When you want to talk about the shape of something or what someone looks like, there are mainly 3 words you will find in the dictionary.
- 모양
- 모습
- 생김새
모양 and 생김새 are fairly easy to understand.
모양 is usually the go-to word for the "shape" of an object. You can describe a round object as 동그란 모양.
생김새 can also refer to the shape of an object, but it can also refer to the looks or features of a person.
But the word 모습 is a bit more complicated. Watch this video lesson to learn more about how to use the word 모습!
모습 is often used together with other verbs to form phrases like these:
- 웃는 모습 = the way someone smiles/laughes
- 자는 모습 = the way someone sleeps
- 걷는 모습 = the way someone walks
- 우는 모습 = the way someone cries / the sight of someone crying
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