"Take a Giant Step into Advanced Korean"
Sample Lessons
Main topics of the Level 8 course:
- Advanced idiomatic expressions including various body parts
- Advanced situational expressions for refusing, agreeing, making suggestions, defending, giving compliments, and showing happiness
- Various ways to express past / present / future tenses
- Advanced sentence structures
- Essential Hanja: 점(點), 주(主), 상(上)
Table of Contents
Average lesson length: 13 minutes
Lesson 1. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions / 눈 (eye) – Part 1
Lesson 2. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions / 눈 (eye) – Part 2
Lesson 3. Right after + V-ing / -기가 무섭게, -기가 바쁘게
Lesson 4. N + that (someone) used to + V / -던
Lesson 5. Advanced Situational Expressions: Refusing in Korean
Lesson 6. It means … / -(ㄴ/는)다는 뜻이에요
Lesson 7. Word Builder 15 / 점 (點)
Lesson 8. I hope …, I wish … / -(으)면 좋겠어요
Lesson 9. Past Tense (Various Types) / 과거시제 총정리
Lesson 10. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions – 귀 (ear)
Lesson 11. Sentence Building Drill 12
Lesson 12. Present Tense (Various Types) / 현재시제 총정리
Lesson 13. Word Builder 16 / 주 (主)
Lesson 14. Advanced Situational Expressions: Agreeing
Lesson 15. Future Tense (Various Types) / 미래시제 총정리
Lesson 16. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions – 가슴 (chest, heart, breast)
Lesson 17. If only it is not … / -만 아니면
Lesson 18. In the same way that …, just like someone did … / -(으)ㄴ 대로
Lesson 19. Even if I would have to, even if that means I have to / -는 한이 있더라도
Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 13
Lesson 21. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions – 머리 (head, hair)
Lesson 22. Word Builder 17 / 상 (上)
Lesson 23. Advanced Situational Expressions: Making Suggestions in Korean
Lesson 24. It is just that …, I only … / -(으)ㄹ 따름이다
Lesson 25. Advanced Situational Expressions: Defending in Korean
Lesson 26. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions – 몸 (body)
Lesson 27. Advanced Situational Expressions: Complimenting in Korean
Lesson 28. despite, in spite of / -에도 불구하고
Lesson 29. Advanced Situational Expressions: When You Feel Happy
Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 14
Review What You’ve Learned in Level 8
What you can find in this course:

