Vocabulary Package (Intermediate)
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As you reach an intermediate level in Korean, you’ll encounter more and more idiomatic expressions and Hanja. They may seem intimidating and challenging, but they are the key to taking your Korean language skills to the intermediate and beyond. And this bundle is the perfect way to tackle these challenges head-on!
With these books, you’ll learn the most commonly used Hanja and idiomatic expressions with many examples and real-world usages, which will greatly improve understanding in reading and listening.
BOOK 1: Your First Hanja Guide: Learn Essential Chinese Characters Used in Korean
Have you ever wondered if all Koreans know a lot of Chinese characters? Or if learning Chinese characters can help improve your Korean vocabulary? If so, this book is perfect for you!
This book is designed to help you enhance your Korean vocabulary and understanding of the Korean language by introducing the most essential Chinese characters used in Korean words. As you may already know, many everyday Korean words are based on Chinese characters, known as Hanja in Korean. So, whether you want to improve your Korean vocabulary or deepen your knowledge of Hanja, this book will be an excellent resource for you!
BOOK 2: Everyday Korean Idiomatic Expressions
Have you ever heard or read a Korean expression and felt completely confused, even though you knew all the words?
This book is designed to help you understand some of the commonly used idiomatic expressions in Korean and give you the skills to use them in your own conversations. We introduce 100 idiomatic expressions in this book, providing both a literal and actual usage translation, a detailed explanation, and two sample conversations with English translations for each expression. Enriching your Korean to sound more fluent has never been easier. Additionally, our fun illustrations will help you remember these expressions even better.
Tables of Contents
- Preface
- How to Use This Book
- Person
person 人/亻
enter 入
make 作
substitute / historical period 代
year 年
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
light 光
color 色
fish 魚
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
change 化
flower 花
north 北
old 老
long / elder 長
die 死
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
child / suffix 子
study 學
teach 敎
woman 女
good 好6
necessary / essential 要
mother 母
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
body 身
big 大
beautiful 美
character / script 文
oneself 自
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
pain / pungent 辛
intimate / parent 親
new 新
meaning 意
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
mouth 口
name 名
article / object 品
add 加
country / nation 國
the people / subjects 民
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
old 古
high 高
center 中
bear (fruit) / tie 結
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
mind / heart 心/忄
must / without fail 必
nature 性
love 愛
feeling 情
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
Hanja Sadaritagi (Ghost leg) Game
hand 手
father 父
time 時
special 特
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
right 右
left 左
have / exist 有
opposite 反
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
foot 足
go out 出
right / correct 正
subject 題
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
summer 夏
back / after 後
winter 冬
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
go 行
move / transfer 運
way / morals 道
pass through 通
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
house / -ist 家
peaceful 安
room 室
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
door / gate 門
ask 問
interval / between 間
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
inside 內
south 南
city / market 市
rain 雨
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
Hanja Yut-Nori
fire 火
autumn / fall 秋
nothingness 無
dot / spot 點
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
power 力
man 男
move 動
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
eat / food 食
gather 會
metal / gold 金
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
cow 牛
half 半
divide / minute 分
public 公
truth 眞
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
