Writing Package (Beginner)
Product Details

Do you want to start posting on social media in Korean? When you say or write things in Korean, do you sometimes wish you could write more complex and sophisticated sentences? Get this bundle and you will see some real progress very soon! This writing package for beginners has three very useful books for you!
Book 1: My First Writing Practice in Korean
What was your day like today? What is on your mind right now? What are you celebrating? These are not only good questions to answer on social media, but also great topics to write about for improving your Korean! Improve your Korean writing skills by sticking to a regular schedule with the 30-day challenge in this book. The TTMIK team designed this book so that even learners with no writing experience can start making realistic and natural sentences in Korean!
Just follow the friendly guidelines in this book and fill in the blanks with words about your own daily life. You will find yourself writing very natural and interesting captions for your social media posts in Korean! Every time you take a photo with your phone, you can easily find a phrase or sentence structure you can use to make a really cool Korean caption.
Book 2: Build & Extend Your Korean Sentences
If you were to sit down at a desk now and write about your day in your journal, what kind of sentences can you write? How accurately can you describe your thoughts in Korean? To express your ideas clearly in a different language, you need two elements: (1) a rich vocabulary and (2) a wide variety of sentence structures you can use. This book will help you achieve the 2nd element, by training you to write more and more complex sentences in Korean!
This book is designed for beginner and intermediate Korean learners that want to practice extending Korean sentences related to everyday activities. You can develop a general understanding of how Korean sentences are structured, and learn to make progressively longer sentences.
Book 3: The Korean Verbs Guide
Never feel uncertain about how to finish your Korean sentences again! This two-book bundle will systematically train you to conjugate Korean verbs faster than any of your Korean-learning friends! Just by memorizing new Korean verbs, you won’t be automatically able to say what you want to say, because you still need to conjugate them into various tenses and voices. This book will help you learn how to do that much more easily.
Learn new words, learn how to use them in sentences, read more sample sentences, and then review with quiz questions! The Korean Verbs Guide will help you not only save time but also save a lot of trouble for when you need to speak Korean confidently in the future.

Tables of Contents
How to Use This Book
Korean Language Basics
Day 1. [N] 시작: 휴가 시작
[N] begins: vacation beginsDay 2. [N1] + -(이)랑 [N2]: 엄마랑 쇼핑
[N2] with [N1]: shopping with my momDay 3. [N] 중: 산책 중
in the middle of [N]: in the middle of a walkDay 4. 오늘도 [N]: 오늘도 운동
[N] today as well: exercising today as wellDay 5. [N] 전: 외출 전
before [N]: before going outDay 6. [N1] + -이/가 좋아하는 [N2]: 내가 좋아하는 옷
[N2] that [N1] likes: clothes that I likeDay 7. [N] 끝: 청소 끝
[N] is done: cleaning is doneReview
Day 8. 오랜만에 [N]: 오랜만에 치킨
[N] for the first time in a while: fried chicken for the first time in a whileDay 9. 너무 [Adj] + -다!: 너무 귀엽다!
It is so [Adj]!: It is so cute!Day 10. [N1] + -의 [N2] Part 1: 오늘의 점심
[N1]’s [N2] Part 1: today’s lunchDay 11. [N1] + -의 [N2] Part 2: 예지의 그림
[N1]’s [N2] Part 2: Yeji’s drawingDay 12. [N] + -을/를 [V] + -았/었/였다.: 카메라를 샀다.
I [V] [N].: I bought a camera.Day 13. 아! [V] + -고 싶다!: 아! 여행 가고 싶다!
Ah! I want to [V]!: Ah! I want to travel!Day 14. 아! [V] + -기 싫다!: 아! 일어나기 싫다!
Ugh! I don’t want to [V] + -ing!: Ugh! I don’t want to get up!Day 15. [V] + -기 성공: 1년에 책 100권 읽기 성공
success in [V] + -ing: success in reading 100 books in a yearReview
Day 16. 나를 위한 [N]: 나를 위한 선물
[N] for me: a present for myselfDay 17. [N1] + -은/는 [N2] + -와/과 함께: 케이크는 커피와 함께
[N1] goes well with [N2]: cake goes well with coffeeDay 18. [N] + -은/는 처음: 운전은 처음
first time [N]: first time drivingDay 19. [V] + -(으)ㄹ 때 [Adj] + -(으)ㄴ/는 [N]: 웃을 때 예쁜 소희
[N] who is [Adj] when they [V]: Sohee who is pretty when she smilesDay 20. [Adj] + -(으)ㄴ/는 [N]: 피곤한 월요일
[Adj] [N]: tiring MondayDay 21. [Adj] + -(으)ㄹ 것 같다.: 맛있을 것 같다.
I think it will be [Adj].: I think it will be delicious.Day 22. [N] + -을/를 [V] + -(으)ㄹ까 고민 중: 머리를 자를까 고민 중
thinking about [V] + -ing [N]: thinking about getting my hair cutReview
Day 23. [V] + -고 있는 나: 졸고 있는 나
me [V] + -ing: me dozing offDay 24. 내가 [V] + -는 이유: 내가 살이 찌는 이유
the reason why I [V]: the reason why I gain weightDay 25. 벌써 [N] + -(이)네.: 벌써 12월이네.
Wow, it is already [N].: Wow, it is already December.Day 26. [N] + -이/가 별로 [Adj] + -네.: 사람이 별로 없네.
