Korean Q&A Sentence Patterns
Product Details
There are 50 questions, divided into 10 different categories, and each question is followed by 3 more similar questions, and each sample answer is also followed by 3 more possible answer types. (200 main questions and 200 answers in total!) And about each of the 50 questions, there is a sample answer by Talk To Me In Korean teachers and a short sample dialogue, also followed by study notes.
This will be a great learning material for anyone who is preparing for any kind of interviews in Korean, Korean speaking test, or real-life conversations at work or during travel.
Tables of Contents
1 Is there a food that you can t eat
2 Do you tend to eat a lot
3 Do you make sure you eat breakfast
4 Do you tend to eat out a lot
5 Do you tend to eat regular meals
6 Around what time do you usually go to bed
7 How many hours a day do you usually sleep
8 Can you normally sleep well just about anywhere
9 Do even the slightest sounds easily wake you up
10 What do you normally do when you can t sleep
11 What kind of student did you want to be
12 Which school subject did you like the most
13 Was there a school subject that you particularly hated
14 Were you a student who went to a lot of private institutes
15 Have you ever liked a teacher romantically
16 Have you ever transferred jobs
17 Are you doing work that is related to your major
18 Have you ever had trouble with your boss at work
19 Was there a profession that your parents expected you to have
20 If you could choose one out of all the jobs in the world what would you want to choose
21 Where do you normally watch dramas
22 Is there a particular drama genre that you prefer
23 What is the title of the drama that you ve enjoyed the most
24 Do you mainly watch Korean dramas or foreign dramas
25 Have you ever gone home early on purpose in order to watch a drama
26 If you like someone are you usually the one who approaches him her first
27 When you date someone do you usually see him her with marriage in mind
28 When you date someone what kind of problems mainly cause trouble
29 Do you tend to or did you use to go on a lot of blind dates or group blind dates
30 Do you usually date someone who you like or someone who likes you
31 Have you ever joined a fan club
32 Is there a celebrity with whom you are personally close
33 Have you ever thought you wanted to become a celebrity
34 Who was the first celebrity you ve seen in person
35 Is there a celebrity who you would want to meet and talk to in person
36 Do you believe that someone’s personality can change
37 Do you often hear that you have a good personality
38 Between your parents whose personality do you take after more
39 Was there a moment when your personality changed a lot
40 Do you usually hang out with people who have a similar personality to yours
41 On which item do you spend the most money
42 Until when did you live off an allowance from your parents
43 Have you ever heard people around you say you are a penny pincher
44 Do you tend to spend money on other people rather than yourself
45 What is the first item you could spend less on if you needed to cut down on spending
46 Have you ever been obsessed with anyone
47 Do you think you are a perfectionist
48 Are you the type of person who hates losing to someone
49 How long can you focus on one thing
50 Have you ever overcome an addiction on your own
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Reviews by people who have purchased this book
I love my book, always take it to everywhere I go to study whenever I have time. Love the fact that explain the different ways thing can be say in Korean, I practice with my Korean friends and they are surprised of how fluent sounds my conversation now, so Thanks a lot!
Kathy L.
This is a wonderful book. I also downloaded the audio to go with the text and it really helped. I’ve been learning Korean for about 1/2 a year and this is a great book to give exposure to natural speech(the longer answer from the teacher) and various ways to answer a question. Thank you TTMIK!!
Peter K.
Exactly what I needed! Briefly skimmed through the book and from what I read, the sample questions and answers as well as the breakdown of the sentences are exactly what I needed to advance myself in learning Korean!

Specifications of this book
Paper Book: 256 pages
Product Dimensions: 148 * 210 * 16 mm
Shipping Weight: 455g
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[eBook] Korean Q&A Sentence Patterns
This ebook introduces common sentence patterns used in interview questions as well as day-to-day conversations.
Speaking Package (Intermediate)
$93.96 Original price was: $93.96.$89.26Current price is: $89.26.
Practice your Korean speaking using various topics ranging from interview questions to phrases for travelers to natural expressions for daily conversations!
I bought this book to enhance my reading and translation. I really like the different sentence structures listed to ask/answer the same topic. I get fixated on translating exactly as the book, knowing there are many ways to say it (as in any language). This helps me break out of that and refresh on the differnt verb endings and alternate vocabulary. Very complimentary to the Real Life Conversation, Daily Vocabulary and First 500 Word book sets. I am using them all at the same time. When I find a new vocabulary word, I look to see if it is in one of the other books and then study that (and so on as a new vocab word comes up or I can’t remember one I know I have seen before). I agree with an earlier comment, repeating vocabulary throughout these books in many different contexts is such a great learning tool (my tutor tells me I have to hear it 1000 times and then I will not forget it!). All the TTMIK books build off and compliment each other. Such good review for those in the higher levels of the Core Curriculum. Never hurts to go back and study your basic grammar! AND thank you TTMIK for the much better shipping rates!!
Teaching English as a second language I was taught the importance of demonstrating question and answer structure. This book does a great job at teaching various questions and equipping the reader to structure questions and answers, giving them the confidence to create their own.
Hi, This book is very great and enjoyable to read. Even better than I expected.
– Well structured for Q and A and the grammar
– There are translation for each words. Exactly what we need when learning
– example sentences are useful and surely can be used in daily life
– Most importantly, I can see how thoughtful you were when creating this book. For example, We get new words on each chapter then you will see it again and again in the next chapters. So it helps learning new words while automatically rehearsing them
Love what you do here. I can easily say this is the best korean learning resource ^^
(I know this via jolly channel. This book will definitely help me to be able to communicate as well as Ollie can lol)
Hi, I’m Hwayeon from TalkToMeInKorean. Thank you for sharing your comment. It will be helpful when other learners choose the book:) If you have any other questions, please let us know.
hello, i have never received yet the books that i ordered last february 19, 2019
@Gian Carlos Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Most of all, we are so sorry for the delay. If you still haven’t received the book, please email us at [email protected]. We will glad assist you.
As a Korean learner I find it really hard to communicate with native speakers because of my lack of vocabulary and Korean knowledge. This book has been very useful for me to overcome that problem. Thank you very much !!
Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you so much for your review. We are so glad that this book actually came in handy! 감사합니다. 한국어 공부 화이팅!