Lesson notes

Sample dialogues

Review quizzes

Review lesson
Why you'll LOVE our Core Grammar courses
All Levels Covered
By simply following our curriculum that covers 10 levels, you can take your Korean skills from absolute beginner all the way up to advanced. -
Short and Digestible Lessons
Each lesson is bite-sized and easy to understand, as it focuses on one grammar point at a time and provides many example sentences. -
Fun Story-based Reviews
You can review the entire course through a fun story! The final lesson of each course features a fun story that allows you to review all the grammar and vocabulary introduced in the course. -
Review Quizzes and Interactive Audio Lessons
You can test your new knowledge through review quizzes and interactive audio lessons, where our teachers ask you questions, and you can respond and check where you need to improve.
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우와 제가 티티믹의 1급으로 한국어 공부하기 시작했을 때가 3년 된 것을 깨달았구나… 너무 잘 가르쳐 주셔서 정말 감사합니다. 열심히 끝까지 공부하겠습니다!
한국어 공부 파이팅! 응원합니다 🥰
Hi, TTMIK. Workbooks for Level 8 to 10 haven’t published yet?
Here is a whatsapp group for beginners and also intermediate ! Welcome 😉
안녕하세요 에러분!
I’ve started a Google Classroom if anyone would like to join using the code e27babn. You can also join the Kakao groupchat using this this link: https://open.kakao.com/o/geSyS3Od
And if anyone wants to help run the Google Classroom, just message me on Kakao at @vbngloss!
안녕하세요!! If you want someone to study with, you can send me a message on Kakao! My ID is DaniChaves
Here is a whatsapp group for beginners and also intermediate ! Welcome 😉
Do you have skipe or even instagram or anything else ? cause I don’t use kakao talk…
I’m about to finish level 8 but I still don’t understand the use of ‘으로’ even if I always look back to review. I know this question is not for this level but can you explain it more to me?😅
Thank You!🤗
으로 can be just simply translated as ‘through’ or ‘by means of’
So 차로 would mean ‘by means of a car’. Or 핸드폰으로 would mean ‘by means of a phone’. While we wouldnt say it like that in English I find 으로 easier to understand if I think of it in those terms.
차로 학교에 갔어요. – by means of a car I went to school
핸드폰으로 엄마에게 전화했어요 – by means of a cellphone I called mom
I guess there are a lot according to how different the uses of 으로 are in different contexts. But I guess sometimes just going with the flow and just letting it be, it’ll slowly but gradually progress and the usage may not be explainable enough for you when you grasp it but you’ll understand it. Same goes to me.
We are so glad that you have already finished level1-7. Keep up the good work! ^^
으로 is a postpositional particle that indicates the route/direction of movement, the cause of or reason for something, status or capacity, time, a thought about something, the material or ingredient of an object, a tool or means for something and so on. ex) 나는 집으로 갔다, 그 곳은 이번 태풍(typhoon)으로 큰 피해를 입었다, 그 사람이 대통령(president)으로 뽑혔다, TTMIK 새 도서 출시(release)가 내년으로 미뤄졌다, 나는 먹는 것을 큰 즐거움으로 생각한다, 그건 가죽(leather)으로 만든거야, 밥은 숟가락(spoon)으로 드세요. There are further meanings of 으로, so please learn more about it! ^^ Hope you find this helpful. 🙂
안녕하세요. In the quiz for Lesson 15, could you explain why “볼게요” is used instead of “볼 거예요”? is it because the context of the conversation where the 부장님 (older/higher position)?
There isn’t much difference between 볼게요 and 볼거에요. More specifically, -할게요 means that I will do something while 할 거에요 also includes a firm will to do/achieve something. Also, -할게요 can be used only with a subjective “I” while -할거에요 can be used with any subjective. ex) 제가/내가 할게요(ㅇ) 영희가 할게요(x) 그들이 할게요(x) 제가/내가/영희가/그들이 할 거에요(ㅇ)
저에게 도와 주기 때문입니다. I dont understand why this sentences is wrong. Can you explain to me? THANK YOO
The correct one is “저를 도와주기 때문입니다.”
You should use ‘-를’ instead of ‘-에게.’
대학 다니었을때 티티믹으로 간단하게 한국어 독학을 했는데.. 졸업하고 나서 바로 한국 중견기업에 일하게 되었어요! 배워야 할게 아직 많지만… 지금 제가 이 자리에 있는것도 진짜 어마어마한 일이라고 생각합니다. 그게 바로 티티믹 선생님들(하고..제 노력…헿) 덕분이죠… 선생님들 감사합니다!!
그리고… 업무 메일 쓰기 수업 있으면합니다!!! 저도 실제 업무 관련 메일 주고받기를 통해 많이 배웠습니다만 비즈니스 메일 쓰는 방법에 대한 특정한 수업이 있으면 얼마나 좋았을까…싶네요… 검토해주시기 바랍니다 ^^ (앗!! 그런 수업 이 사이트 어딘가에 이미 있으면…알려주세요 헤헿)
감사합니다 티티믹 만만세!!!
우와… 정말 축하드려요! 한국어로 쓰신 댓글을 보니 정말 많은 노력을 하셨을 것 같아요.
아직 비즈니스 메일과 관련한 수업은 없지만 검토해 볼게요! ^^
안녕하세요 선생님 ^^질문이 있어요.
“이런 영화를 보고는 했어요 ” 그리고 “봤던 영화 ” 어떻게 다른가요? Both mean I used to watch that movie ,right??
봤던 is closer to “have seen”.
이거 예전에 봤던 영화예요. This is what I’ve seen before.
선생님 댓글대로 “봤던” have seen 거의 비슷하면 “보던” 무슨 뜻이에요?
알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
“보던”은 was watching/used to watch 라는뜻으로 쓰일 수 있어요.
제가 보던 영화예요. This is the movie that I was watching.(haven’t finished yet)
제가 자주 보던 영화예요. This is the movie that I used to watch often.
Level 8 시작 했으니까
연습 많이 하고 한국어를 잘 할 거예요 .
ttmik 선생님들 고마워요 …
잘 할 수 있을 거예요, Reena!
한국어 공부 파이팅!
why I can’t see the lessons ?
If you still have a problem, e-mail us please!
[email protected]
티티믹 사이트만 아니면 제 한국어 실력은 이렇게 늘 수 없었을텐데. 제가 원래 눈 썰미가 좋은 편이 아닌데 티티믹 덕분에 한국어 공부하기가 엄청 쉬어지고 재밌어져서 아무리 오래 걸려도 끊임 없이 한국어를 공부할 거예요. 머리가 깨지는 한이 있더라도 절대 포기하면 안돼요! ㅋㅋ
맞아요. 포기만 안하면 됩니다 🙂 마이클씨 한국어 실력이 정말 엄청나세요 ㅎㅎ 파이팅 입니다!
저도 그렇게 생각해요! 마이클 씨 한국어 정말 잘 해요. 제가
이제만, 레벨 8 끝이 후에서, 코멘트 섹션 찾아서 코멘트로 연습 안 했어요. 쓰기 연습 위해 핼러턱만 썼는데도 불구하고 아프로 여기에서 열심히 연습 할게요!!😅
그리고 티티믹 이 수업들 진짜 좋아요. 한국어 학습위해서 이 사이트가 제일 좋아는 것 같아요. 감사합니다!! ♡♡♡
do u have kakao? let’s help each other!