[N] is not very [Adj].: There are not very many people.Day 27. [V] + -(으)ㄹ 수 있을까?: 오늘 집에 갈 수 있을까?
Will I/we be able to [V]?: Will I be able to go home today?Day 28. [V] + -(으)세요.: 주말 잘 보내세요.
[V] (imperative).: Have a good weekend.Day 29. [V/Adj] + -아/어/여요. / [V/Adj] + -(스)ㅂ니다.: 결혼해요. / 결혼합니다.
I/we [V/Adj].: We are getting married.Day 30. [V/Adj] + -았/었/였어요. / [V/Adj] + -았/었/였습니다.: 행복한 생일이었어요. / 행복한 생일이었습니다.
I/we [V/Adj].: I had a happy birthday.Review
- [Preface]
- [How to Use This Book]
- [Korean Language Basics]
- [30 Chapters for Sentence Extension Practice]
- [Glossary for Major Vocabulary]
- How To Use This Book
General Rules of Verb Conjugation in Korean
1. 가다 to go
2. 오다 to come
3. 먹다 to eat
4. 보다 to see
5. 사다 to buy
6. 있다 to be (there)
7. 없다 to be not (there)
8. 자다 to sleep
9. 하다 to do
10. 놀다 to play, to hang out
11. 멀다 to be far
12. 가깝다 to be close
13. 살다 to live
14. 도와주다 to help
15. 쉽다 to be easy
16. 어렵다 to be difficult
17. 눕다 to lie (down)
18. 춥다 to be cold; to feel cold
19. 덥다 to be hot; to feel hot
20. 귀엽다 to be cute
21. 싫다 to hate
22. 찾다 to look for, to find
23. 입다 to wear, to put on
24. 잡다 to grab, to catch
25. 열다 to open
26. 놀라다 to be surprised
27. 멈추다 to stop
28. 고르다 to choose
29. 모르다 to not know
30. 빠르다 to be fast
31. 걷다 to walk
32. 자르다 to cut
33. 다르다 to be different
34. 듣다 to hear
35. 물어보다 to ask
36. 웃다 to smile
37. 받다 to receive
38. 닫다 to close
39. 믿다 to believe (in)
40. 낫다 to feel better
41. 씻다 to wash
42. 앉다 to sit
43. 벗다 to take off
44. 보내다 to send
45. 팔다 to sell
46. 기다리다 to wait
47. 달리다 to run
48. 읽다 to read
49. 쓰다 to write
50. 무섭다 to be scary; to be scared
51. 만나다 to meet (up)
52. 얻다 to get
53. 만들다 to make
54. 잃어버리다 to lose (something)
55. 잊어버리다 to forget
56. 좋다 to be good
57. 좋아하다 to like
58. 마시다 to drink
59. 정하다 to decide
60. 바꾸다 to change
61. 알다 to know
62. 좁다 to be narrow
63. 넓다 to be wide
64. 떠나다 to leave
65. 때리다 to hit (someone)
66. 일어나다 to wake up
67. 늦다 to be late
68. 기르다 to grow; to raise
69. 싸우다 to fight
70. 싸다 to be cheap
71. 비싸다 to be expensive
72. 찍다 to take (a photo)
73. 졸다 to doze off
74. 쉬다 to rest
75. 크다 to be big
76. 작다 to be small
77. 졸리다 to be sleepy
78. 피하다 to avoid
79. 화내다 to get angry
80. 아프다 to be sick
81. 타다 to take, to ride
82. 느끼다 to feel
83. 죽다 to die
84. 느리다 to be slow
85. 같다 to be the same
86. 나가다 to go out
87. 울다 to cry
88. 누르다 to press
89. 밀다 to push
90. 당기다 to pull
91. 놓다 to put
92. 끝나다 to be over
93. 가르치다 to teach
94. 내다 to hand in, to pay
95. 빼다 to take out
96. 넣다 to put in
97. 배우다 to learn
98. 되다 to become
99. 걸다 to hang
100. 예쁘다 to be pretty
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Specifications of the books in this package
Product Dimensions: 175 x 195 x 12 mm
Shipping Weight: 335g
Product Dimensions: 168 x 230 x 16 mm
Shipping Weight: 589g
Product Dimensions: 148 x 210 x 22 mm
Shipping Weight: 640g
This bundle really helped when I just started to learn Korean. I am someone who really needs to use a language to learn it, so “My First Writing Practice in Korean” in combination with the verbs guides and “Build & Extend Your Sentences” really helped me with that. The books are easy to use and all the explanations and exercises are easy to follow.
My Korean tutor recommended that I practice writing sentences every day but I end up writing the same things all the time because I am not creative 🤣 My First Korean Writing Practice is awesome because it gives me lots of new ideas. I use the Grammar books to learn, and these books to supplement and extend my knowledge. Very happy with my purchase!
What I love about the TTMIK books is how nicely they’re designed and easy to follow. These books make learning fun and don’t overwhelm you with too much information.
I bought this package about 2 months after starting to learn Korean through TTMIK’s core curriculumn. I used the verbs guides to practice the new grammar I learned after each lesson by conjugating each verb in the structure taught, which gave me 1-2 hours of writing & sentence practice a day. Definitely helped solidfy basic vocabulary and practice Hangul! I’m working through Build & Extend Your Korean Sentences right now, and its helping me better understand Korean grammar. It was a little bit too difficult for me when I first bought the package, but after 1.5 years of studying it’s perfect.