"Communicate With Ease in Everyday Situations!"
Sample Lessons
Main topics of the Level 3 course:
- Politeness levels in Korean (존댓말, 반말)
- Future tense
- Essential verb-endings
- Basic expressions for making guesses
- How to conjugate irregular verbs
Table of Contents
Average lesson length: 11 minutes
Lesson 1. Too much, Very / 너무
Lesson 2. Linking Verbs with -고
Lesson 3. In front of, Behind, On top of, Under, Next to / 앞에, 옆에, 위에, 밑에, 뒤에
Lesson 4. Shall we? / I wonder / -(으)ㄹ까요?
Lesson 5. Approximately, About / 쯤, 약, 정도
Lesson 6. Future Tenses / -(으)ㄹ 거예요 vs -(으)ㄹ게요
Lesson 7. Linking Verbs With -아/어/여서
Lesson 8. To look like, To seem like / 같아요
Lesson 9. To seem like, To look like (with verbs) / -ㄴ 것 같아요
Lesson 10. Before -ing / -기 전에
Lesson 11. ㅂ irregular / ㅂ 불규칙
Lesson 12. But still, Nevertheless / 그래도
Lesson 13. Making Adjectives / Descriptive Verbs + -ㄴ 명사
Lesson 14. Making Adjectives / Action Verbs + -는/(으)ㄴ/(으)ㄹ + 명사
Lesson 15. Well then, In that case, If so / 그러면, 그럼
Lesson 16. Let’s / -아/어/여요 (청유형)
Lesson 17. In order to, For the sake of / 위하다, 위해, 위해서
Lesson 18. Nothing but, Only / 밖에 + 부정형
Lesson 19. After -ing / 다음에
Lesson 20. Even if, Even though / -아/어/여도
Lesson 21. Linking Verbs with -는데 / noun + -인데, adjective + -ㄴ데
Lesson 22. Maybe I might… / -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요
Lesson 23. Word Builder 1 / 학(學)
Lesson 24. 르 irregular / 르 불규칙
Lesson 25. Verb Ending / -네요
Lesson 26. ㄷ irregular / ㄷ 불규칙
Lesson 27. Politeness Levels / 반말 and 존댓말
Lesson 28. “Let’s” in casual language / 반말
Lesson 29. ㅅ irregular / ㅅ 불규칙
Lesson 30. Word Builder 2 / 실(室)
Review What You’ve Learned in Level 3
What you can find in this course:

Lesson notes

Sample dialogues

Review quizzes

Review lesson
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Fun Story-based Reviews
You can review the entire course through a fun story! The final lesson of each course features a fun story that allows you to review all the grammar and vocabulary introduced in the course. -
Review Quizzes and Interactive Audio Lessons
You can test your new knowledge through review quizzes and interactive audio lessons, where our teachers ask you questions, and you can respond and check where you need to improve.
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Hi, is this expression correct to say “After my trip” or “After my journey”?
여행 다음에
후에 is better, I think. 다음에 = next while 후에 = after
Is this a good use of 비슷하다? 두 후보 모두 비슷해요.
I have been studying Korean on my own for about 8 months and was having a lot of difficulty and was about to give up. Then about two months ago I finally decided to try TTMIK and it has made all the difference. These courses are wonderful! Everything I was learning before has finally come together and the concepts are making sense, and they are sticking. My only frustration is that I am having such a hard time hearing the language. I can read it very well and I understand things now, but when I listen…I get very little. The review was amazing, but when I listened to it, I probably understood a quarter of it. When I read it, I got it 100%. I’m so frustrated with myself that I can’t hear what it is being said. I just can’t seem to train my ears correctly. Anyway, just wanted to thank you, these classes are truly wonderful. 감사합니다!!!
It seems you have a lot of concerns about the listening area. Try to improve your listening skills through the course. Since you are very good at reading, you are doing well! We are really glad to hear that your skills have improved through TTMIK. Keep studying hard! 🤓
Hi! I have a question on Lesson 9. Sentence “I think it will be interesting. = 재미있을 것 같아요.” Could you correct me if this 2 next sentence works like this as well. “I think it is interesting. 재미있는 것 같아요.” “I think it was interesting. 재미있은 것 같아요.”
When using the present tense, you should write it as follows:
– action verb + -는
– descriptive verb + -은
However, 있다 is an exception and should be written as 있는.
