Korean Q&A Sentence Patterns

This book introduces common sentence patterns used in interview questions as well as day-to-day conversations.


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  1. Sheri B,

    I bought this book to enhance my reading and translation. I really like the different sentence structures listed to ask/answer the same topic. I get fixated on translating exactly as the book, knowing there are many ways to say it (as in any language). This helps me break out of that and refresh on the differnt verb endings and alternate vocabulary. Very complimentary to the Real Life Conversation, Daily Vocabulary and First 500 Word book sets. I am using them all at the same time. When I find a new vocabulary word, I look to see if it is in one of the other books and then study that (and so on as a new vocab word comes up or I can’t remember one I know I have seen before). I agree with an earlier comment, repeating vocabulary throughout these books in many different contexts is such a great learning tool (my tutor tells me I have to hear it 1000 times and then I will not forget it!). All the TTMIK books build off and compliment each other. Such good review for those in the higher levels of the Core Curriculum. Never hurts to go back and study your basic grammar! AND thank you TTMIK for the much better shipping rates!!

  2. Hannah-May Metternick-Jones,

    Teaching English as a second language I was taught the importance of demonstrating question and answer structure. This book does a great job at teaching various questions and equipping the reader to structure questions and answers, giving them the confidence to create their own.

  3. Naai InKorean,

    Hi, This book is very great and enjoyable to read. Even better than I expected.
    – Well structured for Q and A and the grammar
    – There are translation for each words. Exactly what we need when learning
    – example sentences are useful and surely can be used in daily life
    – Most importantly, I can see how thoughtful you were when creating this book. For example, We get new words on each chapter then you will see it again and again in the next chapters. So it helps learning new words while automatically rehearsing them

    Love what you do here. I can easily say this is the best korean learning resource ^^
    (I know this via jolly channel. This book will definitely help me to be able to communicate as well as Ollie can lol)

    • Hwayeon Kim,

      Hi, I’m Hwayeon from TalkToMeInKorean. Thank you for sharing your comment. It will be helpful when other learners choose the book:) If you have any other questions, please let us know.

  4. Gian Carlos,

    hello, i have never received yet the books that i ordered last february 19, 2019

    • Yeji KIm,

      @Gian Carlos Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Most of all, we are so sorry for the delay. If you still haven’t received the book, please email us at [email protected]. We will glad assist you.

  5. Shamimi Nasir,

    As a Korean learner I find it really hard to communicate with native speakers because of my lack of vocabulary and Korean knowledge. This book has been very useful for me to overcome that problem. Thank you very much !!

    • Yeji KIm,

      Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you so much for your review. We are so glad that this book actually came in handy! 감사합니다. 한국어 공부 화이팅!