"Communicate With Ease in Everyday Situations!"
Sample Lessons
Main topics of the Level 3 course:
- Politeness levels in Korean (존댓말, 반말)
- Future tense
- Essential verb-endings
- Basic expressions for making guesses
- How to conjugate irregular verbs
Table of Contents
Average lesson length: 11 minutes
Lesson 1. Too much, Very / 너무
Lesson 2. Linking Verbs with -고
Lesson 3. In front of, Behind, On top of, Under, Next to / 앞에, 옆에, 위에, 밑에, 뒤에
Lesson 4. Shall we? / I wonder / -(으)ㄹ까요?
Lesson 5. Approximately, About / 쯤, 약, 정도
Lesson 6. Future Tenses / -(으)ㄹ 거예요 vs -(으)ㄹ게요
Lesson 7. Linking Verbs With -아/어/여서
Lesson 8. To look like, To seem like / 같아요
Lesson 9. To seem like, To look like (with verbs) / -ㄴ 것 같아요
Lesson 10. Before -ing / -기 전에
Lesson 11. ㅂ irregular / ㅂ 불규칙
Lesson 12. But still, Nevertheless / 그래도
Lesson 13. Making Adjectives / Descriptive Verbs + -ㄴ 명사
Lesson 14. Making Adjectives / Action Verbs + -는/(으)ㄴ/(으)ㄹ + 명사
Lesson 15. Well then, In that case, If so / 그러면, 그럼
Lesson 16. Let’s / -아/어/여요 (청유형)
Lesson 17. In order to, For the sake of / 위하다, 위해, 위해서
Lesson 18. Nothing but, Only / 밖에 + 부정형
Lesson 19. After -ing / 다음에
Lesson 20. Even if, Even though / -아/어/여도
Lesson 21. Linking Verbs with -는데 / noun + -인데, adjective + -ㄴ데
Lesson 22. Maybe I might… / -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요
Lesson 23. Word Builder 1 / 학(學)
Lesson 24. 르 irregular / 르 불규칙
Lesson 25. Verb Ending / -네요
Lesson 26. ㄷ irregular / ㄷ 불규칙
Lesson 27. Politeness Levels / 반말 and 존댓말
Lesson 28. “Let’s” in casual language / 반말
Lesson 29. ㅅ irregular / ㅅ 불규칙
Lesson 30. Word Builder 2 / 실(室)
Review What You’ve Learned in Level 3
What you can find in this course:

Lesson notes

Sample dialogues

Review quizzes

Review lesson
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Short and Digestible Lessons
Each lesson is bite-sized and easy to understand, as it focuses on one grammar point at a time and provides many example sentences. -
Fun Story-based Reviews
You can review the entire course through a fun story! The final lesson of each course features a fun story that allows you to review all the grammar and vocabulary introduced in the course. -
Review Quizzes and Interactive Audio Lessons
You can test your new knowledge through review quizzes and interactive audio lessons, where our teachers ask you questions, and you can respond and check where you need to improve.
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I have a question, on Lesson 2 Exercise 7, there is the form of the verb 가다 adding -고 as “갔고”. When we use past tense and add ‘고”. Why is there “ㅅㅅ” after 가?
You add -고 after the verb stem of 가다 (to go) to make 가고 (go and). Similarly, as the past tense form of 가다 is 갔다(went), you add -고 to its verb stem, which is 갔, and make 갔고 (went and).
i have a doubt in ‘lesson 8’
it is written that when (이)랑 and 하고 are added to 같아요 it takes on the meaning of “to be same” and when they are not added, 같아요 takes the meaning of “to be like”. So there is a sample sentence given in the notes “우리 나이가 같아요” which has been translated as “We have the same age”, however here 랑 or 하고 are not present, so shouldn’t the translation be different?
thanks in advance
The sentence doesn’t have 랑 or 하고 but 우리 is actually referring “I” and “You/He/She/They” so it literally means “Our ages are the same.”
I have a question about the irregular ㅂ (Lesson 11)
돕다 = to help
= 도 + ㅂ + 다 → 도 + 오 + 아요 = 도와요 by this logic should the future tense not be 도올 거예요 rather than 도울 거예요? Thanks in advance.
Here is an explanation for How to Study Korean website which I found explained it pretty clearly:
Note: The ㅂ in 돕다 and 곱다 changes to 오 only when ~아/어 (or any derivative like ~았/었다 or ~아/어요) is added. When adding any other vowel, ㅂ changes to 우. For example, in future lessons you will learn about adding ~ㄹ/을 to verbs. When this gets added to 돕다, it changes to 도울.
Took me too long to reply and say thank you! Thank you! So it gets explained in future lessons? Why 우 and not 오 when followed by the future tense ㄹ? I hope I can remember the peculiarities! Does this happen to all ㅂ irregulars?
Hi, it is confusing at first but i found this answer on a website.
“ㅂirregular verb/adjective rule is: When a word stem with final consonant ㅂ + a particle start with vowel, ㅂ changed 우 or 오.
