Talk To Me In Korean Workbook Level 3
Product Details
If you’ve finished studying the level 3 lessons at Talk To Me In Korean or through our textbooks, you can now practice and test your Korean with these workbooks. Developed by certified teachers to help you review and reinforce what you’ve learned in the Talk To Me In Korean lessons, this workbook contains 3 main categories of review and 16 different types of exercises.
1. Vocabulary
2. Comprehension
3. Dictation
Types of Exercises
1. Writing
2. Reading
3. Matching
4. Complete the dialogue
5. Fill in the blank
6. Complete the sentence
7. Multiple choice
8. Translation (Korean ↔ English)
9. Short answer
10. Define and translate
11. Fill in the conjugation chart
12. True/False
13. Q&A
14. Vocabulary builder pyramid
15. Situational expressions
16. Vocabulary web
Tables of Contents
How to use the Talk To Me In Korean Workbook
Quick guide to Han-geul
Lesson 1. Too much, Very / 너무
Lesson 2. Linking Verbs / -고
Lesson 3. In front of, Behind, Next to, On top of, Under / 앞에, 뒤에, 옆에, 위에, 밑에
Lesson 4. Shall we…?, I wonder… / -(으)ㄹ까요?
Lesson 5. Approximately, About / -쯤, 정도, 약
Lesson 6. Future Tense / -(으)ㄹ 거예요 vs -(으)ㄹ게요
Lesson 7. Linking Verbs / -아/어/여서
Lesson 8. To look like, To seem like (used with nouns) / – 같다
Lesson 9. To look like, To seem like (used with verbs) / -(으/느)ㄴ 것 같아요, -(으)ㄹ 것 같아요
Lesson 10. Before -ing / -기 전에
Lesson 11. Irregulars: ㅂ / ㅂ 불규칙
Lesson 12. But still, Nevertheless / 그래도
Lesson 13. Making Adjectives (Part 1) / adjectives in infinitive form + -(으)ㄴ + 명사
Lesson 14. Making Adjectives (Part 2) / action verbs + -는 + 명사
Lesson 15. Well then, In that case, If so / 그러면, 그럼
Lesson 16. Let’s / -아/어/여요 (청유형)
Lesson 17. In order to, For the sake of / 위해, 위해서
Lesson 18. Nothing but, Only / -밖에 + 부정형
Lesson 19. After -ing / 다음에, 후에, 뒤에
Lesson 20. Even if, Even though / -아/어/여도
Lesson 21. Linking Verbs / -(으/느)ㄴ데
Lesson 22. Maybe I might… / -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요
Lesson 23. Word Builder 1 / 학(學)
Lesson 24. Irregulars: 르 / 르 불규칙
Lesson 25. Verb Ending / -네요
Lesson 26. Irregulars: ㄷ / ㄷ 불규칙
Lesson 27. Politeness Levels / 반말 and 존댓말
Lesson 28. “Let’s” in Casual Language / -자 (반말, 청유형)
Lesson 29. Irregulars: ㅅ / ㅅ 불규칙
Lesson 30. Word Builder 2 / 실(室)
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Reviews by people who have purchased this book
Sára S.
Amazing! I really love this book since the different exercises are so helpful! This book is complete and it’s really fun to work with it!
Catherine L.
Perfect. For a long time I’ve been interested in learning Korean but before all of my other resources couldn’t teach me anything but phrases and vocab, I didn’t know how to put a simple sentence together. I’m glad that I saw a TTMIK review and after looking at the website a bit I bought the books. The books really break down sentence patters and go into really great depth even more than their online curriculum does. If anyone is serious about actually learning Korean buy these books!
Marissa W.
Super helpful!! I’ve been retaining my Korean a lot more with the workbooks.

Specifications of this book
Paper Book: 144 pages
Product Dimensions: 188 * 256 * 10 mm
Shipping Weight: 387g
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This grammar book really helps to make sure that all the grammar I learn during the lessons really sticks. All the excercises are explained clearly and there is plenty of room to write the answers, and make notes if you want to.
The Grammar book is a good way to practice what you learn in the lessons. There are a lot of different types of exercises. I also like that there the questions will sometimes incorporate phrases/grammar structures from previous lessons. My one criticism is that there are no review lessons. I think a review lesson/test at the end of the grammar book would make it better.
Thank you for your review! We really appreciate your feedback 🙂 If you have any other questions or feedback, please contact us at [email protected]!