Real-Life Korean Conversations (Beginner + Intermediate)

Through natural dialogues on very realistic and common day-to-day topics and situations, you can pick up new words, new cultural knowledge and new sentence patterns that you can put to use in your next interaction with a Korean speaker.

Original price was: $50.98.Current price is: $48.43.

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  1. Sheri B,

    I wish I would have bought this set earlier in my learning journey! Although I am on Level 8 and have been studying with a tutor for almost three years, I bought both the Beginner and Intermediate books so I could refresh on the earlier grammar and really practice listening and translating native conversations. Even though I know a lot of the vocabulary, there are still some new words in the dialog. The pronunciations are very clear and starting out with Beginner book to nail down interpretations with known vocabulary is just what I needed. The way the lessons are structured is perfect for studying and I can tie these lessons with chapters/lessons/exercises in many of the other TTMIK books, especially the vocabulary books. From there I can listen to those stories and sentences to reinforce the learning. I feel really smart when I can translate the audio without looking at the book. 🙂

  2. Jocelyn Chay,

    My wish was to learn to sound more natural in speech and these books helped to achieve that. I also liked the grammar explanations along the way and the settings given which already help with the everyday conversing. Great set !

  3. Allissa Creitz,

    Wonderful book for learning how real conversations in Korean sound like. Unlike TalkToMeInKorean, there are many Korean learning books (even some I have read personally) which include very unnatural Korean sentences and conversation examples. Personally, I didn’t want to learn “textbook Korean” style speech, so these books really helped me understand how natural conversations sound in Korean.

  4. Ana Tinoco,

    The best book set for practice your speak, the beginner’s book is wonderful, I love the audio, it is quite useful, and how the book is structured helps to advance the learning of the language.

  5. Nicole Mostaccero,

    This is a great bundle for people who have a basic knowledge in Korean. It includes various examples of conversations, vocabulary, exercises, even some short grammar sessions~ Definitely a perfect complement for your learning journey. 10/10 recommended!🙂

  6. Melissa Hauer,

    These books are really nice if you’re looking for material and grammar which is used in spoken Korean. There are also many grammar points which I so far haven’t learned through the 7 Levels of the TTMIK Korean books, with which I’ve studied so far, therefore you’ll always be able to learn something new 🙂 There are also many new vocabulary words for you to learn – I really recommend this book to intermediate and beginner learners, as well as advanced learners since you’ll still be able to make yourself sound more natural when speaking Korean. 🙂

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Thank you so much for your review! Your words mean the world to us. We are so glad you like the books🙂

  7. Josh,

    My problem was that I could read well, but by listening comprehension wasn’t allowing for me to understand a native speaker. This book is perfect for improving listening comprehension. I understood my first conversation just after three dialogues 쓰 Thanks you TTMIK!

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Great to hear that you enjoy studying with this book! Thank you for studying Korean with us🙂

    • Randa Allam,

      the book is really good.. in my opinion, if you are going to study from one source so this book is all what you need.. thank you TTMIK

  8. E,

    I received my books yesterday and let me tell you, the quality is amazing. They look really nice and they are made of a really nice material. Korea is known for its aesthetics and I guess that goes for books too! 진짜 대박! The fanciest educational material I’ve ever seen 😆❤️

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Thanks for your love! Hope you enjoy learning Korean with our book🙂

  9. Maeva,

    Thank you very much for this book, studying by myself is not that easy every day, but with this book, I really feel like there is a Korean teacher with me!
    Plus I’m so glad to have find a book with different type of exercises: reading, listening, grammar, pronunciation… not just another vocabulary book! Cause vocabulary is important of course but to really improve my skill I would like to practice in different way : this book is perfect!
    The beginner book is really good for people who already know a bit and it makes you improve really fast!
    I can’t wait to begin the intermediate book too, and with the first one it will be possible!

    • Hwayeon Kim,

      Hi, I’m Hwayeon from TalkToMeInKorean. We are glad to hear that you really like the book:) Thank you for studying with us!

  10. Natalie Blanchfield,

    i am literally obsessed with these books

    • Talk To Me In Korean,

      Thank you so much for your words. We are so happy to hear that you like the books!!

  11. Pao,

    Excellent book, it have many different conversations that you can practice if you are beginner

    • Yeji KIm,

      Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you very much for your review. We are so glad that you found these books helpful!

  12. Jereika Aiko Tan,

    I received my product quickly because I chose the express shipping. I’m from the Cebu City, Philippines and it’s not easy to find good korean books here. I’m thankful for these books because I’m having a great time reading them per page. I know it can be a little expensive but it’s really a good book. I recommend these books if you can read hangul already and have basic foundation with vocabularies. Hope this review will help for my fellow Filipino citizens. 🙂

    • Sarah Umairah,

      Hey, may I know how long did they take to process your order? How many days did it take for the books to arrive at your house?

    • Sarah Umairah,

      Hey, may I know how long did they take to process your order? How many days did it take for the books to arrive at your house?

    • Sarah Umairah,

      Hey, may I know how long did they take to process your order? How many days did it take for the books to arrive at your house?

    • Sarah Umairah,

      Hey, may I know how long did they take to process your order? How many days did it take for the books to arrive at your house?

    • Yeji KIm,

      Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you so much for your words. We are so happy to hear that you like the books :):)

  13. Joshua Chu For,

    How can i access the audio files?

    • Yeji KIm,

      @Joshua Chu For Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. You can download all the audio files in the following link: It is also written on the back of the book. 🙂

    • Annisa Amadredja,

      helo, is this coming with e-book version?

  14. Julia Mongeon,

    I love these books. The illustrations and realistic conversations make it easy and enjoyable to learn. I highly recommend!!!

    • Yeji KIm,

      Hi! This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. Thank you so much for your review. We are so glad to hear that you love the books!

  15. Rachel M Gaddie,

    I placed my order on Sept 20th and it was shipped in October however I have never received my books.

    • Yeji KIm,

      @Rachel M Gaddie Hello. This is Yeji Kim from Talk To Me In Korean. We sincerely apologize for the delay. If you haven’t received the book, please email me at [email protected]. We will gladly assist you.

    • mel,

      did you ever recieve them?