And when using the past tense, you should write it as follows:
– action verb + -은
– descriptive verb + -았/었/였던
Therefore, you should say 재미있었던 것 같아요.
For reference, you can learn about -(았/었/였)던 in Level 8 Lesson 4.
I just finished my Review and did better than expected, certainly better than after Book 1 and 2! I am excited to finish the extracurricular courses now, especially the book on writing practice. Whoohooohoooo! 감사합니다, TTMIK 선생님들!
It seems you’ve been studying Korean diligently! I’m really happy to hear that your skills have improved. The writing practice book will surely help you enhance your abilities as well! 👍
In Lesson 11, Sample Dialogue, person A finalizes by saying “너무 더우면 말하세요.” Why is it 더우면 and not 덥면? You describe in the lesson that you change the ㅂ to 우/오 if and only if the following suffix starts with a vowel, but 면 starts with the consonant ㅁ, so why does the ㅂ change into 우? Maybe this is a special case with the ~(으)면 conjugation that I’m not aware of yet.
That’s correct. Since it’s -(으)면 and not just -면, it should be considered as starting with a vowel. Therefore, when using 덥다 with -(으)면, you must first apply the ㅂ irregular rule.
I see, that makes a whole lot more sense. It just felt a bit weird at first that 는/고 wouldn’t change the ㅂ, but 면 does even though all of those start with a consonant. Although, looking back at lesson 11 and the -(으)면 cases, it does make sense that the ㅂ would change into 우 as there’s an implied 으 in the third case of -(으)면 even if it’s not explicitly spelled out.
아주 신기하는데 조금 이상하기도 합니다! 감사합니다!
In Level 3 Lesson 11, there are two rules for the ㅂ irregular:
1. If the vowel before ㅂ is 오, change ㅂ to 오.
2. If the vowel before ㅂ is not 오, change ㅂ to 우.
As a result, in 덥-, the ㅂ changes to 우. Combining it with 더, you get 더 + ㅂ = 더 + 우.
In Level 2 Lesson 23, there are three rules for using -(으)면:
1. Verb stems ending with a vowel + -면
2. Verb stems ending with ㄹ + -면
3. Verb stems ending with consonants other than ㄹ + -으면
Therefore, since 더우 ends with a vowel, it requires -면. Combining 더우 + -면 results in 더우면.
Just finished the Review Lesson, and I am at the edge of crying because I forgot everything that I have studied so far, even though I practiced almost every day 🙁 but I will keep trying
It seems you have many concerns about studying Korean!
As Terence mentioned, engaging in direct conversations with Korean friends can significantly enhance your Korean language skills. If you don’t have Korean friends, I recommend taking courses like “My Virtual Korean Friends: Korean Speaking Practice” or “REAL Korean Conversation Explained” to practice speaking.
Additionally, after completing a level, reviewing the grammar content with a quick overview can help reinforce your understanding. You’ll be able to study at a much faster pace than when you started.
Studying Korean may be challenging, but with TTMIK, you can definitely succeed! 한국어 공부 파이팅! 💪
I have been in your situation so many times. I think the only thing we can do is persevere. I do wonder though. If this happens, should we start from the beginning of the lesson and go through all the steps again? I remember in the Pimselur books it was suggested to move on if you grasp 80% of the lesson. What do you all think?
Have you tried talking to actual Korean people? I’m not sure what immersion techniques you are using, if you are using any, but you will be able to retain your knowledge by actively using the material you are learning in real life situations.
I recommend interacting with Korean people any way you can.
What I like to do is to talk and play with Korean people in Roblox Voice Chat games to help retain the stuff I learn in the lessons.
hello, i have a question: in Level 3: chapter 2:
어제 영화 보고 밥 먹었어요. it’s translated “I ate after I watched the movie yesterday.”
There’s word “After” in English but not in Korean sentence? is it always like this Or should be included the word “after” in K.sentence?
The “after” comes from the -고. You can also say “Yesterday, I watched a movie and then ate [a meal]”.
In Level 3.18 Question 6,
A: 사무실에 석진 씨 있어요?
B: 아니요. 지금 사무실에 저밖에 없어요.
I’ve had this thought with previous questions, but I had assumed that B님 is 석진씨. What part shows that this is a different person? Thank You
I’m glad to hear that you understood! 한국어 공부 파이팅!
