Survival Korean
We picked the most essential Korean phrases you need to know while traveling or living in Korea, and divided them into 20 different situations, which comes with detailed explanations about the phrase itself AND fun and useful information about the situation where the phrases are used in.
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Product Details
We picked most essential Korean phrases you need to know while traveling or living in Korea, and divided them into 20 different situations, which comes with detailed explanations about the phrase itself AND fun and useful information about the situation where the phrases are used in. Also, the tips here and there in the book we provide as the locals will help you better understand what is going on, what to do, and what not to do, whichever situation you are in.
For those who have a curious mind and want to communicate with the locals more actively, the book also provides quick guides to everything you need to know including how to read Hangeul, Korean numbers, how to ask a question, etc..
You can use this book as a reference book, pulling out from your purse or your bag whenever you want to know what to say in a certain situation, or you can study the phrases, sentence by sentence, situation by situation. Whichever way you choose to utilize this book, this book will save your day in Korea. Survival Korean to the rescue!
This book has been made in collaboration with Keith Kim from Be sure to check out for information on traveling and living in Korea!
Table of Contents
How To Use This Book
Introduction to 한글 (Hangeul)
#1 Food
Common Phrases: Restaurant & Cafe
Food Delivery
#2 Transportation
Common Phrases: Bus & Subway
Asking and Giving Directions
#3 Shopping
Grocery Shopping
Internet Shopping
#4 Daily Life
Hair Salon
Mobile Phone
Package Delivery
Dating & Marriage
#5 Health
Common Phrases: Hospital & Pharmacy
#6 Career
Common Phrases: School, Hagwon, & Business
Common Phrases: School & Hagwon
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Reviews by people who have purchased this book
Nicolas J.
Essential for expats and travelers! This book will teach you everything you need to know in order to interact with businesses and services in Korea on a daily basis. It also contains a lot of useful cultural information and tips. Another great title from TTMIK! 🙂
It’s probably the most usefull book for trip to Korea. There are a lot of great information how to survival in Korea. Thank you!
Eloise H.
Thrilled. I bought this book for my daughter-in-law. She has to go to S Korea for 6 weeks for her job and she was thrilled when I gave it to her. She has read it from cover to cover and loved it. She said it will be a big help while she is in S Korea.

Specifications of this book
Paper Book: 277 pages
Product Dimensions: 148 * 210 * 15 mm
Shipping Weight: 420g
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Survival Korean Bundle (Hangeul + Survival + Traveler’s Korean)
$66.97 Original price was: $66.97.$63.62Current price is: $63.62.
Learn the most essential Korean for travelers and new expats who are about to start living in Korean through the 3 books in this bundle!
[eBook] Survival Korean
We picked most essential Korean phrases you need to know while traveling or living in Korea, and divided them into 20 different situations, which comes with detailed explanations about the phrase itself AND fun and useful information about the situation where the phrases are used in.
Loving this book because it has helped me trust more in the skills I have been able to develop so far by studying with TTMIK courses and material. I made a trip on July 2023 to Kukkiwon for Taekwondo training and studying, and I was able to survive on a daily basis by properly commuicating in regards of basic things like going to restaurants, stores and handling myself with transportation; also, got really excited when realized that I could even understand some aspects of the classes imparted in Korean without the help of an interpreter. Thanks for this and all the books from the Core Grammar courses.
I am thankful for this book. It has really helped me get more confident in my speaking Korean in different situations like ordering food or taking transportation. Kudos to whoever thought of this book. I hope you’ll have a part two coming out real soon.
Thank you for learning Korean with us 🙂 So glad that it was helpful. We’re doing our best to publish perfect books for TTMIK learners ! So please wait for them to be released ! ^^ Happy studying