* ㅂ => 오 (only with 아 vowel) => 와 돕다, 곱다. 돕(다) + 아요 => 도와요 곱(다) + 아요 => 고와요 c.f. 돕(다) + 으면 => 도우면 곱(다) + 으면 => 고우면
* ㅂ => 우 어렵다, 쉽다, 덥다, 춥다, 귀엽다, 아름답다, 맵다, 눕다, 줍다. 덥(다) + 어요 => 더워요
Thus, 돕(다) + 을 거예요 => 도울 거예요
Thank you! Sorry it took me so long to pass on my thanks! So only when met with the 아 does ㅂ become 오? But if 오 is met with ANYTHING else it becomes 우?
I am here in Busan during 추석. I am here for four weeks going to Lexus Korea school. I will also visit Seoul for a the last week of September at the Conrad Hilton. 🤭 is anyone here too?
hi there! hope your educational trip went nice! How did you find Lexis? Is it good? Worth to try? I have also plans but I don’t know what to do.
Yes I learned a lot in only a three week try. I want to go again for another month, but this time I will go in Seoul. Homestay worked out nice for me.
Thats Lexis, not Lexus. I had a one sentence convo with a man at Haeundae Beach.
Hi everybody, I’am an adult Korean learner who would like to practise and studying with others people. Is there someone who wants to create a workgroup, I begin de level 3, I speak French and also a little bit of English. See you soon.
Hi, I am also french looking for someone to practice my Korean with. 🙂
Hello, quelle belle surprise!!! Je suis super contente 🙂.
Peut-on prendre contact via l’interface de TTMIK ? Sinon, une autre idée?
Salut, je ne suis pas française mais je parle la langue française. Je suis ivoirienne cependant j’étudie aux Etats Unis. Nous pouvons creer un GroupMe ou un group whatsapp/instagram pour faire connaissance d’abord et trouver un moyen d’apprendre ensemble.
I have a question for lesson 11 section 4. If you want to conjugate 돕다 with -(으)면, according to the solutions it should be 도우면 but since 돕다 is with the vokal 오, shouldn‘t it be 도오면?
An odd question: in the review there is the sentance “shall we go somewhere else?” The :somewhere here confused me as in Level 2 I learned “somewhere” as 어딘가. But “somwhere else” is different. Is it a vocab word I.missed in the lessons somewhere (If someone could tell me where I would be grateful!) Or is it utilising the ㄴ 데 from Level 3 Lesson 21? If so, can you use this on nouns with out the 이다? Thanks for possible future enlightenment!
About lesson 30 and the question from 현우 about why 화장 (make-up) + 실 (room) =
화장실 = toilet, bathroom in a lot of languages. It might come from French, you can say “faire sa toilette” or “se laver” meaning “washing yourself”, making yourself pretty/clean. The place where you do it is “la salle de bain” (the bathroom) but perhaps in the old days it was the room to do your “toilette” (making yourself clean/pretty. I don’t know, it makes sense for me ^^.
This has probably been asked before – or I am being dense but; in Lesson 13 & 14 there is the word 명사 in the lesson title – but I can’t see where this comes into the lesson. Please can anyone help me with this? Thank you!
명사 means noun, so it isn’t an expression that you learn to use there, but it referres to the case when you change the verb into the adjective form and add a noun behind it 🙂 hope, that explains it a bit
Here is a whatsapp group for beginners and also intermediate ! Welcome 😉
may you resend it please?🙏 it’s not working anymore😢
Is there still a possibility to join this WhatsApp group for beginners?
명사 means “noun” in English
Adjectives/Descriptive verbs + -ㄴ + 명사
” 작은 집” is an example used in Lesson 13.
=> 작은 is the adjective and 집 is the 명사.
I hope this was helpful 🙂
Super, great! Thank you! I feel rather embarrassed that I didn’t figure that one out!! Thank you again.
That’s alright. You’re welcome!!
Hi! Here is a link to Kakao chat where native speakers help us out learning Korean.
There are several regular group study sessions where you can talk with Korean learners and Korean natives!
안녕하세요 TTMIK Team, 저는 레벨 3 끝났어요. 레벨 4 시작하기 전에 전체 레벨을 반복할 거예요. 감사합니다 😊
for 같 if you are saying “like” in a sentence but not referring to liking something or comparing something do you still use 같 ??
No you wont
Hello! I had a question about lesson 9 and using “-ㄴ 것 같아요”. Can we use this to form negative sentences as well? For example, if I want to say, I don’t think they talked, can I say “이야기한 것을 안 같아요”?
Yes you can
it would be 이야기 안 한 것 같아요, with the 하다 being past tense (한).
and you would add 우리 before that**
This is very useful. just wondering if 고 나서 is being covered as I couldn’t find it anywhere in the courses here.
O que seria 고 나서 ?
Hmmm do you use 존댓말 or 밤말 with your parents/ aunts&uncles?
It depends .. usually since they are older and respected people children should use 존댓말 but since they are family members and the closest people to each other many use 반말 … I know this as a asian person. I speak Hindi and it’s said that we should speak formally with our elders but I and most of the people I know use informal speech.