Natural Scenery
tree 木
east 東
west 西
heavy 重
cart / car 車
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
school 校
come 來
music / pleasure 樂
taste 味
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
mountain 山
world / lifetime 世
tea 茶
be born / life 生
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
Heavenly Bodies
day / sun 日
spring 春
moon / month 月
bright / next 明
a lot of / many 多
front 前
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
soil 土
land 地
place 場
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
small 小
work 事
water 水
alcoholic drinks 酒
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
up 上
down 下
Review Quiz
Flow Chart
Hanja Board Game
- Chapter. 1 뒷북치다
Chapter. 2 두 손 두 발 다 들다
Chapter. 3 아직 멀었어요
Chapter. 4 놀고 있다
Chapter. 5 뒤통수치다
Chapter. 6 불난 데 부채질하다
Chapter. 7 입을 모으다
Chapter. 8 손 놓고 있다
Chapter. 9 번지수를 잘못 찾다
Chapter. 10 말을 돌리다
Chapter. 11 병 주고 약 주다
Chapter. 12 가방끈이 짧다
Chapter. 13 머리를 식히다
Chapter. 14 눈에 밟히다
Chapter. 15 잠수를 타다
Chapter. 16 추위를 타다
Chapter. 17 기가 막히다
Chapter. 18 모범생
Chapter. 19 반반
Chapter. 20 잘나가다
Chapter. 21 마음은 굴뚝 같다
Chapter. 22 오리발 내밀다
Chapter. 23 김칫국부터 마시다
Chapter. 24 허리가 휘다
Chapter. 25 김새다
Chapter. 26 매운맛을 보여 주다
Chapter. 27 물 만난 고기
Chapter. 28 입이 짧다
Chapter. 29 발목 잡다
Chapter. 30 사랑이 식다
Chapter. 31 닭살 커플
Chapter. 32 눈을 붙이다
Chapter. 33 밀당
Chapter. 34 벼락치기
Chapter. 35 배가 아프다
Chapter. 36 잘난 척하다
Chapter. 37 사차원
Chapter. 38 손보다
Chapter. 39 앞뒤가 막히다
Chapter. 40 하늘이 노랗다
Chapter. 41 붕어빵이다
Chapter. 42 눈에 넣어도 아프지 않다
Chapter. 43 가시방석
Chapter. 44 동네북
Chapter. 45 콩깍지가 씌다
Chapter. 46 기가 죽다
Chapter. 47 눈빛만 봐도 알다
Chapter. 48 속을 썩이다
Chapter. 49 손이 발이 되게 빌다
Chapter. 50 바닥이 나다
Chapter. 51 품절남 / 품절녀
Chapter. 52 머리에 피도 안 마르다
Chapter. 53 비행기 태우다
Chapter. 54 바가지 쓰다
Chapter. 55 한눈팔다
Chapter. 56 수박 겉핥기
Chapter. 57 도마 위에 오르다
Chapter. 58 딸바보
Chapter. 59 발이 넓다
Chapter. 60 눈이 높다
Chapter. 61 귀가 얇다
Chapter. 62 하늘과 땅 차이
Chapter. 63 기분이 가라앉다
Chapter. 64 날아갈 것 같다
Chapter. 65 가슴에 못을 박다
Chapter. 66 말은 쉽다
Chapter. 67 생각이 없다
Chapter. 68 한 번 봐주다
Chapter. 69 넋을 잃다
Chapter. 70 급할수록 돌아가라
Chapter. 71 까칠하다
Chapter. 72 가슴에 와 닿다
Chapter. 73 눈코 뜰 새 없이 바쁘다
Chapter. 74 눈 밖에 나다
Chapter. 75 마음에도 없는 말을 하다
Chapter. 76 띄워 주다
Chapter. 77 돈을 물 쓰듯 하다
Chapter. 78 더위를 먹다
Chapter. 79 간에 기별도 안 가다
Chapter. 80 상처를 주다
Chapter. 81 눈앞이 캄캄하다
Chapter. 82 뜬구름 잡다
Chapter. 83 눈 깜짝할 사이에
Chapter. 84 말도 안 되다
Chapter. 85 분위기에 휩쓸리다
Chapter. 86 뼈 빠지게 일하다
Chapter. 87 생각이 짧다
Chapter. 88 발 디딜 틈이 없다
Chapter. 89 간이 콩알만 해지다
Chapter. 90 깨가 쏟아지다
Chapter. 91 손꼽아 기다리다
Chapter. 92 날개 돋친 듯 팔리다
Chapter. 93 물거품이 되다
Chapter. 94 바람맞다
Chapter. 95 갈수록 태산이다
Chapter. 96 꿀 먹은 벙어리
Chapter. 97 속는 셈 치고
Chapter. 98 일이 꼬이다
Chapter. 99 화풀이하다
Chapter. 100 모르는 게 약이다
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Product Details
Product Dimensions: 168 x 230 x 21 mm
Shipping Weight: 720g
Product Dimensions: 168 x 230 x 16 mm
Shipping Weight: 534g
Total Shipping Weight: 1,540g
This bundle is perfect, the hanja guide is so easy and simplified you could remember the hanja characters even if you haven’t opened the book in two weeks, the expressions are great as well it did also help a lot in watching kdramas as I could recognize with ease the expressions and understand them.
Can definitely recommend this bundle. So far I have mostly studied with the Hanja book and am loving it so far. The book teaches a lot of Hanja (around 120-130 I believe) and related vocabulary. I personally enjoy learning to read and write the Hankja characters themselves (mostly for the fun of it, but some of them can also be seen in daily life). There are also multiple vocabulary words for each of the Hanja, and learning the words this way stick so much better since you (at least in some cases) can break it up in to the individual Hanja with each of their meaning. As an example 학년 which comes from 학 (learn) + 년 (year) and means a grade (as in first grade, second grade etc. in school). Have not used the idiomatic expressions book too much yet since I’ve been studying with other books, but the things I have read in it are very useful. Idiomatic expressions are usually pretty hard, since they aren’t supposed to be taking literally and can therefore be hard to understand if you don’t know the expression.