I understand now that B’s answer wouldn’t make sense in that case, but I thought that Person B was Sokjin because I assumed they weren’t talking face-to-face (phone call, text, email, 등). I feel like I have seen 현우 and 경은 address each other with their names many times. It’s not 선배, 사장님, or 당신.
A is not talking to Sokjin. If he is than it would be like Me asking you “Is Alek at the office?” And You answering me “no, right now there is no one other than me”. What made you think B is 석진 btw?
Lesson 4 -ㄹ/을 거 예요 -ㄹ/을 까요
If I was flying somewhere and had a connecting flight to the final destination and my current flight departed late or was slower than expected meaning the time between landing and boarding was going to be short. If I was asked by one of the flight attendants when I was going to board my connecting flight could I use something like “저는 제주도로 16시에 출발할 까요.” to be a bit humorous, with the implication of “if you get me there in time”? Or would that just not make sense to a native speaker?
Well, that statement doesn’t come across as humorous to Koreans. It would be more natural to say something like, “제주도로 16시에 출발할 거예요. 그런데 가능할지 잘 모르겠어요.”. : )
Lesson 6, not 4
Why is it 재미있는 게임 and not 재미있은 게임?
While “재미있다(= to be interesting)” is an adjective, the expressions that end in -있다 and -없다 are exceptions. They should be conjugated with -는.
한국어 공부 파이팅!
Because it’s not a 은/는 noun particle.
It’s 는 form for verbs
Level 3 lesson 7.
I cannot understand how using -아/어/여서 form is different from using the -고 form. After all they both list 2 actions one after the other.
For example this sentence “공원에 가서 책을 읽을 거예요.” could use -고 and sounds the same 공원에 가고 책을 읽을 거예요.
In the first you are saying first you go to the park and then you will read a book (perhaps implying that at the park you’re going to be reading the book) while the other is just saying you’re go to the park and you will read a book but the two events are not connected/related in any way — or even that one is going to happen first or even sequential (might read the book in the morning and go to the park in the afternoon and do a bunch of other things in between).
어/아/여 서 connects related actions while -고 connects independent actions.
Hi, I do not understand one example in L3 Lesson 6.
그래요? 다시 할게요. = Is that so? I will do it again.
If you say “다시 할 거예요” [da-si hal kkeo-ye-yo] here instead of “다시 할게요” [da-si hal-kke-yo] implies that you were already aware of the problem and you were going to do it again anyway. This comes off as a little insulting.
Maybe the context is missing because I do not understand where/what is the problem. In the comment, it reads “implies that you were already aware of the problem and you were going to do it again anyway. ” but the example itself says “I will do it again.”. So, why is it doing something again if it is a problem?
I think the key difference here is whether or not the doing it again is in reaction to someone else’s thoughts/comments or if you were going to do it again no matter what anyone else thought or said. I don’t think (even if the lesson mentions some problem occurred) the why it’s being done again matters for the choice of verb ending.
BTW, “할께요”. “할가요” 아니예요.
I guess because de « -게요 » imply that the action is being taken because of the say of the first protagonist, it will not be “natural” to say « 그래요 ». It’s like : really ?? I will do it again then.
And : really ?? I will do it again matter what.
It’s better just to say « I’m going to do it again »
It’s not that you were already aware of the problem but more that you were already planning to do the action, with or without the intervention of someone else
Guys, feel free to correct me, I hope you understood
Please disregard my question. Thanks
In Level 3 lesson 21, example 1. 내일 일요일인데, 뭐 할 거예요? If this particular ending is to be used after action verbs, why is it attached to a noun in this example? is 일요일 considered a verb? There are nouns used in other examples too. Just trying to understand. Thanks.
It changes into a verb form by adding -이다 to 일요일(일요일 + -이다 + -ㄴ데).
Also, the hyphen is used not to attach to the verb stem but to indicate that it is written without spaces.
한국어 공부 파이팅! : )
Hi TTMIK team,
regarding 반말 and word ending.
I thought 반말 of 밥 먹었어요 would be 밥 먹었어요?
If I am not mistaken you have mentioned the “ya” ending like 먹었냐.
My understanding was that 밥 먹었어요? is “neutral” 반말 whereas 먹었냐 has a additional nuance like coming across as rough/raw. I actually heard this in a drama in which one older gangster asked a younger gangster (his “employee”) “밥 먹었냐?” and when the younger one said no he suggested to go to restaurant they used to go often in the past. And then there is the “니” ending like 먹었니? I was told you can say this to emphasise “cuteness” ?