TTMIK은 재미있고 좋아요!
Hi Guys,
I created a kakaotalk group, please join so we can all help each other.
Link below.
I have a question about level 3 lesson 6. Does the use of (으)ㄹ게요 also apply to conditionals where you aren’t involving the other person at all? For example if I wanted to say “If I have time I’ll study later” could I say something like “나중에 시간이 있으면 공부할게요” ? Or is it better to use 공부할거예요? Does it not matter?
By the way thank you guys so much for these lessons! They’re insanely helpful.
Actually을 게요 is like a decision we make in the presence of someone. 을 거예요 Is simply a future tense. You can use either one depending on situation. If you are talking to someone and come to this agreement then you would want to use 을 게요 so that you’re telling the other that this will be the case if you want to give your thoughts then go ahead. And you’ll use 을 거예요 when it’s just what you’re saying without anyone’s participation. ..try to understand and feel the situation that’s the only best way to learn a language 😅
I think that if you are determined that you’re going to study later and no one can change that decision, then you can use 거예요. But if you’re talking to someone and want to see what they have to say about it or how they react then you can say 게요. I’m sorry if I’m wrong 😅
Thanks for replying! I’m still confused though lol. Because me studying later is contingent on whether or not I have the time, so I’m not really “determined” in that sense. But the added context of talking to someone helps! I’ll use 게요 if I’m talking to someone and I want their opinion.
Oh I see…. then I guess you can use 거예요 . Because you’re already mentioning “있으면” from which the meaning is clear that you will study ONLY IF you have the time. And another point I’d like to add is you need not use 존댓말 when talking to yourself. I hope I could help 🙂
Hello everyone!! I just Made a group chat in kakao for everyone that wants to practice korean. https://open.kakao.com/o/gXGlV8Uc this Is the link. AND the group Is called “한국어 말기 연습”
Hey in lesson 16 ,what’s the difference between sijakhaeyo and sijakhaseyo
The first one “sijakhaeyo” is the present tense of the verb to start, to begin (sigjakhada) and the second one is the imperative.
시작해요 is a more generic “start”, while 시작하세요 is honorific so it shows more politeness and is for when you’re talking about someone else.
I think the difference is that the first one ‘’시작해요’’ means ‘’start it’’ ,and ‘’시작하세요’’ means kind of ‘’go ahead’’
I hope you get the meaning! ^^
Great lessons! Well explained that make listeners easily understood.
However, I have a question for level 3-23. For the word 방학, I understand that it means School Vacation. But the Chinese character 放學 doesn’t mean Vacation. So, I’m confused.
In lesson 23, they explained in the beginning that the hanja characters meanings may have different meanings from the modern spoken Chinese. As have seen 放學 is indeed after school in modern Chinese. However, the ancient meaning (the hanja meaning) might have been vacation and maybe it is for this reason that in Korean, 放學 means vaccation.
Hope it helped, have a nice day !
Georges H
Yes, I understand what you mean. The meaning of Chinese characters are only good for a references in Korean language. Thank you for your explanation😊
Hello TTMIK and all Fans of Korean language!
I’m just stuck in one grammar conjugation. I learned about irregular verbs ㅂ and in
workbook level 3 lesson 11 I came across: 어렵다~어려운 것 as a noun form and can’t figure out how is it correct if according to rules verbs ending with ㅂ does not change into 우 when is followed by suffix with consonant :ㄴ in this example. Could you explain it please. Thank you😊
For 어려운 것, 어렵다 meets with -(으)ㄴ 것. So it’s actually followed by suffix with vowel, and could follow the ㅂ irregularity rule.
It’s the same with 어렵다 meets with -(으)ㄹ 거예요 in future tense
Let me explain quickly, the verb is 어렵다, as you can see the verb stem is 다 and not ㅂ, so when you turn is into a noun the verb stem 다 disappears and you add ㄴ 것. (so ㅂ is not modified)
Hope it helped, have a nice day !
Georges Heng
Awesome course! Finally got premium and it was worth it! 다 감사해요!
HI ! I am currently on level 3, I would love to practice with other person, is someone interested? AAA
Hi, are the slots still available?
Hi! I’m interested in group study. Can I join?
hi, I started studying again, I’m on level 3 now, we can be study buddies if you want. Here’s my Telegram Channel
https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAETOEJcFJVZgqawPtA < 여기서 만나요! ☺️
yes why not
Hi! I was wondering if I could study with you, its easier to learn as a group than alone.
Let’s practice together
Hi, i want to, what your prefer, ig, snap?
hi, do you want to practice together? if so my snapchat is mariam_ayee
whats the right one?
my bad i gave the wrong snapchat
omg we have the same name, i will text u
How much time did you spend to get to that level ?
You can do 2 lessons a day starting from level 1, it will only take 30minutes totally, and you can reach here in about 45 days..
I did 3 lessons a day from level 1 and in 30 days I reached in level 3.
It get harder and harder after every lesson but you have t practice.
Même si je suis au niveau 7, it is good to do this review.