situational Expressions 8 / 걱정될 때 (When You Are Worried)
Lesson 6. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 7 / 발 (Foot)
Lesson 7. Word Builder 18 / 비(非)
Lesson 8. Advanced Situational Expressions 9 / 부탁할 때 (When You Ask For A Favor)
Lesson 9. Simplifying A Sentence Ending / -(으)ㅁ
Lesson 10. Sentence Building Drill 15[Blog] Traditional Korean Hat: Gat (갓)
Lesson 11. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 8 / 마음 (Heart, Mind)
Lesson 12. To look/seem + adjective / -아/어/여 보이다
Lesson 13. Word Builder 19 / 신(新)
Lesson 14. Advanced Situational Expressions 10 / 후회할 때 (When You Regret Something)
Lesson 15. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 9 / 기분 (Feeling)
Lesson 16. In return for, Since it will be… / -(으)ㄹ 테니(까)
Lesson 17. Since, Once, As long as / -(으/느)ㄴ 이상
Lesson 18. (To worry/think) that it might / -(으)ㄹ까 봐
Lesson 19. Advanced Situational Expressions 11 / 오랜만에 만났을 때 (When You Meet Someone After A Long Time)
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 16[Blog] Places in Korea: Yongsan Video Game Alley (용산전자상가)
Lesson 21. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 10 / 생각 (Thought, Idea)
Lesson 22. Word Builder 20 / 시(示, 視)
Lesson 23. While / -(으)면서
Lesson 24. Didn’t you say…?, I heard that… / -(ㄴ/는)다면서요, -(이)라면서요
Lesson 25. Advanced Situational Expressions 12 / 길을 물어볼 때 (When You Ask For Directions)
Lesson 26. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 11 / 시간 (Time)
Lesson 27. And now, But now / -더니
Lesson 28. Rather than, Would rather / -(으)ㄹ 바에
Lesson 29. Advanced Situational Expressions 13 / 차가 막힐 때 (When The Traffic Is Bad)
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 17[Blog] Things to Do in Korea: Jeju Mackerel (제주도 고등어)[Answers]
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Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 1
Paper Book: 164 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 220 * 10 mm
Shipping Weight: 419g
Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 2
Paper Book: 200 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 220 * 13 mm
Shipping Weight: 487g
Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 3
Paper Book: 200 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 220 * 13 mm
Shipping Weight: 486g
Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 4
Paper Book: 192 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 220 * 12 mm
Shipping Weight: 477g
Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 5
Paper Book: 216 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 220 * 14 mm
Shipping Weight: 522g
Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 6
Paper Book: 212 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 220 * 14 mm
Shipping Weight: 522g
Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 7
Paper Book: 204 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 220 * 13 mm
Shipping Weight: 500g
Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 8
Paper Book: 212 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 220 * 14 mm
Shipping Weight: 502g
Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 9
Paper Book: 220 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 220 * 15 mm
Shipping Weight: 518g
Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 10
Paper Book: 236 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 220 * 15 mm
Shipping Weight: 552g
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Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 10
Improve your Korean even further with the final level in the Talk To Me In Korean Essential Curriculum!
[eBook] Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 1
From saying the basic greetings, to counting numbers, and to having simple yet natural conversations in Korean, you can learn the basics of the Korean language with this textbook.
[eBook] Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 2
Conjuctions, tenses, telling time, and more! After studying with Level 2, you can hold short conversations in Korean regarding some of the most essential everyday topics.
[eBook] Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 3
Expand your knowledge of Korean by learning irregularities, linking verbs, politeness levels, and much more with Level 3.
[eBook] Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 4
After studying with this ebook, you will be more comfortable with making your own Korean sentences, have a broader Korean vocabulary, and be more familiar with reading Hangeul without romanization.
[eBook] Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 5
Develop your communication skills by building longer sentences and learning more about Korean culture!
[eBook] Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 6
Have more engaging conversations by expressing doubts, abilities, and happenings through the grammar points covered in Level 6.
[eBook] Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 7
In level 7, you will be able to start telling stories with reported speech, passive voice and more nuanced grammar.
[eBook] Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 8
After studying with this ebook, you will be able to express your thoughts and feelings with various idiomatic expressions, especially with those where our body parts are used. This level also covers a bunch of advanced situational expressions. Are you ready to spice up your Korean sentences?
[eBook] Talk To Me In Korean Textbook Level 9
Polish your grammar and enrich your expressions with Talk To Me In Korean Level 9 Textbook ebook.
Beautifully packaged set of books. I was already at level seven when I bought this bundle (i had been learning via the audio course/workbooks) but I have found the textbooks for past levels really useful whenever I want to quickly double check a grammar point. I also pick them up from time to time and check if there are any lessons I don’t remember/need to revisit, and this has helped me brush up on my weaker areas. Really recommend purchasing the complete set if you are serious about progressing in this language.
I ordered this in 2021 when it came out and I am still going through them all. (Slow learner ;D) I highly recommend getting this package as you have them all right away and can keep going back through them. I hope to see a similar limited edition with all of the workbooks! Thanks as always for the great resources.
I ordered this product about a week ago. I already had TTMIK 1 and 2 and now I am getting started on three. I am noticing exponential improvements in understanding, listening, and speaking Korean with getting these books. If I were to rate the series from books 1-3 I would easily say that it is a 5/5 series because of its lessons that give a great explanation on what is being learned, the examples in the lesson, the exercises after each lesson, and last but not least would be the blog that I get after every 10 lessons.
We appreciate your review! We are so glad that you like the books!!
Hope you continue to enjoy studying Korean with us 🙂
I ordered this for myself as a Christmas present last year and I’m more than halfway through Level 1 and I must say this has been the most fun AND easiest experience I’ve had with Korean. It’s amazing how just using book 1 I’m able to build/understand Korean sentences more easily .
Thousand thanks for your nice review! We are so glad that you like the books!!
I just received my order and I got all the books but I didn’t get the notebook, stickerpack, progress tracker nor the club certificate. I would like to know why I didn’t get it fully. I hope you can answer me soon. Greetings Ary
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