밥 먹었어요? is 존댓말. The 반말 form of the sentence would be:
– 밥 먹었어?
– 밥 먹었냐?
– 밥 먹었니?
HI TTMIK team,
regarding speaking 반말 and asking for permission when it is justified (based on the rules you have mentioned). Does it also happen the person can say no or would say rather say yes even though they would want to say no?
I have tons of Korean friends and we all naturally switch to 반말 once we start to feel close, but usually friends have told me to use it, but sometimes, they ask me if I want to practice 존댓말 sometimes too. Also, my friends have also told me that in their relationships with other Koreans that the older person will sometimes suggest/ask that they switch to 반말 first.
Yes. It happens. Some people, who prefer to use 존댓말, choose not to use 반말, while others, who might not feel comfortable with rejecting a suggestion, accept it and use 반말.
Hi TTMIK team,
I know it’s not really the content from Level 3 and it might come up in future lessons. I am referring to the book “1100 short & useful Korean Phrases” and it is regarding (은/는) 어때요? / vs. 는요. I would want to make sure I understand and to know what is perhaps more natural. E.g.
파스타는 어때요?
When the person declines, the I would make another suggestion: 그러면 피자는 어때요?
Instead of 그러면 피자는 어때요? can one also say (그러면) 피자는요 ? Or is there a difference between these two?
Thank you in advance,
wonder what is more standard / natural:
That’s a great question! “피자는요?” works perfectly fine, but “그러면 피자는 어때요?” is definitely clearer. Both phrases are natural and standard.
I have a possibly silly question!
In Lesson 29 verbs like 짓다 are conjugated like this 짓 + 었어요 = 지었어요
But I thought usually when the verb stem 이 meets 어요 it becomes combined to make verbs like to drink: 마셔요
Is that only in some cases or is it different because its irregular?
You’re right! The vowel contraction doesn’t occur in this irregular case, unlike verbs such as 마셔요.
Hi, in the lesson 22 in lvl 3, one of the sample sentences is
“저 내일 안 올 수도 있어요.” (I might not come here tomorrow.).
Would it be possible to write
“저 내일 올 수도 없어요.” instead? Would the meaning be the same? Thank you.
They don’t mean the same.
“저 내일 올 수도 없어요.” could mean “I can’t even come here tomorrow”
I started learning for free back in 2020 and I was thinking this content shouldn’t be free, but i highly appreciated it. TTMIK is how i learned most of my Korean now. These courses are awesome. I’m so glad to have been able to subscribe to the courses and they saved my progress after converting over. So glad about that.
Hi! For the sample dialogue in Lesson 15, “우체국 옆에 냉면 맛있는 집 있는 거 알아요?” Can you also say “우체국 옆에 냉면 맛있는 집 있어, 알아요?” and still have the same meaning? Or does it have to have the 는 거 modifier in this situation?
It perfectly works and it seems to be easier to say!🙂 However, all the endings in your sentence need to be consistent, either in 존댓말 or 반말!
1) 우체국 옆에 냉면 맛있는 집 있어요, 알아요? (존댓말 – Polite/formal language)
2) 우체국 옆에 냉면 맛있는 집 있어, 알아? (반말 – Casual/informal language)
Hello! How do we negate sentences using future tense, or when making adjectives with descriptive verbs? Do we place the 안 before the modifying verb, like this?:
저는 내일 대학교에 안 갈 거예요.
이 거는 재가 안 읽은 책이에요.
You’re right! Your sentences are correct except for a couple of typos.
저는 내일 대학교에 안 갈 거예요. (= I’m not going to the university tomorrow.)
이거는 제가 안 읽은 책이에요. (= This is the book that I didn’t read.)
To mean, “This is not the book that I read”, you can say “이거는 제가 읽은 책이 아니에요.”
안녕하세요! Is the lesson audio not available on the site anymore? It’s only coming up as a link to sound cloud now.
We experienced a temporary error, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. Our audio is now back in action and playing smoothly. Thank you for your patience!
안녕하세요 선생님! I have a question about lesson 18. when you have to use a noun with a suffix, you can add 밖에 after the suffix?
for example, if I need to write ” I only want to go home”, shall i write “저는 집에밖에 안 가고 싶어요” ?
안녕하세요! In that case, you can use -만, the suffix introduced in Lesson 15 of Level 2, and say “저는 집에만 가고 싶어요.”